Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 What each person lacks is access to the realms (hidden within us) that contain the answers we do not realize we are missing.  Such as... what is the purpose of life?  How does one fulfill the purpose of life?

What is the Soul?  What is God?  How does one go about finding these most important answers to life?

We can search for many lifetimes and not find the answers to these questions.  Why is this?

Some years ago I did a little sketch.  And this sketch was an attempt to illustrate the Whole of Man... which consists of several layers, or four different realms, each with its own range of vibrations.

In this sketch, we have the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.  And #1 is the physical realm or dimension of Man... with which we are all familiar.  #1 contains the brain, which we use for thinking. The problem is... the brain is unable to perceive the other three realms or dimensions of Man.  And there is only one way for us to discover the other three realms.  That one way is "Meditation," or a process of searching "within" oneself.

In the sketch to the left I suggest the "eye center"... which is the "door" spoken of by religion that one must knock upon to gain entrance to what lies hidden "within" Man.  And the reference to the term "Knock" is a reference to a special form or practice of meditation.

In other words, every living thing on Earth has a Soul. In the East, it is said there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth into which we Souls can incarnate.  Man is the top life form.

I recommend a book for anyone interested in the subject of Man relative to Spirituality. That book is:

"The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson.


Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...