Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Regarding the term "Invisible"...

The term "invisible" means not capable of being perceived by ones brain or one's physical senses.... it does not mean that whatever is said to be invisible does not exist!

Remember the sketch...

Circle #1 represents your physical body and your brain. The Lower MIND, the Higher MIND are represented by [#2 and #3], and the Spirituality "Within" you (#4, your Soul) are all invisible to your brain and physical senses. Invisible because they exist at different frequencies than the frequency of your physical body, brain and the physical Creation.

Existing at different frequencies than what your brain can perceive simply causes us to create certain "labels for things" that exist  at frequencies our brain simply cannot perceive.  Try to realize and accept the concept  that just because we have a name for something does not mean we "know" what that name "stands for"! Examples of what I mean are Truth, Reality, Spirituality, and God, just to list four of many.

So, your MIND is invisible to your brain and physical senses.  What then... is it that your brain cannot perceive?  The answer is, lots of things, even though we have names and labels for these things.  The problem we in the West have is that we are subtly "taught" to believe that there is nothing of importance that we cannot know by thinking.  What causes this?  I suspect it is a form of arrogance created by one's MIND to support the continued dominance of oneself by one's MIND.  It is also a subtle form of fear of the "unknown"... which most people possess, but they are not aware of possessing it.

Simple people ...lacking advanced education... have more access to the virtue of Acceptance of many things in existence that are invisible to our physical senses.  For instance, the American Indians often said that various physical elements possessed "spirits".  They both worshiped these things and they also feared these things.  Fear is inherent in Man, and it is a means by which the MIND controls human beings, and insures that each person adheres to the Fate Karma that person came into this lifetime to address and experience.  And I am, of course, speaking here of the term Reincarnation, which simply refers to the fact that every Soul is immortal, and when the body a Soul inhabits dies, that Soul awakens in the Astral realm, in  its Astral body, and is "judged" as to what Karma that Soul either created or completed, and what was completed becomes "Consciousness for that Soul".   And the Karma that Soul created in it's just completed lifetime  becomes a Karmic obligation that must be returned to that Soul in some future lifetime.  And this happens to every Soul in every lifetime.  We Soul have a great deal of Karma that we must eliminate before we can go Home.

Mystics tell us that there are 8,400,000 different life-forms into which we Souls may incarnate.  And all of this takes place under the rule of the Law of Karma, which was designed and ordered by God.

The purpose of Life [I believe] is for we Souls [whose Energy is NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy ] ... which is the  Energy of Spirituality, or Truth, or Reality... or God... to slowly acquire experience and to grow in Wisdom and in Knowledge... over many, many lifetimes.  And that's what we are doing.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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