I BELIEVE "INTUITION" IS AN ASPECT OF ONE'S CONSCIOUSNESS, WHICH IS THE ENERGY [I BELIEVE] OF ONE'S SOUL. Which I REFER TO IT AS "NSgy"... or Neutral Spiritual Energy. The "key" being the term "Neutral". Neither good nor bad, and the duality we experience as good and evil is the energy of the MIND, which God Created to operate the Creation. The Creation has both good and evil, or duality... and it was "Created"! In other words, the Creation is not the Pure Spiritual Realm, and the Soul is a visitor to the Creation, it is not the HOME of the Soul.
What we know as "negativity" or evil, is of the MIND realm, which is the seat of duality... again, this is what I believe based on what little I know of existence.
NSgy is, I believe, the Energy of God, and since we Souls are aspects of God, the Energy of NSgy is also the Energy of we Souls. Which is, I believe, Neutral and
Absolutely Neutral. So, where does the duality enter into the picture? I believe it is the Energy of the MIND [which God Created as part of the Creation]... which enables the Creation to possess the duality of good and evil.
And therefore, what is called "Intuition" is a part of one's Soul and also part of what we refer to as "Consciousness"... or what enables one's Soul to possess Awareness of the duality of good and evil. However, only Pure Spiritual Energy can perceive evil... as other than itself...which is not part of the vibrational Energy of one's Soul. Over time, one's Soul has forgotten who and what it is, and has become a servant of the MIND that is attached to one's Soul so that one's Soul can explore and experience the Creation. And if one's Soul has awareness of evil as something negative and other than who and what its Soul is... then that awareness has been "acquired" by that Soul by "converting" a bit of Karma [that it acquired by engaging in some bit of evil at some time]... by having to experience the same bit of Karma itself, and has subsequently Forgiven those involved in that bit of Karma, and has taken full Responsibility for that bit of Karma! This "converts" a bit of Karma into Knowledge, which then becomes an increased Knowledge of that which is evil.
This is the method by which we Souls slowly acquire Knowledge of good and evil, and the result is what we KNOW... as "Wisdom". Or Enlightenment. And if we KNOW that a certain action results in a given result... that Knowledge is our "growth" as a Soul. It is our education as Souls. This process is the evolutionary movement of we Souls through becoming Enlightened... which is how we acquire Wisdom, and the positive virtues of an Enlightened Soul.
So, if you Intuitively Know that a certain act will result in a given result... that is Knowledge, or Wisdom. And that is also evidence that your Soul has acquired advanced Consciousness. When one's Soul acquires a "sufficient" amount of Consciousness... [over many lifetimes] and one's Soul begins to tire of this Creation...one will be drawn to a Perfect Living Master (who, by the way, was born to be a Perfect Living Master), and one's Soul will desire to be "Initiated" by that Master... and one' Soul will begin it's Spiritual process of going back Home to God. This is what the Lord designed, and it is what all Souls are experiencing. But only certain Souls are aware of this "program".
So, if you possess a substantial amount of Intuition, it is something you have "earned".
Peace, 1 Brother James
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