Friday, January 17, 2025


 I BELIEVE "INTUITION" IS AN ASPECT OF ONE'S CONSCIOUSNESS, WHICH IS THE ENERGY [I BELIEVE] OF ONE'S SOUL.  I REFER TO IT AS "NSgy"... or Neutral Spiritual Energy. The "key" being the term "Neutral".   Neither good nor bad, and that the duality we experience as good and evil is the energy of the MIND, which God Created to operate the Creation.  The Creation has both good and evil, or duality.

What we know as "negativity" or evil, is of the MIND realm, which is the seat of duality... again, this is what I believe based on what little I know of existence.

NSgy is, I believe, the Energy of God, and since we Souls are aspects of God, the Energy of NSgy is also the Energy of we Souls.  Which is, I believe, Neutral and
Absolutely Neutral.  So, where does the duality enter into the picture?  I believe it is the Energy of the MIND [which God Created as part of the Creation]... which enables the Creation to possess the duality of good and evil.

And therefore, what is called "Intuition" is a part of one's Soul and also part of what we refer to as "Consciousness"... or what enables one's Soul to possess Awareness of the duality of good and evil. However, only Pure Spiritual Energy can perceive evil...  as other than itself...which is not part of the vibrational Energy of one's Soul.  Over time, one's Soul has forgotten who and what it is, and has become a servant of the MIND that is attached to one's Soul so that one's Soul can explore and experience the Creation.  And if one's Soul has awareness of evil as something negative and other than who and what its Soul is... then that awareness has been "acquired" by that Soul by "converting" a bit of Karma [that it acquired by engaging in some bit of evil at some time]... by having to experience the same bit of Karma itself, and has subsequently Forgiven those involved in that bit of Karma, and has taken full Responsibility for that bit of Karma!  This "converts" a bit of Karma into Knowledge, which then becomes an increased Knowledge of that which is evil.

This is the method by which we Souls slowly acquire Knowledge of good and evil, and the result is what we KNOW... as "Wisdom".   Or Enlightenment.  And if we KNOW that a certain action results in a given result... that Knowledge is our "growth" as a Soul.  It is our education as Souls.  This process is the evolutionary movement of we Souls through becoming Enlightened... which is how we acquire Wisdom, and the positive virtues of an Enlightened Soul.

So, if you Intuitively Know that a certain act will result in a given result... that is Knowledge, or Wisdom.  And that is also evidence that your Soul has acquired advanced Consciousness.  When one's Soul acquires a "sufficient" amount of Consciousness... [over many lifetimes] and one's Soul begins to tire of this will be  drawn to a Perfect Living Master (who, by the way, was born to be a Perfect Living Master),  and one's Soul will desire to be "Initiated" by that Master... and  one' Soul will begin it's Spiritual process of going back Home to God.  This is what the Lord designed, and it is what all Souls are experiencing.  But only certain Souls are aware of this "program".

So, if you possess a substantial amount of Intuition, it is something you have "earned".

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Slhakespeare...TO BE, OR NOT TO BE...


But, what was he referring to... exactly?  "TO BE"?  When did you get the choice to be, or not to be?

Interesting question, is it not?  My question for the History of Philosophy is this:  Where did Man come from... and when?  And why?   But those are questions for really wise people to discuss.

My answer is this:   "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or NSgy?  And, what do you know in the Creation that is composed of NSgy?  That is, what do you know that is actually  "Neutral"?

Oh... yeah, the Creation was Created, wasn't it?

1 Brother James, just asking questions again...

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 In the whole of existence... the only thing we are missing is God.  And God is REALITY!

Can you believe it?  The only thing that is Real in existence... is God, and the actual presence of God is invisible to the Physical Creation, of which our bodies and senses are a part.  And yet, God exists in each of us.  What a great topic for a winter afternoon in America.

Who's up for a discussion of that which is invisible to us?

PEACE, 1Brother James

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

But specifically, how does one return to God?

 What makes explaining the way back to God difficult is that we human beings do not realize that we exist in an Illusion we [using our physical senses] cannot see, taste, touch,  nor think about using the brain... and thus, the whole of Reality is INVISIBLE to us.  It is like we are in a closed place, and everywhere we look, all we see is the reflection of ourselves in everything we can observe using our physical senses. And should any of us happen to come  across an advanced Mystic, or Saint, what could he or she possibly say that would be of help to us in discovering that which does not exist on this physical plane?


So, my question is this:   How does one explain that which does not exist on the physical plane of existence?  And your answer might be... (if you were an Enlightened Soul) ... to say that I must "go within" myself by means of special meditation to awaken a level of Consciousness that exists "within" me,  in a realm of Energy that is INVISIBLE to my physical senses, and in time I would begin to slowly become aware that I was "somehow" awakening to bits of understanding that.... somehow provided me with a form of Knowledge that I knew was the Truth... and yet,  I was unable to communicate this bit of Knowledge to anyone outside of myself... even though what I had come to suddenly KNOW was clearly the Truth.  NSgy = Neutral Spiritual Energy.

What I just wrote above is what makes dealing with Spirituality so difficult.  That which is of Spirituality is Permanent, as is TRUTH.  But to our physical senses, TRUTH is invisible.  Truth, in other words, does not exist in the Illusion of Creation.  In the  Creation we find only the abstract term Truth... which stands for a TRUTH we can experience only when one's Attention is focused in the Realm of Spirituality [in a higher level of Consciousness]. 

One's Soul does indeed exist, but it ONLY exists as Pure Spiritual Energy... which is not to be found in the physical Creation.  "Within" oneself is a MIND realm, and one's Spiritual realm, and both are invisible to one's brain.  Again my sketch:

We cannot easily accept the fact that we have a Soul but that it is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  We are trained from early childhood to "trust" the brain and its thinking.  So, it never occurs to us that the brain cannot perceive anything other than the physical  dimension.  No wonder our search for God is difficult.  We insist on expecting an intellectual path back Home.

More on this in my next blog... 1 Brother James


 Many years ago... well, prior to life appearing on the Earth, God Created CREATION.   This is what the Bible tells us in Revelation. But this is  questioned by many people because there is no way for Man to prove this, except by the physical evidence... the origin of which is Creation... and the concept that it was Created by God cannot be proven.

So, Mankind is composed of two kinds of people:  Those who believe that God Created the Creation, and those who question the origin of Creation as being from God, and believe that what is now seen as Creation is simply the natural events of the "evolution of "nature".   And this division of different beliefs is due to a most interesting element!  ... which is not known by most people!  That is, what is not known by people is the fact that each person has (within him or her) something called "Consciousness," and one's Consciousness is continually growing [lifetime after lifetime].  You were aware, no doubt, that your Soul is immortal and does not die?  Well, the Soul is an aspect of God, and it composed of what I  refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or  the symbol NSgy... which is the Energy of God and one's Soul.  

[Every living thing has a Soul.  It is the Soul that is immortal, and Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms into which a Soul can be born.  And if you are a human, then you have "earned" your status as a human being by a process of "evolution"].

And I believe that what we refer to as  "Consciousness"  is, in actuality... the Energy of a person's Soul!  And one's Soul, or level of Consciousness, determines what each of us "believes".   Well, specifically... what one believes is what one's MIND wants one to believe... which is in keeping with one's "Fate Karma" for this lifetime.  And that leads us to "Reincarnation" which is a concept that is not accepted by those people whose level of Consciousness is not [as yet] "evolved"sufficiently to believe what I am writing in regards to Reincarnation, or one's Soul being born again in a new body.

And, I am tossing out concepts that may not be widely shared? So, let us simply agree to accept that Man has a Soul.  And that another name for Soul might be "Consciousness".  And that Consciousness is something that naturally [and slowly] increases as one's Soul completes lifetimes on Earth. "Lifetimes on Earth"? Humm....

The method by which one's Soul can return to God?  Well, I will focus specifically on that topic in my next blog...  If really interested in all of this, then I recommend "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson, which is available in many libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James