Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 In his book,  Light on Saint John, Master Charan Singh wrote, on page 201, the following:

"The Soul is the disciple and the "Word" is the Master."

In most instances, the person reading what Master wrote will "naturally assume" that he or she knows what Master Singh is communicating to readers... because your thinking is largely determined by your MIND [although we are not aware of this] and being unaware of how the MIND operates the brain... much of our thinking is.. us being directed by the MIND to follow our "Fate Karma".  And your Fate Karma is the program you were born with and it is based on what the Law of Karma has determined you "will" experience in this lifetime! And what I just wrote is virtually unknown in the West, but  it is an active part of what many people in the East are taught as children.  That is... your Soul does not die at the time of the death of your body. At the "death" of your body, your Conscious Awareness awakens in your Astral body, and you find that  in your Astral "body" you may be aware of the physical plane... but your Astral body cannot interact with the physical plane.   This situation is rare, and it does not last very long, because you will be escorted to where you are expected in the Astral Region... where you will go thought a "judgement" process were you can evaluate your just completed life.  You can be your own "judge".... so to speak.  And I mention this only because every Soul goes through the same process.  My point?

My point is simply that the "Whole of Life" is vastly different that what we in the West imagine life and death to be.   In other words, the procedure of death is quite different than we we are taught.  The MIND is mostly an agent of the Law of Karma.  And so, the Law of Karma is a very important Reality to address.  If you are in the East?  In the West, the Bible is very much entrenched in the culture, and Reality remains a mystery?  And your MIND serves the Law of Karma, which is the Law of Creation.

This is a picture of the physical brain: Which is what Man thinks with.  It is a physical muscle located in the Skull.


And below is what is known of the MIND by modern psychology: Not much...




The reason the MIND and the Soul are invisible to Man is explained in the following sketch:
Note please that only #1 is physical, and houses the brain. #2 and #3 are two parts of the MIND, and #4 is the Soul, which is Pure Spiritual Energy, which I refer to as "NSgy" which stands for: Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Spiritual Energy of the Soul, which is ALWAYS Pure Spiritual Energy.  In other words, the only part of Man capable of perceiving NSgy is one's Intuition.

And... the only part of Man that can perceive NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is a faculty of one's Soul.   And the way to acquire, or obtain "Intuition" is by spending a very long time in "meditation" which is aimed at helping one's Soul rise above the dominance of one's MIND.

Man is not just a physical body, in other words.  That which gives life to Man [and every living thing on Earth] is a Soul.   And the only part of Man that is Real [in an absolute sense] is the Soul that is hidden "Within" Man, and "Within" every living organism in Creation. 

The Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth.  And if you are a human being, then your Soul has been a great many of these organisms before earning the human status.  So, if at times elements in your life seem strangely familiar to you... the reason is quite likely that you have been engaged in the same situations previously.  And quite often... with the same Souls.

What Master Charan Singh meant by  "The Soul is the disciple and the "Word" is the Master." is that a Perfect Living Master is a physical body masking a Pure Soul...who God has sent into the physical plane to contact and help struggling Souls escape from the trap of the MIND... whose role in each lifetime is to insure that the Soul to which it is attached follows the Fate Karma that is due that Soul by the Law of Karma, which regulates the lives of all living things in the Creation.

Why is this not more widely known?  A good part of the reason the Mystical Message of Reality is not more widely known in the West is that Christ did not write down his messages to Man.  All Christian history, or most of it in any case... was written by his disciples.  And the Pure Mystical Reality of Spirituality is many dimensions beyond what the Illusion of Creation can imagine.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 It is ceaselessly marching to the beat of the drum of "Kal," the leader of the Illusion of Creation.  The Ancient Greeks thought of it as a collection of gods, under Zeus, who were entertained by watching people on Earth struggle.

Regardless who or what is "watching" the struggle, Life in the Creation is very much a struggle for all the inhabitants of the Creation, which takes place under the rule of the Law of Karma.  The simple definition  of which is... "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And too, we must not forget the fact of reincarnation as part of the program.  We Souls are immortal, unlike the life-forms we Souls incarnate into. And who knows how many different types of life-forms each of us has explored?  The Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life-forms on Earth.

There is only one way to escape this endless marching.  And that way is to be contacted by a Perfect Living Master sent to Initiate selected Souls among the people of the Earth.  And those people thus contacted must ask for Initiation-- if so inclined?

Thank God we Souls are offered this single opportunity to return Home.  Of course not all Souls are ready to stop marching, and for them the drum of Kal keeps beating, lifetime after lifetime.  There is also the matter of a person's state of Consciousness, but that is not much considered in the modern state of the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, July 26, 2024


 My illustration of the Whole Human Being, or "WHB." is the sketch that heads this blog and is repeated here: 

Some years ago... I did this sketch to try and illustrate how the "Whole" of a person is composed of four separate dimensions and only one of these dimensions is visible.

#1 represents the physical dimension of Man, and it is the only dimension one's brain and physical senses can perceive.  This means that three of the four dimensions are invisible to #1.  This is the reason Man has had such a difficult time discovering the MIND, and the Soul of Man, both of which consist of energy realms which are too subtle for our physical senses to perceive.    So, three-quarters of the Whole Human Being [My symbol for the Whole Human Being is "WHB"] are invisible to one's brain and one's physical senses.  So, when I refer to "WHB" in this series of blogs, I am referring to the Lower MIND, the Higher MIND, and the Spiritual Dimension, all of which are invisible to the physical senses of Man... with one exception...  One's Soul has a faculty that Man refers to as "Intuition".   And if your faculty of Intuition is enhanced [which is the natural result of one's Soul "completing Karma"]  then your faculty of Intuition will indicate that you are... "Enlightened"!  Enlightened?

Neutral Spiritual EnergyNSgy.  This realm of Energy is also known as Consciousness, and it is said that this is the Energy of God "Within" every living thing in the Creation.  Mystics refer to this Energy as "the Word," the "Sound Current," or many other names in many languages.  Each name or label refers to the same Spiritual Energy.  And this Energy is an element of Reality, which is not a part of the Creation [and yet it supports the Creation entirely].  The Creation is a special kind of Illusion that  God used [to form multiple planes of Energy ... the only one of which Man can readily perceive is the physical plane]... in which all Souls are "stuck".. by their loads of Karma.

Man is capable of acquiring "bits of Truth" by "completing" bits of Karma, and one's faculty of Intuition is what awakens to these bits of Truth... if one's Soul has been able to "complete" some bit of Karma. One completes a bit of Karma by fully Accepting the bit of Karma one is faced with,  and by taking full responsibility for what is happening to oneself!  Not an easy thing to do, by the way.

Karma is the name for the Law of Creation, which is simply stated this way:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And the Law of Karma is an absolute law that rules the entire Creation.  And each bit of Karma that one engages in follows one's Soul from birth to birth,  regardless of what life-form one is born into. So, part of what determines one's Fate Karma is what bits of Karma are intended for one's Soul to experience in this lifetime.  This is known as one's Fate Karma.  And everyone is subject to this LAW, Regardless of who one is, or where one is born.

My point is...This life is a great deal more complicated than what most people realize.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 This blog is likely the last change in format for this blog.  And, it has only taken 89 years to reach this point in what I do to fulfill my own part in the GRAND HALLUCINATION that this blog series will attempt to discuss with readers.

From Webster's New Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus we get:


    1. False perception with a characteristically compelling sense of the reality of objects or events perceived in the absence of relevant adequate stimuli.

    2. The complex of material so perceived.

    3. Any false or mistaken idea: delusion [Latin hallucinari, to wander in mind.]

.............. A good question to ask ourselves is this:  If Reality is only found in the Pure Spiritual Realm, and to look for this Reality we have at our disposal our physical senses... how likely is it that we will find Reality by use of our brain and thinking?

The fact is... the only parts of Man's hallucination that are Real are references to God, the Soul, and allusions to the existence of a realm of Pure Spirituality that exists, but is invisible to Man's physical senses.   Can you name a group of people who do not speculate on what life is, or what the purpose of life is?  Well, actually there is only one type person who does not speculate on God or things Spiritual, and that is the atheist.  That is, those people who do not believe in God.  And the reason these people do not believe in God or things Spiritual is that they lack a sufficient level of Consciousness to "Intuit" the invisible aspects of existence.  You see [or perhaps you have not read that...] not every person you meet has been a person before.  I'm speaking of the fact that one's Soul is immortal, and at death the Soul finds itself in the Astral region of existence, where it either gets a vacation from life, or it goes to [reform] school for a period of time to "learn some lessons"... before reincarnating.

Reincarnation is a fact, but it is a fact that many religious people have not [as yet] accepted.  And normally a person has to slowly acquire an "inner" awareness that he or she is something more than simply a human body with a brain.  So, if you believe in God, and that you have a Soul, then you are most likely not a first-time human being.

The term "hallucination" is a fascinating term.  Just think how many people think that by merely wishing one's Soul will be "saved"... this is sufficient to win that person a free ticket to Life eternal in some Heaven.  Perfectly OK to believe this, but it is not correct.  There is ONLY one way for a Soul to return Home to God... and that way is by coming under the guidance of a Perfect Living Master, who "Initiates" one, and then places his [or her] Radiant Form "within" that person as a guide for that person's Soul, which will find that the Path back Home is a long and difficult Path.

So, this is the start of this new blog.  And it will address as many questions as readers might send to me ... at least as many as it is possible for me to answer.  Mind you... I am merely a student of a Master, and what I Know is what my Master, over many years,  has enabled me to discover.

My email address for this blog is:   1brotherjamesblog@gmail.com

Saturday, July 13, 2024


The answer is... because Truth is an Absolute, and Absolutes only exist in the Pure Spiritual Realm of existence... which is an Energy body that is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses... and is what I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy", or "NSgy". It exists simultaneously with the physical plane of existence...which is tangible, and subject to change as well as death.

I refer to this Pure Spiritual Dimension of existence as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," and my symbol for it is "NSgy" = Neutral Spiritual Energy.   Why "Neutral"?   It occurred to me that the Energy of God must be Pure Neutral Energy...because God is an Absolute, and does not change.  This physical plane of existence is constantly changing, and is obviously composed of a duality of good and evil,  good and bad, or positive and negative energies.  It is clearly a duality where opposites are constantly at odds with one another... and reality is relative.

So, if Truth exists, as an absolute, it must exist in a plane of existence other than this physical plane.  And why would such a plane be invisible to us?  Well, it is a matter of vibrations and the fact that each realm has its own range of vibrations. 

That is, the various realms are part of Creation... which is absent "NSgy," or put another way,  the Energy of "NSgy" is unique in Existence.   And the Creation was "Created!  So, we should not expect the Creation to be REAL in an Absolute sense.  To illustrate this, I came up with this illustration:

This illustration displays the four separate realms or dimensions which constitute the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  #1 is the physical realm with which we are all familiar.   And #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to #1. So, the majority of who and what Man is... are energy realms which are invisible to one's physical senses.

No wonder then that Man has failed to find the Truth.  It exists in a realm that is quite invisible to one's physical senses [one's brain, in other words].

Is there nothing Man possesses that can enable Man to discover the Truth?  Well, that depends upon how active is one's faculty of "Intuition"?  I believe each Soul has what we refer to as "Intuition"... which [I believe] is a faculty of one's Soul.  It must be akin to what is often spoken of as "Attention," or "Conscious Awareness," or is also the hidden quality of what we refer to as a person who is  "Enlightened".  Enlightenment being "evidence" of a person's heightened level of "Consciousness".

Which raises the question... what is Consciousness?  I believe Consciousness is the natural result of a person whose Soul has been able to "Complete a substantial amount of Karma"!  Which is uniquely something that one's MIND is responsible for creating as it's natural desire to experience the Creation.   The primary role of one's MIND is to facilitate the Soul's experiencing the physical plane of existence.  The fact this creates Karma [which binds one's Soul to Reincarnation, which is a natural cycle of continuous Transmigration [or birth after birth] which is the fate of all Souls. This repetitive cycle is what keeps one's Soul obligated to this physical plane of existence] which fits nicely with the desire of one's MIND is to enjoy itself.

 There is, of course, a limit on this building up one's Karmic debt.  And this limit is called "Fate". In opposition to one's MIND, which is intent upon constantly increasing one's store of Karmic activity, is the reality that a person's life becomes so heavily burdened with one's load of Karma that just living becomes quite difficult... as the Law of Karma takes over one's life... evidence of this is all around us as seen in the suffering of people.

Peace, 1 Brother James


What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...