Friday, December 6, 2024


The more powerful is your MIND.  Primarily because it operates your brain, and  your brain "thinks" [that is,  a major portion of what your MIND thinks] are thoughts feed to it via  your MIND in the form of what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-think".

Your brain is a special muscle located in your skull, whereas your MIND is an entirely separate operational realm within you and is composed of two parts  (entirely invisible to your brain and physical senses). Your MIND operates your brain [by "operates" I mean it controls what you think] and it does so via what I refer to, as already mentioned... "Delusional Thinking"... which are very subtle thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  But your brain does not ordinarily differentiate this D-Think from its regular thinking... because your MIND is quite clever in how it operates and controls your thinking.  So D-Think is rarely noticed by people.

So, when you suddenly have some strange thought pop into your head, this is your MIND getting your attention... and it will be followed with thoughts directing you to engage in some action.  And to achieve this, your MIND will use any bit of historical data it has stored in its massive storehouse of ideas,  desires, beliefs, habits, dislikes, likes, and so forth.  Whatever it takes to effectively direct you to some external action... that will prepare you for meeting the next bit of Karma heading your way!

You were aware that we are all on this planet due to our Karma, right?  Karma is simply Yin and Yang, or female [incoming] and male[outgoing] activity.   That is, first you take some action ... which is stored in your MIND... and then at some future time that same bit of Karma will come back for you to experience for yourself.  And the MIND of every person on Earth or in some Astral region [where the Soul goes between births], is dancing to some bit of Karma the MIND is engaging us in!  But on the Astral plane of existence our Karma is much less because the Astral plane is primarily for either re-education of the Soul [if one's Soul needs the re-education], or the Soul is enjoying some rest and recreation... if it led a particularly good life?  In the meantime, one's Soul is being "fitted" into a slot for it's next lifetime.  Your Soul is immortal, but you perhaps already knew this?

In any case, your MIND is much more powerful than the brain [by the way,  each of us gets a new brain to go with one's new body in each lifetime one lives].

Does this merry-go-round ever end?  Yes, eventually... if one is fortunate?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...