Monday, December 30, 2024


 ESOCHOLOGY... Combines Esoteric (normally "Invisible" to Man),  and logy, Greek for "study" or pursuit.  So, when we are talking about studying the Esoteric [normally invisible] dimensions "within" Man... the term "psychology" no longer means what the ancient Greeks intended it to mean!

That is,  I created the term "Esochology" using the term "Esoteric"... which refers to  the study of the "Invisible"  dimensions existing "within" Man... which requires one's use of one's faculty of "Intuition"... which is (I believe)  is an aspect of one's Soul... [and an aspect of Consciousness] which perhaps exists expressly to facilitate Man's study of the WHOLE HUMAN BEING, or "WHB".

A sketch of the WHB: 

What our physical senses can perceive of this sketch is #1, which represents the  physical dimension of Man.  This means that #2, #3, and #4, are all invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man. And yet, #4 is the only part of Man that is Real, and is immortal.

Now... isn't the above interesting?  Unfortunately, what I am suggesting has been intensely resisted by the field of "psychology" since the early 1930's.

The reason for this resistance is a largely unknown fear Man has of what is hidden "within" the MIND of Man... which is part of what makes Man a "Whole Human Being," or WHB.  Mystics and Saints, mostly in the East, speak of what I am alluding to in countless volumes of books and in the Bible, and many films have been made suggesting that Man is more than just a physical body.  But... those people who take an interest in what Mystics have to say are a special kind of person.  Perhaps half of the world's population has no interest in God, or the Soul, or what the "actual" Purpose of Life might be?  They are the "thinker" class of people.  The other half are people who naturally  lean toward wondering about God, the Soul, or what the Purpose of Life might be... and this group possess a higher level of Consciousness.

You see... Every living thing has a Soul.  And one's Soul can incarnate into any one of 8,400,000 different kinds of life-forms on Earth.  And al of us have been doing that for who knows how long a time?  Now, if you believe me, then you are a part of the "enlightened" body of people on Earth.

The other people on Earth don't really care what they have been, or why exactly they are on Earth? They are more interested in eating, sleeping, and having fun.

If you are part of the more Enlightened Group... then the term "Esochology" would be of interest to you.

Peace, 1 Brother James  [James W. Patterson, Ph.D.]

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...