Saturday, November 9, 2024

WHAT IS LIFE ??? Try to imgine "nothing"...

 How are you doing?  Kind of tough to imagine nothing, isn't it?  How about we change "nothing" to Pure Spirituality?

Let's go back to my sketch of the Whole Human Being:

The only part we can see is #1, the physical part.  But how about

#2, #3, and #4?  One's MIND and one's Spirituality and Soul?  That's three parts we cannot physically see, nor think about, nor imagine!  And yet, both Freud and Perls were both attempting to pry open a way to explore the MIND because they Intuitively sensed there was something important hidden behind the term "MIND"!  But that 'something' evaded their intellectual discovery... primarily because they confined themselves to their brains and "thinking" (using the Left-Hemisphere of the brain]!

Your MIND is part of what keeps you from being aware of it... because the energy of the MIND is "emotion"!  And to discover your MIND, you must "fully embrace" your MIND [whose Energy we refer to as "emotion".  The term Intellectualism refers to  people who confine themselves to use of the Left-Hemisphere of the brain as their primary means of thinking.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking" [or "D-Think"] for short.  D-think are thoughts fed to you brain by your MIND. Rather than continue to be embarrassed by being confined to a symbolic representation of the MIND...( the term "MIND" itself), a number of intellectuals [including B.F. Skinner] came up with a neat way to avoid the MIND entirely.  They simply invented the oxymoron  "behavioral psychology"!   And suddenly, the brain is launched into a superior role over that of the MIND.

The term Paychology begins wih "Psyche" which the Greeks defined as "Self," "Soul," and "MIND":  The problem is... none of these terms are physical, material, nor capable of being dealt with by the physical brain or thinking!  So, what we have is a card trick whereby the "psyche" is removed from the term psychology and modern psychology is actually teaching that  "behavior is caused by the brain and thinking".  So, what happened to the MIND?  It is just ignored... as intellectualism has taken over the field of psychology.  Which is apparent in this quote of Skinner:

The person with the incorrect "notion" was Skinner, and his ignorance of his own MIND.  But those in the field of psychology who were also ignorant of the Esoteric MIND hidden "within" themselves raised Skinner to an intellectual hero... and in 1968,  the death of mental health in America began.

So, we wind up with the situation illustrated to the left.

I will speak more to this issue... if time permits?

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...