Sunday, June 2, 2024

LET US TAKE A STEP BACKWARD... AND [and look "Within" MAN]

 From whence do we awaken to higher levels of Truth?

As one subtly rises in "conscious awareness" one's MIND attempts to block one's enhanced awareness of the difference between what one has habitually believed to be true and one's new understanding -- which does not rely on the limited perspective of one's brain and thinking.  In other words... Man is much more than what the brain can perceive.   Actually, the more important elements of Man are to be found "Within" Man!  Hidden from and invisible to one's brain and physical senses. The "key" term here is the phrase "physical senses".

If one is awakening to elements of other dimensions of existence [experiencing new bits of Truth], then one is becoming aware of subtle phenomena that are beyond the grasp of one's brain and physical senses.  We simply cannot "think" about those parts of ourselves that exist beyond what the brain and our physical senses can perceive!  

In India, great Mystics have explained this phenomena in this way:

Mystics over the ages have attempted to explain that there are two types of "knowing". One type is called "Varnatmak," and the other is called "Dhunyatmak".  Varnatmak is that which can be written or spoken.  Dhunyatmak cannot be spoken or written.

So, how does one become aware of that which falls into the category of Dhunyatmak? And what are the Mystics talking about?  The concept that the term Dhunyatmak refers to are multiple dimensions of existence that certainly exist... but they exist in energy realms that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.  So, how does one obtain these "invisible" realms?  Well, various Mystics tell us various ways to try and acquire these Dhunyatmak dimensions of existence.  And each Mystic tells us what he or she has come to KNOW from "Within" him or herself.  But few of these Mystics were fully successful in achieving the Goal of returning one's Soul back to God.

What remains of what these Mystics have shared with humanity comprises an extensive range of suggestions, methods, applications and concepts...  Most of which are "steps or methods that are partially helpful".  They include various types of Yoga, various forms of meditation... and other mostly physical attempts to achieve the goal of a Soul seeking to return Home to God.

The extensive range of data that is left to Mankind... should indicate to us that what all Mystics have sought to achieve is neither simple to achieve, nor easy to accomplish.  And what religions [all of which began as attempts to continue the work of some Saint or Mystic] inevitably morph into a subtle form of business designed to perpetuate what Man "thinks" is the best method of returning Home to God].  How does Man seek an answer amongst all the many suggestions available?

Fortunately for Mankind, God, due to His Absolute Wisdom,  placed the proper mechanism to accomplish this Return Home "Within" Man... but, the "Key" that unlocks this mechanism is in the Hands of a Perfect Living Master... who is born on Earth specifically to give "Initiation" to those Souls whose time has come to begin their journey Home.  Why is this such a secret?  Because Man is supposed to fully explore and experience the Creation to the point that the individual Soul is absolutely tired of playing in the Creation... and LONGS TO RETURN HOME TO THE FATHER.

In other words, although the life we experience seems to us to be spontaneous, and unpredictable... and that we can make quite a difference in our life... we are mistaken! The Truth is... every Soul of every living creature on Earth is completely subject to the Law of Karma [designed by God expressly to insure that the Creation is just and fair for every Soul in the Creation.  We "think" we are this or that... and in the play of life, we are. But in Reality, every Soul is experiencing a life that it has itself created by what it has done in its previous incarnations!  This is the Reality of Life... but this Reality is entirely invisible to the brain of Man, which is physical and thus, limited to what the brain can perceive.

So, if you are subtly awakening to elements of another dimension of existence that are not within the realm of the physical brain, or your physical senses... your Soul is likely receiving bits of Truth... that are likely intended to begin a return of your Soul to its Homeland.  And this transformation is taking place "Within" all Souls... to some extent.

For want of a better way to identify that which is not available to one's physical senses, I use the phrase "Conscious Awareness," which I believe is one's faculty of Intuition... which is, I believe, an aspect of one's Soul.

And I will continue this conversation in my next blog.  

Peace, 1 Brother James

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