The reason is simple to say... but difficult to comprehend!
Simple statement;
Your brain

However, your brain is part of your physical body [which is thought to be you in this lifetime], but "you" are your Soul... which is a body of Spiritual Energy that is quite invisible to your brain and your physical senses... and your Soul is born into a body [one of 4,800,000 different life-forms it can incarnate into on this Earth]. So, this makes your Soul immortal [in other words, "you" do not die]. It is your physical body that dies, and every body you have incarnated into has also died... and yet, you are still here... on Earth, reading this.
To explain further, your Soul has attached to it a MIND [composed of an Energy that is not physical, but is a low-level form of Spiritual Energy designed to operate (invisibly) in the Physical Realm]. The energy of your MIND is an energy we refer to as "emotion". It is your MIND that enables you [your Soul] to experience everything in the Creation, including everything on this Earth. In fact, you have been in the Creation [relating to your MIND so long that your MIND believes it belongs here]. This is the reason your MIND fights so hard to prevent you from discovering who and what you really are!
You are a Soul, an aspect of God, and I refer to your Energy as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy... which I believe is the Energy of God.
So, the answer to the question of this blog is... the reason your MIND is not your brain is that your brain dies along with you body, while your MIND accompanies your Soul into each birth you experience.
And, eventually we [one's Soul] gets tired of playing on Earth, and this is when you will begin to experience strange "thoughts" [actually it is your Intuition, as aspect of your Soul] that causes you to begin to question who you really are; is there a God; and why you are here on Earth?
Interesting... isn't it? Like Christ said: "The Truth shall set you free." Peace, 1 Brother James
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