Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 Many years ago... well, prior to life appearing on the Earth, God Created CREATION.   This is what the Bible tells us in Revelation. But this is  questioned by many people because there is no way for Man to prove this, except by the physical evidence... the origin of which is Creation... and the concept that it was Created by God cannot be proven.

So, Mankind is composed of two kinds of people:  Those who believe that God Created the Creation, and those who question the origin of Creation as being from God, and believe that what is now seen as Creation is simply the natural events of the "evolution of "nature".   And this division of different beliefs is due to a most interesting element!  ... which is not known by most people!  That is, what is not known by people is the fact that each person has (within him or her) something called "Consciousness," and one's Consciousness is continually growing [lifetime after lifetime].  You were aware, no doubt, that your Soul is immortal and does not die?  Well, the Soul is an aspect of God, and it composed of what I  refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or  the symbol NSgy... which is the Energy of God and one's Soul.  

[Every living thing has a Soul.  It is the Soul that is immortal, and Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms into which a Soul can be born.  And if you are a human, then you have "earned" your status as a human being by a process of "evolution"].

And I believe that what we refer to as  "Consciousness"  is, in actuality... the Energy of a person's Soul!  And one's Soul, or level of Consciousness, determines what each of us "believes".   Well, specifically... what one believes is what one's MIND wants one to believe... which is in keeping with one's "Fate Karma" for this lifetime.  And that leads us to "Reincarnation" which is a concept that is not accepted by those people whose level of Consciousness is not [as yet] "evolved"sufficiently to believe what I am writing in regards to Reincarnation, or one's Soul being born again in a new body.

And, I am tossing out concepts that may not be widely shared? So, let us simply agree to accept that Man has a Soul.  And that another name for Soul might be "Consciousness".  And that Consciousness is something that naturally [and slowly] increases as one's Soul completes lifetimes on Earth. "Lifetimes on Earth"? Humm....

The method by which one's Soul can return to God?  Well, I will focus specifically on that topic in my next blog...  If really interested in all of this, then I recommend "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson, which is available in many libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...