Monday, April 29, 2024

WHEN DOES A CHILD'S BRAIN BEGIN TO FUNCTION ? Or...does a young child use its brain?


  1. That is... how much does a young child use the brain, as opposed to the MIND? 
  2. This theory suggests that children actively construct their understanding of the world and distinct cognitive abilities and ways of thinking characterize these stages. The four main stages are the sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years), the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years), the concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years), and the formal ...
  3. The above suggests that a child's brain develops in "stages".  And this simply makes sense, does it not?  Every physical part of a person must develop and evolve by experience.   What we think of as "Knowledge" comes from experience.  And the brain of a child is NOT THE MIND OF THAT CHILD!  And what I just stated is an Absolute Fact... but this FACT will not likely be found stated in most literature regarding the development of the child.  Imagine that!  The fact that a child has a MIND [which is not the brain of that child] is not even considered by people who are confined to Intellectualism!  This is also an unfortunate problem with modern psychology, which has been taken over by Intellectualism.
  4. What is "Intellectualism"?  It is simply a person whose Left-Hemisphere of the brain is dominating the Right-Hemisphere.... which is the hemisphere that is used by one's faculty of Intuition [which is an aspect of one's Soul... I believe].
  5. And a failure to differentiate the brain and the MIND is where the typical intellectual stumbles and falls into a trap of the MIND that locks a person into not even thinking about the MIND.  And this very common problem is NOT STRESSED (if even known) IN WESTERN EDUCATION.  And this is a point that the typical intellectual [or person given to Intellectualism] inevitably fails to take into consideration... because you can't just think about it.  You have to make use of your faculty of Intuition, which is (I believe) a faculty of one's Soul).
  6. This is also how the MIND keeps people confined to the brain and thinking, which results in a failure  to deal with mental illness [which is always a problem of the MIND--not the brain).  There is simply no way to deal with a mental problem by use of the brain... because a "MENTAL" problem means a problem within one's MIND!  The term "Mental" refers to the MIND (not the brain).  A failure to acknowledge the simple fact that the brain is not the MIND is a failure of modern psychology, and this results in a constantly increasing problem of mental illness in America, and the world, as intellectuals seek to "think" their way to a solution.

  1. The MIND is invisible... let us agree on this point. The energy of the MIND is emotional, and this means it exists as emotional energy.  It is NOT physical.
  3. The point is... the brain of a very young child is not capable of complex thinking such as evaluating a person's character by simply looking at a person.  So, what does the young child use to judge a person's character?  The child uses its faculty of Intuition, which is a faculty of one's Soul.  In other words, the MIND of the child experiences subtle vibrations emanating from a person's MIND...and the child's MIND senses whether or not that person is a threat to it?  People do not know this because modern psychology discounts the idea that the MIND is invisible.  The reason for this is due to people like B.S. Skinner: 
  4. Skinner tells us in this quote of his disbelief for an Invisible MIND.
  5. So, people like Skinner [or people who are confined to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking...], refuse to deal with the concept of the MIND because they cannot intellectually "control" or physically locate the MIND.  And for people who possess an elevated faculty of Intuition who can Intuit aspects of the MIND... well, they are  simply ignored or ridiculed by the "thinkers" in the field of modern psychology.
  6. A bit of an impasse is it not?
  7. Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 I suspect that you have, at some time in your life, watched a large Hawk, or an Eagle, use the wind and its feathers to make large graceful circles in the sky.  This is a natural part of the hunting for food exercise of these large birds when they are searching large swaths of land, and trees, for food.

Well, yesterday, the 26th of April, I was at my sink in the kitchen cleaning up after lunch, and while doing so, I was watching...  [I live in a sixth floor condo and my kitchen window overlooks a  sizable hill (perhaps three hundred feet from my window) and it is covered with many different types of trees]... so, if I just look upward a wee bit, I can often watch  Hawks and an occasional Eagle or two making large circles in the sky.  Yesterday there were two Hawks making these circles over the hill.

For some reason, I stopped my work and I began to watch one Hawk engaged in this hunting activity... when suddenly, that Hawk became perfectly still in the sky.  No movement at all. That is, the Hawk ceased moving in its circle, and became frozen in its position.  Somehow that Hawk achieved complete neutrality and the wind [there was a brisk wind blowing the trees, and above the hill the clouds were moving a bit quicker than normal as a storm front was moving in from the South-West], but that Hawk was able to stop its graceful movement through the sky, and to become perfectly still... letting the breeze support it and somehow maintain it's position perfectly still... while it intensely observed something beneath it (in a patch of trees).  It must have minutely used its feathers to accomplish this, because I was struck that there was no discernible movement whatsoever from this large bird.

It was as though a still photograph was suddenly placed in the sky, and it remained there for several seconds.   I  had never seen this sight  before yesterday. A large Hawk, perhaps a hundred and fifty feet from my window, perfectly still, virtually frozen in movement, while all around that Hawk the clouds, the trees, and another Hawk were in full movement.

That Hawk somehow used its gliding skills to maintain a perfectly balanced position of no movement whatsoever for several seconds.  I am still, a day later, amazed at what I observed.  As I think about it... the only thing that comes to MIND is a helicopter and how it can remain hovering over some spot, with only the blades moving.  But with this Hawk, there was no blades spinning to maintain its hovering position.  It was apparently the position of its wings, even to the very tips... that allowed it to remain stationary?

In any case, I thought I would verbally share this experience with you.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, April 26, 2024



I believe that most people "think" that one's behavior can be "controlled" by use of one's brain... with the exercise of a little "will power".  However, the fact is... all your actions are controlled by your MIND, which controls what you think by feeding the Left-Hemisphere of your brain "D-Think"... [which is my label for "Delusional Thinking"]  which stands for the thoughts fed to your brain by your MIND -- which cannot be ignored  because "D-Think" is based on your Fate Karma, which is mandatory and overrides both your MIND and your brain.

In psychological terms... your MIND uses D-Think with the brain because D-Think is tied to a deeply repressed "habit pattern of your MIND" which initiates an automatic response pattern which is  complete unto itself and by-passes any alternative "thinking" that a person might want to exercise.  Should a person want to try and ignore an automatic response pattern of his or her MIND, his or her MIND will immediately create an intense  emotional ANXIETY that is both painful and frightening to that person.  And this forms the base nature of a pattern of behavior that people who are CONTROLLED by such a "habit" would very much like to eliminate... but each such "habit pattern" can only be eliminated by psychologically removing the deeply repressed emotional trauma that required the MIND to create the habit pattern in the first place!   Regarding my phrase... "Psychologically removing"?  This is not an easy thing to explain... but I will try.

Freud and Perls were part of a class of people interested in psychology who "Intuitively recognized"  that although the MIND of Man exists...  it is  INVISIBLE  to the brain and one's physical senses... which is the reason I use the term "Intuition".  Intuition is a faculty of one's Soul, and to possess an active faculty of Intuition, one must be "Enlightened".

And Enlightened refers to an elevated level of Consciousness.  And  the term Consciousness is not defined as Spiritual in nature... but Consciousness does mean Spiritually elevated. And I believe Spiritual Energy  is "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy".   And NSgy is the Energy of one's Soul, of God, and of the Energy other than that of Creation.  And it is also Reality... as opposed to Illusion, which is a series of stepped-down planes or energy realms.

And the last sentence describes Man.  At one's "Eye Center" is the entrance [doorway] to NSgy, and the Pure Spiritual Realms, which includes Truth.  And on this side of the "Eye Center" is the Creation... which is material.  And Intuition is an aspect of Man which enables we Souls to "see" bits of Truth "Within" ourselves... that are otherwise invisible to the brain and our physical senses.

And all of this is going on continuously, while most people are trying to think their way out of the Creation.  How does one withdraw from the Illusion... when one has [over time] come to believe that everything of value is what one's brain can perceive?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, April 25, 2024




Take for instance the saying:  "God is Within You"!

What does this expression mean... I mean, literally?

In the long history of mankind there is no record of anyone ever presenting God  who was found hidden "Within" Man.

Why then do we have this expression... if there is no evidence to support the expression?

The reason we have the expression is that various Mystics or Saints have discovered the means of awakening to the Spiritual Soul [an aspect of God] existing "Within" themselves... and having accomplished this task, they have shared this fact with others who have not awakened to this accomplishment... and since there is no material evidence to support what these Mystics or Saints have said... intellectuals [people who are confined to the brain and thinking]... have denied the existence of God, the Soul, and even Spirituality.  And, in the history of mankind,   many of these intellectuals have engaged in all kinds of ways to eliminate those Mystics and Saints.  Christ was just one of these Mystics or Saints. Other Mystics or Saints were pulled apart by Elephants; boiled in oil; beheaded; and so on.

The brain is a physical muscle, located in one's Skull, and it, along with one's body, cease operating at the time of death.  But one's Soul is not physical, it is Spiritual,  and thus immortal... and it, along with a MIND that is attached to one's Soul, are both Reincarnated lifetime after lifetime.  And in each lifetime one's Soul accumulates "Karma," which is an Eastern term for the Law of Karma, designed by God, that is an absolute Law covering every action taken by  all life-forms in Creation.   It is the Karma we life-forms create that keeps all Souls coming back into the Creation via Reincarnation.

In the East, this Reincarnation is referred to as "The Wheel of Eighty Four," which refers to the fact that there are 8,400,000 life-forms into which we Souls can be born.  And every Soul in Creation is subject to Reincarnation. The Soul is invisible to the physical brain, and this is the reason so few people in history have ever become aware of the nature and function of the "Spiritual Energy" existing "Within" Man... which we call Soul.

The Energy of Spirituality does not exist on the physical plane of existence.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 The energy of the MIND is a form of emotional energy that... being part of the MIND, is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  Early childhood trauma is experienced by the MIND of the child long before the brain comes on line and is functional.  The childhood trauma is taken-on by the MIND of the child directly from the MIND(s) of one or both parents at or near the time of birth.  Modern psychology -- or what I refer to as "BS Spec"  which stands for "Behavioral Science Speculation" ... simply does not deal with the MIND [and its emotional energy] and thus, the essence of what the ancient Greeks gave us as "Psychology"  is not really part of modern psychology.  This is due to the influence of Intellectualism.

This illustration shows X, which is a spot where some bit of emotional trauma is taken-on by the MIND of the child from one or both parents.  This is, among other things... one way a person's stored Karma is taken care of by the MIND.  A child's MIND can literally reach out and draw a bit of negative Karma from the MIND of either parent.  And this is, again, simply part of how the MIND helps the Law of Karma work in the life of each Soul.  Is cancer simply the natural way the MIND and one's physical body deals with bits of Karma?

Mankind spends great sums of money on building material phenomena, and the practice of modern psychology [or "BS Spec"] , is also becoming a purely intellectual exercise in speculation based on assumption of what the brain can think about and perceive.

Surely at some point someone in the field of psychology will become curious about the MIND?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The SOURCE OF DATA I am sharing in this blog...

 SOURCE:  "Spiritual Gems"  by Maharaj Sawan Singh, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, (Punjab), India.

Maharaj Sawan Singh, or "Great Master" served as the Master at the Radha Soami Colony, Beas (Punjab), India [1911-1948.  He initiated more than 125,000 Souls into the the Mystic Path called Sant Mat, or Path of the Saints.  The first edition of this book was published in 1988. Since that time over 23,000 copies have been printed and distributed.

Mystics, or special Saints, are Souls that have come into the Earth Plane directly from the Lord God, for the express purpose of Initiating specific Souls [that have been chosen by God] into a Spiritual Path that leads a Soul back Home to God.... and the process is unique to those special Saints, or Mystics.  And once Initiated [by a living Mystic], a Soul "Will" ultimately find its way Home. I was fortunate enough to be Initiated on March 17, 1972, by Charan Singh,  [2024-1972 = 52 years].  So, I have been "on my way Home" for 52 years.  And the journey is both long, and it is difficult.  It is difficult because of  attachment to the physical Illusion by my MIND, which does its best [and out of habit] to keep me involved in the world...which is true for all Souls who are Initiated by a Spiritual Master.

All special Masters are serving God directly, and they KNOW precisely which Souls are marked for Initiation.  Christ was such a Master, and this is the reason the Bible speaks of Christ as the "Son of God," and "One with God".  And these references tell us that Christ was a Mystic of the Highest Order.

Today, in addition to the above information... I would like to share the following:  Mystics tell us of the marvelous realms located "Within" each of us.  What do they mean by this?  Let me try to illustrate what they mean with a sketch.

Sorry about that... hope you have a magnifying glass handy...

This illustrates the concept of Man being composed of multiple energy realms... most realms are invisible to our brains and physical senses. "Within" us is a faculty of Intuition [part of one's Soul] which can perceive Knowledge... i.e. these realms.

Quite literally, the majority of the Whole Human Being (WHB), is invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  These invisible planes are what your MIND uses to subtly feed thoughts to your brain that keeps you locked into this physical plane of existence.

And this is most likely enough to digest for the time being...?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, April 20, 2024


 Please note my new "HINTS of a LOST REALITY" LOGO for this blog.  It represents a slow growth of my faculty of "Intuition" [which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul] over a number of years.  And this is no doubt a direct reflection of  my having been Initiated by my Spiritual Master [Charan Singh],  in 1972 .  I cannot begin to express how much Love I have for my Spiritual  Master, and the great patience he had with this lost Soul.  The mortal body of Charan Singh  died a number of years ago.  But like all great Masters, He was sent by God into the Earth plane of Existence to contact and provide Initiation for a great many Souls who were determined by God to be "ready" to begin their journey back Home.   Once a Master provides Initiation for a Soul, that Master remains responsible for that Soul's  return Home [and for this I am most thankful].

The division between Reality and the Illusion most people "think" of as real is amazing... and when I say amazing, what I mean is almost impossible to intellectually comprehend.  The Spiritual Realms "Within" Man are quite invisible, and thus incomprehensible to the physical brain and its thinking.

So, I hope you are having a good day, and that the darkness consuming so much of the Earth today has not swallowed your neighborhood.  Life has become most difficult for  a great many people these days.  It is hard to believe how much pain and suffering is taking place today, and the great numbers of people that are involved in the chaos of the "end times".  If one is enjoying his or her life, that person is indeed most fortunate... if we are to believe what is on the news these days?

For those people who believe in God, and in goodness... please realize that you are leading a blessed life. The "end times" has, as a major event of the near future... what we will refer to as World War Three, and it will consume a great many people.  If you have not read Revelation in the Bible, I suggest you do so, and remember... Revelation is not a novel.  It is an indication of what is coming to the entire world... and it is taking place even as you read this.

There is no better time to take stock of what you want to experience in the future than right now.  Your Soul with MIND attached will not die, regardless what happens!  Your physical body will die, but your Soul is immortal, and it and your MIND will remain a part of what is left after WWIII.  And how your next lifetime will be will be determined by how you live what is left of this lifetime?

It is time for everyone who is sane enough to care... to look to his or her future.  This means to be as nice as you can to people, and forgive people for being fearful, anxious, and perhaps acting out their fear in inappropriate ways?

Pray for your own Soul and for guidance as to how to make your way forward.  We are literally lost sheep in a world that is in deep trouble.  Please take some time to read the Bible, and in particular Revelation.  And take a few minutes every evening to thank God for your life, and seek forgiveness for the sins you have collected in who knows how many lifetimes?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, April 19, 2024



I believe the  essential reason there is good and evil on this physical plane is that this physical plane is composed of Yin and Yang, or duality.  And since the Whole Human Being  [WHB] is composed of both physical matter (obviously tangible) and etherial matter  (invisible to our physical senses), the duality of this physical plane is unavoidable.

So, this is the reason for good and evil [a duality] in the Creation... essential term "Creation," which means it was Created, and this then means that if it was Created... it then is naturally subject to being uncreated,   or dissolved.  This also means that the Creation is both artificial [not real in an absolute sense], and thus subject to dissolution... which the mystics tell us has occurred numerous times in history.

Some years ago, I Intuited the concept of "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  That is, the concept of "Neutrality"came to me relative to the Energy of one's Soul.  As I pondered what the concept of Neutrality might mean, relative to the Soul, the notion that God was COMPOSED OF NEUTRAL SPIRITUAL ENERGY, or "NSgy" for short... and this then seemed to  answer a number of questions I had regarding the reason Man had not discovered the Soul, or God?  NSgy is simply invisible to the physical senses of Man, and Man (at least Western Man) relies almost entirely on the brain and thinking as a primary means of discussion, debate, discovery, and research.  Well, the fact is that the physical brain  cannot perceive the normally invisible realms that make-up the Whole Human Being.  That is, the Astral and Causal realms of the MIND,  and the Pure Spiritual Realm of the Soul of Man.

So, here we are, Mankind, composed of multiple realms, each with its own range of vibrations, and the only realm we can see and think about using our brains is the physical realm.  Is this then the reason that Man has been so unsuccessful in discovering the Soul of Man, and the Spiritual Realm of Man, and the MIND of Man?  I believe it is.  Now, is this situation a natural aspect of this Creation?  I suspect it is, but I have not made a great deal of progress in my pursuit of the answers to my  own questions.

But Eastern Mystics suggest that my suspicion is correct, and that all great Mystics  throughout history have suggested this is the very problem that locks we Souls into being unable to escape the problem of Reincarnation of the Soul on Earth.  Reincarnation, remember, means that when the body in which one's Soul (with MIND attached ) resides dies, the physical body dies, but the Soul and MIND simply awaken in an Astral body in the Astral Realm of Creation.  And one's Astral body is then escorted to some Heaven [for R&R] or some Hell (for "education").  And following this, one's Soul and MIND are born again into one of 8,400,000 different species of life-forms which inhabit Earth.  The choice of the body [and one's fate generally]  depends upon one's Karma generated in one's past life or lives.  This of course applies to every Soul, since all Souls are subject to the Law of Karma.

And why are we in the West not more aware of all of this?  Well, because all of it takes place on realms which are entirely invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  There are tons of books speaking to this written by Mystics from various nations, but likely due to the resistance of Christianity... most of this Mystical literature has been banned, or just ignored.

So, the above is my little contribution to humanity.  A humble contribution to be sure, but it is what I have discovered thus far via my own efforts... which I readily admit have been less than something to be praised.  And I ask God for forgiveness... virtually every day.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

INTUITION VS intellect, brain, or thinking...

Let us begin with a definition of the term "Intuition".

 intuition /ĭn″too͞-ĭsh′ən, -tyoo͞-/


  1. The faculty of knowing or understanding something without reasoning or proof. synonymreason.
    Similar: reason
  2. An impression or insight gained by the use of this faculty.
  3. A looking after; a regard to.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

Does the above definition really explain what the term "Intuition" stands for?  Having read this  definition do you now know what the word Intuition means?  Or, do you "think" you might know?
The reason this definition fails to provide us an understanding of what the word "Intuition" means is that the  person providing the definition likely has no personal knowledge of what "Intuition"  is?   Many writers of definitions are given to the Western education that results in Intellectualism, or use of the brain and thinking "ABOUT" things... while denying, ignoring, and avoiding the emotional energy of the MIND entirely.
In my opinion, Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul, and if it is active "Within" a person, that person tends to KNOW various concepts that are True, but what he or she KNOWS cannot be known nor proven by, nor conveyed by the use of words that the brain can process.  The brain is a physical plane instrument... essentially.
So, if you Know something via your faculty of Intuition, you Know "it"  as "direct perception" of a concept of Truth that your Consciousness has awakened to from "Within" Knowledge possessed by your Soul.  In other words, your faculty of Intuition has provided your Conscious Awareness with an element of Truth, that exists in Reality, but can only be Known by your "Conscious Awareness"... which is the language of  your Soul.
And recall the sketch of the Whole Human Being:  

Your brain is part of #1, which is your physical realm, which is what we use to think about things that exist in the physical plane of  existence.
Your Intuition is a part of #4, which is your Soul.  And #4 is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.  Your faculty of Intuition is an exception that uses an invisible element of communication.

If you possess access to some level of Intuition, and from time to time you awaken to bits of Truth as a consequence of your faculty of Intuition, what this means is that you possess bits of Knowledge... which means that at some point in some lifetime, you have completed the work on the physical plane that resulted in you "Completing bits of Karma" ... which means that you successfully experienced the YIN and YANG of various experiences that has provided you with Knowledge of both the Yin, and the Yang of these various events... and your Soul now KNOWS bits of Truth that  your "completion" of these various event  of  Karma provided Your Soul!  In other words, your Soul now possesses  experiential bits of Truth.  And your "Intuition" is evidence of your Soul having acquired this Knowledge.  And what that tells us is that your level of Consciousness is active and present "Within" your Soul relative to possessing these various types of experience.  This is, in fact, one purpose of life.

And this bit of "Intuition" provides one with a burst of "insight" relative to something one is involved in, or will be involved in shortly... and one can either make use of this "insight" or ignore it.  One's choice quite often depends upon whether or not one is "open" to a strong belief in God,  an appreciation for Truth,  and is humble enough to be thankful for the "insight"?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

WHO AM I THIS LIFETIME ? OR... What is a Mystic?

 I'm sure I am not alone when I suddenly recall some incident that took place in this lifetime in which I seemed to be caught up in a kind of Deja vu...   In the experience I recalled this morning took place when I was fairly young, perhaps in my early twenties?  In any case, I recall visiting a public camp grounds with a group of friends... somewhere in California.  And this incident was a prolonged sense of having been a member of some Indian tribe, and having lived in the area of this campground before.

Specifically, I was in a strange space, mentally..., and at one point I was sitting on a large rock outcropping, and it suddenly occurred to me to dig in the earth beneath where I was sitting.  I climbed off the rock, and began digging up the earth  below where I had been sitting... which was a distance of some ten feet or so in height.  I had only removed a little earth when I uncovered a rather large fragment of a large bowl.  It was about ten to twelve inches across, and it was decorated.  And the strange thing is that I had somehow known that it was there!  I called a couple friends over to look at it, and we took it to the ranger station, and compared it with some of the fragments they had on display.  The piece I had found was larger and in better condition that what was on display.  And surprisingly, the ranger told me to take the piece, since they had plenty for display.

What I am getting at is not the fragment of pottery I found, but the fact that it "fit" my Deja vu sense of having been an Indian in the past, and having lived in that very area.  I also realized a bit later that one of the females in our group had seemed vaguely familiar to me when I first met her... and that I had been aware that she was somewhat hostile toward me.  I had this experience, as I am reporting, but I was not into Reincarnation at that time, although my strong sense of having lived as an Indian in this area was clearly a part of my experience of that campground.

Déjà vu

Déjà vu is the phenomenon of feeling as though one has lived through the present situation before. It is an illusion of memory whereby—despite a strong sense of recollection—the time, place, and context of the "previous" experience are uncertain or impossible. Wikipedia

The problem with this definition by Wikipedia is that it is a typical intellectualism definition which suggests that a person only lives once.  The definition avoids the possibility that a person very well may have lived before! Most definitions one finds in most dictionaries are written by people who are either ignorant of Reincarnation, or they simply do not believe in the concept of Reincarnation?  Although not everyone follows the tenets of Christianity, the idea that a person only lives once is  a  dominant belief in he West.

One's Soul is immortal, it is one's physical body that is born and dies... and is Reincarnated into another life-form based on a person's Karma.  In other words, one's life this time is entirely scripted, and we are the writers of the script by our own Karma -- which is composed of attachments to the  Illusion that we have engaged in by what we have done in our past lifetimes?   This lifetime after lifetime is called  Reincarnation, and Reincarnation it is the   the law of the Creation.   And it is true that the individual human being only lives one lifetime... but it is the physical body of that person that dies.  One's Soul with MIND attached simply shifts into the Astral realm at the time of death.   And then one's Soul with MIND attached will be born again  into one of 8,400,000 different life-forms we Souls can be born as.  In the East, this is called the "Wheel of eighty-four".  And the whole process is part of the Law of Karma, and we are the actors and directors of this grand play.

And the play continues for every Soul, over and over again, until a Soul is fortunate enough to be drawn to a Perfect Living Master [or God assuming the person of a Saint] to help those Souls that are "ready" to begin their long journey back Home.

Peace, 1 Brother James...  And may each of us awaken to the Truth in our life time.

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...