Monday, June 3, 2024


 Strangely... we use outside events and experiences to awaken "memory" from "Within" ourselves... that we have experienced in some previous lifetime.  And of course I am speaking of "Reincarnation," or the fact that we Souls are immortal, and if we are born as a human being in this lifetime... that is a great opportunity for us to take our human birth and use it to begin making preparations for our journey back Home.

But again... I am writing primarily for people in America, and in America we tend to do what most people in the West do... and that is to give our MIND control over the Fate Karma we came into this lifetime to address.  And we do this routinely and automatically because this is how life is designed to operate.  But... the vast majority of people in the West have no clue as to how Life works, or why it works in the way it does?  And the reason for this is that the West is governed by Intellectualism. 

  1. 2 days agoIntellectualism is the quality of being intellectual or devotion to intellectual pursuits. It can also mean excessive emphasis on abstract or intellectual matters, or the doctrine that reason is the ultimate criterion of knowledge.

    The peculiar thing about depending upon one's brain and thinking for one's understanding of life is that the brain is confined to one-quarter of the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  What I mean is illustrated in the sketch below:

     In this sketch #1 is the physical body with its brain, and this represents one of four parts of the WHB.  As far as "Knowledge" is concerned, it is an absolute, and thus, it can only exist in #4, which is the Soul where we find Consciousness, Knowledge and Wisdom.

    Information is not Knowledge, it is information.  To possess Knowledge is to Know something absolutely.  In the West, people "think" they know things only to find what they thought they knew changes all the time.  The best example of this is the term "Truth".  We think something is true... only as long as we do not become aware of a higher Truth.

    So, the answer to the question posed in this blog is.... we obtain Knowledge from "Within" ourselves, and it is via our faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul, which is invisible to one's brain.

    God does exist, regardless how many people attempt to discredit the idea of God.  And if you believe in God, then your next step is to find out how to find God!  And to find God is a very long project, involving a great deal of effort and a tough battle with one's MIND.  But God is Real, and the task is to discover  Reality... which is hidden "Within" each of us. To find it is a task that requires an enlightened faculty of Intuition... which is something the West  tends to deny, ignore, and ridicule.  And if you get the sense that I am pessimistic about how likely it is that a person in the West will be encouraged to pursue an active Spiritual Path... well, you are correct.  It is not easy to worship the Creator of the physical Creation, or God, when one's MIND is constantly introducing one to the endless wonders of the Creation.

    The Spiritual Path is an either-or proposition.  One must rise above the demands of the MIND, and its  desires for the things of the world, and one must long for what seems like a shadow, or nothing tangible.

    The Source of a higher Reality awaits one's Soul "Within" oneself.  But how does one find that door leading to Reality... when one's own MIND is dedicated to distracting you?  The true mystery of Life... eludes one's brain and thinking, and even one's own MIND is part of what prevents one from "going Within"where the Path Home resides. The exact point in Man is called the "Eye-center," or "Tisra-til,". or the "Third Eye".  But this is not a physical point... it is immaterial, and yet it is the gateway to the Astral region... another dimension of existence entirely.  An excellent resource for research into the Spiritual Dimension of Man is "The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson.
    So, if you believe in God, be thankful for His encouragement...   Peace, 1 Brother James

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