Thursday, June 27, 2024



  1. Spirit definition: the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.. See examples of SPIRIT used in a sentence.

    Although the term Spirit is contained in the dictionary, the "principle of conscious life:" is only known by other terms...none of which provide us with an "example" of the term Spirit.  That is, the brain and intellect of Man [by use of words] cannot convey to us an "experience" of the term Spirit... because that which the term refers to is Invisible to our physical senses.  Therefore all we know of the Spirit is the word "Spirit".  Now, how does one begin to "worship" the term "Spirit" other than by physical means?

    ln other words, how does one worship that which is an Invisible  Energy that  one's brain and physical senses cannot perceive?  This then explains all the physical "symbols" in the various churches, does it not?  Man unintentionally  ends up worshiping physical symbols... none of which provide us with an actual experience of what these symbols supposedly "stand for"!

    How then does one awaken to God, whom the Mystics tell us is "Within" each of us?
    Well, I believe Man attempts to awaken to the Spirit "Within" ... but the entire exercise is taking place within the physical plane ONLY... [ because that is what Man is used to doing, and what the brain and physical dimension of Man knows how to do!   Thus, it's an exercise in imagination provided to us by the MIND [which is also invisible to the brain].  So, what Jesus taught his disciples had nothing to do with what they were "thinking".  What Jesus provided to his disciples was an awakening of the Soul"Within" each of his disciples... to a "TRUTH" that only their Souls could awaken to.  Another word for that "TRUTH" is Consciousness.

    And when a person's Soul acquires sufficient Consciousness, his or her Soul then begins to activate its faculty of "Intuition".  How is Consciousness raised?  It naturally rises when one's Soul "Completes a bit of stored Karma [from "Within" one's MIND],...thus exercising the Virtues of  Forgiveness and Acceptance]  The  word we use for this "process" of completing Karma...  is "Enlightenment".

    And, again, I recommend the reader check out the Library for a book entitled "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson.
    Peace, 1 Brother James

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