Monday, December 16, 2024

So...What is WRONG With Psychology Today???

 In the late 1930's... the field of Psychology subtly diverted itself away from seeking to discover or understand the MIND of Man, and began focusing all of its attention on "Intellectualism".

A primary instigator of this was a person named B.F. Skinner, who is quoted by Richard I. Evans: 

Skinner was quite intelligent, but wrong! He knew very little about the MIND.

The MIND is an invisible body of energy that is attached to every Soul, both of which are Invisible to the physical senses of Man.  The Soul is an aspect of God, and immortal.  The Energy of the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy [just like that of God]... and the MIND enables the Soul to explore and experience the Creation... which was "Created".

Every action a MIND engages in is etched on that MIND. And this process is called "Karma".  Karma is the primary Law of Creation.  The law is this:   "As you sow, so shall you reap!" And this law is an absolute Law.  Not theoretical, but absolute!

This is a symbol for Karma: 

Karma has two aspects. One is referred to as Male, and the other is called Female.  The male is the action, and the return of that action to the person who did the action is the female part of Karma.  And, as I say, the Law of Karma is an absolute Law. And since we Souls are part of "Reincarnation," or the fact that the Soul is immortal and does not die... we either face the return of an action in the life in which it was done..., or in some other lifetime... since we have many lifetimes in which to do our Karma!

Now, apply what I just  wrote to the life you are living and guess what?  That's right, your  entire life is entirely scripted before you were born!  That the REALITY of the Law of Karma is invisible to us makes the discovery of  it almost impossible... if one is limited to use  of one's brain and physical senses? ... That is... has a limited level of "Consciousness"! What is Consciousness?

Consciousness: Webster's says this:  "b. Capable of complex response to environment."  Hardly tells us much, right?  That's because to rely upon one's intellect (or brain) to try and comprehend what  Consciousness is... is an impossible thing to do.  And the reason is simple to understand!  The brain is in the physical realm. Consciousness is not of this physical plane of existence.  That brings us to a term used in the East... and almost unknown in the West:  The term is "Intuition".  I believe that Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul.

To development Intuition requires spending a great deal of time in the study and practice of discovering the Spiritual Dimension hidden "within" one's Self!  The term for this is "Meditation".

Such people [like Skinner] are "naturally" confined to the brain and thinking as their primary means of relating to the Creation. The reason for this is that such people have a great interest in attempting to "learn"... "think about" those parts of oneself that are not physical.

The problem is...the "brain" will NEVER EXPERIENCE the Pure Spirituality "within Man".  There is only one way to discover the Spiritual Realm hidden "within" the invisible parts of oneself.  And that is to engage in the practice of "Meditation".  This is well-known in the East and virtually unknown in the West.

So... we return to my sketch:

Skinner and many others are confined to #1 of this sketch, the physical plane, and the realm of thinking.
#1 is the realm of Intellectualism.

 So, what is wrong with Psychology today?  It is locked into the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking... and this is largely due to an unknown fear of what will be revealed if one pokes around in search of one's MIND!  This fear is UNKNOWN TO THOSE WITHIN WHOM IT IS ACTIVE.

Until the "Psyche" of the ancient Greeks [Self, Soul and MIND] is once again the focus of Psychology... Psychology will remain a block to the health and welfare of Mankind... and a toy for intellectuals to play with... as mental health gets much worse!

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...