Friday, January 24, 2025



This box stands for the Energy of one's Soul, which is the Energy of God... which I have labeled "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy".  In other words, your Soul is an aspect of God.  And the only way your Soul can relate to the Creation is by use of the MIND which was attached to each Soul as each Soul entered the Creation.  Your MIND was required because your MIND was specifically designed and a go-between your Soul and your physical brain... so that your Soul  can [sort-of physically and intellectually] explore and experience the Creation... which is, believe it or not, a most amazing ILLUSION. The only part of yourself that is Real is your Soul.

So, here we are in the Creation, in firm belief that who we are is who we see in the mirror.  Problem is, that is not who or what we are.  No Soul of any life form is part of the Creation... only the body within which a Soul is operating is part of the Creation!  So, we believe there is life and death... because we see things die.  And we see things and people born.  And we believe [the brain within us believes] that this physical body within which one's Soul is operating is real, is who one is, and that one's body is subject to death... because we see people and other life forms die.  And it is true that one's body does die.  However, one's Soul is immortal and it does not die.  Our problem is that our Souls are not part of this Creation... and the only part of ourselves that can discover Reality is one's own Soul...which is composed of what I refer to as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy... which is INVISIBLE to our physical senses..

So, Man on this  Earth is like an invisible "Knower" [the Attention aspect of Consciousness] which is the Soul's  connection with the Illusion of Creation ... and no part of one's Soul can  actually experience the Creation, which is what you see with your physical eyes... and is operating all around and even within you... that your MIND encourages your brain to "think' that what you can see, hear, taste, feel and touch constitute the only reality there is.  And we receive a new brain in each life-form into which we are incarnated, so it is extremely rare for any of us to "think about" our past lifetimes.

This is what Mystics and great Saints have been trying to tell Man for thousands of years.  But even with my attempt to tell people this message in this blog, how many people are likely to believe what I have written ?  Only people whose Souls are more Enlightened than they realize.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...