Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Part Two of The Law of Karma...

 In this sketch, we see my symbol "NSgy," which stands for "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which "Stands for"  the realm of Spirituality existing "Within" Man. The faculty of Intuition is, I believe, the means by which we human beings can tap into our store of Consciousness... and "Consciousness" is [I believe] another term for how aware one is of the Spirituality one's Soul has acquired [reclaimed by one's Soul from one's MIND] from having used it in the Soul's exploration of the Creation...the process of which we refer to as KARMA]...over one's many lifetimes.  We are not cognitively aware of all of this by use of one's brain of course.  We only become AWARE of this when one is able to raise the Awareness of one's Soul [via "Intuition"] to some higher level of one's "Consciousness"!  Which is what we refer to as Awareness, or "Spiritual Enlightenment".

It is the role and job of the Perfect Living Master to gather those Souls that God has marked as "wanting" desperately to cease the "fun" of "Reincarnation and Transmigration"!

That is...one's MIND uses the Energy of one's Soul [Pure Spiritual Energy] to create events in one's life, which we refer to as Karmic events.  And each bit of Karma one experiences reduces the amount of Pure Spiritual Energy by the amount of Energy it takes to stage and experience that Karmic event.  Over time, as you might imagine... this depletes one's store of Pure Spiritual Energy substantially... thus reducing one's level of Consciousness as well.

In this sketch, I attempt to illustrate #1 circle as one's physical self [including one's intellect and brain], and what one normally does...  is to think about what to one's physical senses SEEMS TO BE ALL THERE IS TO "know". This means THAT BEING CONFINED TO THE BRAIN, WE ARE NOT AWARE of the OTHER THREE  PARTS OF OUR WHOLE. To us,  they are invisible.


Therefore, those individuals in life who seem to be overly active in terms of their negativity are individuals whose store of NSgy  [Consciousness or Spirituality] is tied-up in what is known in the East as KARMA.  And one's Karma is stored "within" one's MIND. And it is this stored Karma that keeps we Souls "stuck" in the Creation. And subject to what is called "Transmigration"... or one's Soul continually being born into various life-forms. This is called "Reincarnation".

 We view people whose NSgy or Consciousness is depleted as criminals because of their lack of restraint in how they relate to others.  What is going on with them is that they have simply depleted their store of NSgy, and thus, they are operating at a low-level of Consciousness.  The MIND, if allowed to do what it wants... will quite often create negative actions.  ...For the "fun" of doing so... Hard to believe, perhaps, but that's what is going on in what we refer to as "Life".

Again, the Law of Creation is God's Law... for all Souls in Creation.  So, if your character and personality tend to be negative... guess what?   You have been over-working the negativity side of life too much. And your negative Karma is simply evidence of this fact.

The only way for a Soul to regain a positive status once it has depleted its store of NSgy is to engage in very positive behavior, thoughts, and actions... for a number of lifetimes.  And don't forget that every negative action one takes... that exact same action will come back to oneself at some point in some lifetime.  And to own ONE'S OWN ACTIONS, and forgive those involved in one's "play of Karma".... IS A VERY HARD THING TO DO!!   And who knows how many negative Karmic events must be experienced by oneself in order to just deal with what is already on the books?

As you Sow, so shall you Reap... and there is no alternative to this LAW!

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...