Thursday, December 5, 2024

Let us return to "Esochology" as an alternative to psychology...

 Many years ago I introduced the term "Esochology"... which combined the terms "Esoteric" and that of "Psychology".  I did this because in the late 1930's, the field of Psychology mistakenly allowed B.F. Skinner to influence the field of Psychology [which was already leaning toward abandoning the Esoteric areas of Psychology (because these parts  of Psychology could not be manipulated and controlled by the brain and thinking]!

The following sketch I did illustrates the "problem" the field of Psychology was trying to intellectually deal with... which was simply the fact that the brain is not the MIND!

Put simply, #1 circle stands for the brain and one's physical body, which are of course physical.  But #2 is the Lower MIND, which is located in the Astral Region of Creation. And #3 is the Higher MIND which resides in the Causal Region of Creation...and the only part of the MIND that is anywhere near being physical is the energy of the MIND (which is Emotional energy).  We know we have emotions, but intellectuals tend to ignore or deny them by use of of the brain.  This then simply ignores two-thirds of what causes Man to do what Man does!

This sketch illustrates the same  thing, just differently. In this sketch, the dark blue area is what the intellectual wants the field of psychology to be about!  The problem is... the dark blue area has very little to do with what makes Man do what he/she thinks and does!   Not included in either sketch is the Law of Karma and how it influences both one's thoughts [fed to the brain by the MIND], and one's behavior.

And what is missing in the second sketch is the role the Law of Karma plays in the personality and behavior of each person.

And add to the complexity of the "psychological problem" the fact that all of we human beings on Earth are continually being born and dying, and what is left as "unfinished" business [Karma] in one lifetime... is carried over into the next lifetime!  Although in the West we pretty much ignore this fact.

So... if one is to "deal with" the Psychology of a human being... one must necessarily deal with both the physical human being and the MIND of that individual!  And of course add to the difficulty of this by realizing the fact that all the Psychological issues of each person are ENTIRELY INVISIBLE TO THE BRAIN OF THAT PERSON!

Now, the above pretty much suggests the problem everyone has with the field of Psychology abandoning the invisible parts of Psychology... does it not?  The result is chaos, which means an increase in mental illness.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...