Sunday, December 8, 2024


 OR... What else but an alarming rise in children being operated upon for insecurity and confusion regarding their "thoughts" regarding their genitalia and sexuality... when modern psychology is based on a  complete denial and ignorance of the MIND of Man; the Law of Karma; the Purpose of Life; and  Reincarnation!  That is, three-quarters of that which forms the primary psychological concern of a young person is UNKNOWN TO AND INTENTIONALLY NOT STUDIED BY THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY TODAY!

In this sketch is shown the whole of Man. That is, the only thing modern psychology is concerned with is #1, the physical body and brain... and the thinking of the brain.

The "reason" the field of psychology ignores the MIND is that it is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  The energy of the MIND is emotion, and the only people who study emotion are Mystics, Saints, and Perfect Living Masters throughout the ages. The MIND was once studied by psychiatry... but that changed when the field of psychology adopted Skinner's intellectualism and placed the brain and thinking above all.

The physical brain is unable to perceive the energy of the MIND. So, the only way one "learns" about the MIND is by spending a very long time in meditation specifically designed to put one in touch with one's MIND and Spiritual energy realms simultaneously existing "within" oneself.  All human beings are Whole Human Beings.  "Whole" simply refers to all the parts of Oneself

And that leads us to a more enlightened view of the Whole Human Being or (WHB), which points to the sketch above.  That is, the Whole Human Being is composed of four simultaneously existing energy realms, only one of which is physical. And this means that three of the four realms are invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  We cannot "think" about these non-physical parts of ourselves, in other words.

So, what is a young person experiencing that is so frightening to that young person's brain and thinking?   His or her "Consciousness" is experiencing subtle awakenings to bits and pieces of his or her MIND realm... which is unfolding confusing urges... which can easily be confusing to what that young person's brain and thinking is hearing from other children, or from parents... and most importantly from any homosexuals in his or her environment who are always looking for such confused young people to "help" them decide to become a homosexual.

And with all of this conflict and confusion going on within a young person... who is there to explain what is going on within that young person's MIND?  This is where psychology is failing.

In other words, when the primary field that presently deals with the confusion of young people regarding their sexuality ignores, and even avoids dealing with or  considering the MIND of a young person... why should we not expect young people to be anxious or even frightened regarding what is going on "within" themselves?  Much easier for them to "think" what others [with their own conflicted beliefs] explain is going on to them. 

If one wants to see what I just described going on in the public square, simply go to where homosexuals gather at night and watch how many young people are being encouraged to share their concerns with older youth [with an agenda]!

What is lacking in this nation is for normal people to wake up to the danger of even more conflicted youth becoming part of the growing body of psychologically conflicted "trans-crowd".  Young children are quite vulnerable to the attention of older children who were themselves "taught" to be homosexual.

The  "need" for a  psychologically conflicted person to believe that what he or she "thinks"... is real,  demands that he or she insist that what he  or she now believes is correct, and "straight" people are the people who are nuts.

America, we have a problem! 

 Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...