In the West, generally speaking... the Law of Karma is more often ignored than regarded seriously. I suspect the reason for this is because the Law of Karma was Created by God in relationship to the CREATION itself, and in the West [so that Intellectualism can operate as the "primary" "skill set" of Man...] that is, the primary activity of Man is "thinking"... about life... while seeking to retain a higher position than other species of life. This is how Man proves the human being is a higher life-force than other species of life. And this "need" to be special on the part of Man is a natural expression of the Ego aspect of the MIND of Man. It also reflects the fact that Mankind, as a whole, tends to ignore the fact that Man knows so little about the three-fourths of "LIFE" that are invisible to the physical senses of Man.
My sketch of "The Whole of Man" attempts to illustrate this point:
#1 circle represents the physical Man, which includes the brain with which Man thinks. #2, #3, and #4 represent the realms of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man. So, we human beings, since we are unable to "think" about what we cannot experience... except abstractly, we simply ignore #2, #3, and #4... which we believe are all invisible to Man.
And they are invisible to one's physical senses, however, Man also has a faculty of "Intuition"that I believe is an aspect of one's Consciousness... which is Knowledge or Wisdom.
The primary concepts we hold regarding Life... I believe..., stem from the fact we limit ourselves to what our physical senses can perceive. We therefore ignore the essential elements that comprise the "Whole" of Man... or #2, #3, and #4 of my sketch... which are invisible to our physical senses. How is it then that I can speak of the existence of #2, #3, and #4?
The answer is that I have spent over 50 years searching for these parts of Man... and what I have discovered is illustrated in my sketch above. Number 2, 3 and 4 are all "Within" Man, but they consist of energies whose vibrations cannot be perceived by our physical senses... with one exception.
Within the substance of what we call Consciousness [which I believe is the Soul's "Awareness"]. That is... a Soul that has acquired an elevated level of "Intuition" by "Completing Karma"... has a subtle increase in what we refer to as "Intuition". And if one's faculty of Intuition is elevated... (or is Enlightened), then this level of Awareness is the natural consequence of one's Soul COMPLETING various bits of Karma [which is, by the way, a part of the Purpose of Life]... and what this does is this:results in a person possessing an elevated level of Intuition-- or an expanded level of Knowledge or Wisdom.
Think of the level of one's faculty of Intuition as a measure of Knowledge or Wisdom one's Soul has acquired by "Completing" Karma over many lifetimes.
How does one COMPLETE KARMA? Well, that's a good question? And the direct answer is this: The way in which one's Soul COMPLETES an obligation of Karma is to do two things! 1. Fully "own" [take responsibility for] a bit of Karma one experiences, and to entirely FORGIVE those involved in that bit of Karma! This is difficult to do because one's MIND wants to blame others for every bit of Karma we experience. This is a very strong "habit" of the MIND.
And let us address speak to this aspect of Karma in our next blog.
Peace, 1 Brother James
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