Friday, September 27, 2024

Let'sl take a step back for clarification of ""

 Or this logo: 

The field of psychology [prior to the take-over by individuals who are psychologically [which means "unknown" to themselves] locked into use of the brain, and thinking... as their primary means of discovery--, that is, people who are limited to use of the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking... or people who are wedded to "Intellectualism"... do not possess an active access to their faculty of Intuition (which is an aspect of one's Soul) and access to one's faculty of Intuition requires a fairly high level of Consciousness of one's Soul... which requires that a person's Soul has COMPLETED A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF KARMA OVER A NUMBER OF LIFETIMES.

And... what I just wrote  cannot be understood by simply reading what I wrote. And the reason for this is this little box: 

Already possessed... How can a person possess something before being intellectually introduced to that something?  Well, to comprehend what the box says... one must already comprehend the meaning of these terms:  Reincarnation, Esoteric, and the fact that the brain is physical and the MIND is not!

In other words...we human beings live multiple lifetimes, and the MIND that is attached to one's Soul remains with one's Soul for as long as that Soul remains in the Creation, and in each life we live, we experience all kinds of events, each of which is held in memory by one's MIND.  So, when we seem to "learn" something new... we are in fact simply ready to awaken to the TRUTH of what the MIND has held as memory of an event we previously experienced, but failed to fully comprehend the REALITY of what we experienced when that event took place.

And to "Complete" a bit of Karma means that one's Soul was able to take full responsibility for all the negativity associated with a particular bit of Karma that occurred to one in either this lifetime, or some previous lifetime.  If you have not previously read in my writing the fact that every action a person takes  in any of one's lifetimes... [involving another person, or persons] creates Karma...  And the Completion of that Karma both releases us from that Karma, and at the same time that Karma is converted into KNOWLEDGE OR WISDOM!   Once a person creates an act of Karma, in this or some earlier lifetime... that bit of Karma will come back to that Soul in various lifetimes... or until that person is able to Accept full responsibility for that bit of Karma , and is able to  entirely FORGIVE everyone involved in that bit of Karma.  In other words, it is quite difficult to "Complete" a bit of Karma once that bit of Karma has been created... because it is the role of one's MIND to prevent one from becoming aware of one's previous lifetimes.   Or, in the West, to even become aware of the Law of Karma is difficult.  THIS IS THE REASON WE NEED TO IMPROVE help people more fully comprehend [and appreciate] the purpose of LIFE.

And the reason it is difficult to "Complete" a bit of Karma is due to the fact that one's MIND presents that bit of Karma in such a way that one does not "see" that he or she was the person who created that bit of Karma in the first place.  It appears to me fairly obvious that one reason for the Law of Karma is to help we Souls "learn" the lessons that every act of Karma one creates  in the Creation automatically "Creates" an opportunity to "learn" various "emotional" lessons on this Earth plane of existence.  This is how we grow and learn as human beings,  in other words.   Fascinating... is it not?

So an "Intuitive-MIND-Associate" would be a Soul that is an older Soul in terms of having lived many lifetimes as a human being... and we know this because every Soul must learn about life in the same way.  This is the ONLY way in which we Souls can "learn" about the Creation, and what we must do to "Complete" bits of Karma we have created. Most people have no idea just how complex and difficult it is to become wise, honest, and Spiritual... while the rest of humanity believes that we only have one life to live!

How does a Soul learn the lessons of life that enable that Soul to eventually live a lifetime as a Mystic, or a priest, or a King, or a great philosopher?   That Soul must have "Completed" a great deal of Karma.  To create Karma we must use our Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And to get that Spiritual Energy, or NSgy back... we must  FORGIVE ourselves and others involved in a bit of Karma,  and ourselves for creating it in the first place.  Our Karma is part of the Illusion and everything in the Illusion is part of the Illusion, and not REAL. What seems Real in the Illusion to us is what we can see and "think" about.   Souls in the Illusion that can awaken to the Reality of Life are quite rare.  And... what is really important to Man is what is happening "within" oneself!  In other words, how Enlightened has your Soul become?   Remember...

Hopefully this introduction to Karma and how we Souls are involved in exploring the Law of Karma will be helpful to the reader, and will help to explain the reason some Souls are "naturally" more Enlightened than other Souls.  And only those Souls who have Completed a substantial amount of Karma will find themselves blessed with an active faculty of "Intuition".... which is an aspect of one's Soul.

If you are an Enlightened Soul, and you possess a natural access to your faculty of Intuition, then consider becoming an Associate in learning more about Intuition,  and the MIND. There is certainly a great need for "Intuitive-MIND-Associates".

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Regarding the Mind, and the fact it is invisible to the brain.

It occurred to me this morning that after working to understand the Esoteric MIND [and how it works] for half a century... it is probably time to apply what I have discovered regarding the MIND and how it works!  I do this in hopes of helping people with personality and behavioral problems that are directly due to "misperceptions" contained "within" the MIND hidden "Within" each of them! And therefore,  out of the reach of the brain and thinking... which has been the intellectual  policy of "Behavior Psychology" (since the late 1960's).  And the reason for such a high levels of mental illness in America.

Both the MIND and the Soul have not been a part of what "psychology" deals with since the time of BF. Skinner.  Psychology today is pure "Intellectualism"... the goal of which is to eliminate emotional energy [and in particular both the Soul and the MIND of Man].  Oddly enough...what is referred to as "EMOTIONAL ENERGY"  is actually the energy of the MIND... which is invisible to the brain. So, naturally "thinkers" just ignore the MIND... which is easy to do since the MIND is invisible to the brain.

In this quote, Richard Evans catches the essence of Behavioral Psychology  in his book, which is about  B.F, Skinner, published in 1968.

 Intellectualism?  "intellectualism

noun [ U ]
  usually disapproving
the ability to think about or discuss a subject in a detailed and intelligent way, without involving your emotions or feelings:"

 Skinner was as wrong as wrong can be.

You see... well, let's take another look at this sketch:

 Note in this sketch that your MIND is a two-part element #2 and #3, hidden "within" the whole of yourself... and  it is also invisible to your physical body, including your brain. Perhaps most importantly is the fact that your MIND is not your brain!  And too, please realize that your MIND pretty much controls your brain by feeding it "Delusional Thinking" [or subtle thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your physical brain] which your brain "thinks" are both true and originating in your brain.  The "reason" for this arrangement whereby your brain is controlled by your MIND so that you are always being operated to play- out your Fate Karma for this lifetime.  And yes, the term "Reincarnation" is a fact.  Most people do not realize that much of this life is determined by one's past lifetimes.  You did know that your Soul is immortal, right?

Well, this blog is hopefully sufficient to get this...  

 new logo "Intuitive MIND Assoc"... which is an open invitation to those Enlightened individuals whose level of Consciousness is high enough to enable them to access and make use of their faculty of Intuition in support of their intuitively helping people deal with the deeply repressed "misperceptions" from "within" the MIND of each person seeking help.  Perhaps we MIND-workers can support each other and in some small way help the field of mental health to actually HELP PEOPLE WHO really need a different kind of help in working with the MIND hidden "within" themselves. is a new direction for the nation to support.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, September 22, 2024

 The term "Reality" refers to anything that is Pure Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" [Neutral Spiritual Energy]. And the only place NSgy exists is in the Pure Spiritual Realm... which is NOT part of the Creation, although NSgy invisibly sustains the Creation... and this is KNOWN by very few people.  And by KNOWN, I do not mean known intellectually, as in "known by one's brain" and thinking".

And with that, we begin this relatively short blog.



What a Saint or Masters KNOWS [all capital letters means Known "experientially" [my word for having personally experienced something, thus making it a part of one's own Knowledge...or one's own faculty of Intuition]... which is a part of one's Soul.   In other words, the only way to  experience  Truth [which ONLY exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm] is to do so via one's faculty of Intuition. And ONLY someone whose "Conscious Awareness" [an aspect of one's faculty of Intuition] can  access and experience the Energy of the Soul, or can Know the Truth [[or phenomena that ONLY exists in Reality]] opposed to understanding abstract terms that only "point to" or "stand for" phenomena that is "invisible" to the brain and one's physical senses.  

In other words, the term  God is a word make-up by Man to "stand" for ...NSgy.... which no part of the "Creation" can ever experience.   Because ONLY Pure-Spiritual Energy can exist in the Realm of Pure Spirituality, or NSgy.   That means one's brain is confined to physical phenomena, or abstract words or terms that are made-up by Man to point to,  or "stand for" phenomena that one's brain is unable to actually experience.  Because  your brain [being physical] exists in a realm that cannot perceive the Energy of God.  To awaken to the Energy of NSgy is a task for an aspect of your Soul we refer to as "Intuition," which is an aspect of your Soul... that enables Man to awaken to a certain low-level of Spiritual Energy... if and when a person has awakened his or her faculty of Intuition?

I believe one awakens one's faculty of Intuition by increasing one's level of Consciousness, and this is done by "Completing Karma"... which is another interesting story.

 Therefore,  the actual existence of the Energy of God cannot be KNOWN by the brain, because the brain is a physical muscle located in the physical skull, and nothing that is physical and tangible can "experience" the Energy of God, or Truth, or Reality, or NSgy.

So, when you see the symbol "NSgy," you now know that NSgy stands for the Energy of Spirituality, or one's Soul, or God.  And to experience the Energy of  NSgy, Man must use a portion of the Soul we refer to as the term "Intuition".  Which is not part of Western education.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, September 21, 2024



In this sketch the Yellow is Pure Spirituality, and that is the Energy of God, and we Souls.  Note that the Soul, in order to explore the "Creation"... had to take-on a Causal body, then an Astral body, and finally a Physical form.  Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different physical forms we Souls can explore and experience.  And to return Home... a Soul must find a way to let go of the physical body, the Astral body, and the Causal body... before it can travel in it's Pure Spiritual Form.  Who, other than a Saint, or a Perfect Living Master... knows how to do this?

Answer... Only A Soul sent into Creation by God can do this! In history, there have been many such Souls.  We refer to them as Saints and Masters.  Seek and ye shall find... is what we are told.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Let us recall the sketch of the Whole of Man:

Note that the MIND has two parts. One is its operation in the Astral body (Lower MIND), and the other is its operation in the Causal body (Higher MIND).  Both parts are invisible to the brain.

This sketch shows the four dimensions of Man.

Every human being has a fully non-conscious "Self-View" contained "within" his or her MIND.  In other words, the only part of oneself that one can "think" about is one's brain... which includes the Delusional Thinking [or D-Think] fed to one's brain by one's MIND. D-Think are thoughts fed to one's brain by one's MIND whose purpose is to keep one's intellectual focus upon fully participating in the Fate Karma one came into this life to fulfill. All of this is thankfully taken cafe of by one's MIND.  In the East, this entire process is called one's "Fate Karma" and children learn about this in school... at least those children whose parents can afford to send their children to school.  In the West, the term Reincarnation is largely denied or just ignored by many sects of Christianity, and thus, it is simply not considered part of a Spiritual Reality that exists beyond thinking.

So, the MIND of the new born child is fully operational at the time of birth.  In contrast to the brain, which is busy growing the child from within the physical body of the child.  And one of the primary things one's MIND does at the time of birth is to make contact with the MIND of each parent [if both parents are present] and to mistake certain deeply repressed bits of trauma hidden within the MIND of each parent as an indication of who and what the child is in this lifetime.  In other words, the child's MIND assumes that what it picks up from the MIND of each parent is them "reacting" to the child.  What the child's MIND is actually doing is gathering emotional data to create a fully non-conscious "Self-View" that the MIND of the child will take-on as the core personality for the child in this lifetime... that is "needed" by the child's MIND  to properly insure that the child will adhere to the Fate Karma for that individual in this lifetime!

At the core of everyone and everything in life is the Law of Karma.  In other words, every life-form in the Creation is born with a Fate Karma for that life-form.  And this applies to every life-form in the Creation.  From the smallest molecule  to Man, every Soul dances to the Fate Karma to which it was born to experience.  And there are no exceptions to this. And there is no way for anyone to "think" him, her, or itself can do otherwise... forget it.

 I refer to what the child's MIND picks up from the MIND of each parent as "traumatic misperceptions". And this creates a new phrase.  But it is a phrase with a very specific meaning. The phrase refers to the deeply repressed and very negative bits of trauma that the MIND of every child takes-on as a "Self-View" of who and what it must be for this lifetime.  This then [at a fully non-conscious level] becomes a belief by the child's MIND that subtly influences the child's personality, and behavior... in keeping with it's Fate Karma for this lifetime.  The Reality of Life is that in the Creation the Law of Karma rules.

What I just described is most likely new to most people... since modern psychology does not deal with the MIND at all... except as something to "think" about.  Alas the MIND is not physical nor tangible, so to try and think about the MIND is a waste of time. The only way to awaken to one's MIND is via use of one's faculty of "Intuition," which is a faculty of one's Soul... that, as far as I am aware can only be acquired by an increased level of Consciousness.... which is increased by Completing Karma over time.

The completion of a bit of Karma returns to one's Soul the Spiritual Energy [NSgy]  that was used to create and sustain that bit of Karma.  Alas, in the West, we deny Reality in favor of what many misinterpret the Bible as saying... and most interpretations of the Bible are done by people who are limited to what they "think" is correct.  The Bible is a collection of offerings, all of them of good intentions... but not all of them reflect Pure Spirituality... which is Unique in existence.  For example Truth... can be Known by one's Soul, but not by one's brain.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In a video Master Charan Singh said the following:

"This illusion [speaking of the Creation], has no existence at all, it has no Reality".

If one considers this statement with the respect due Master Charan Singh... which all should do regarding everything a Perfect Living Master says [since they represent TRUTH]... or, they are speaking for God, then this statement is a most extraordinary thing to say!

How many people do you know who realize that everything they can see and think about, including history... is an Illusion we believe to be real?  That is, everything you believe to be real... is part of a grand Illusion that was Created by God, and continues since it is supported by God and by the MIND of Man whose primary role is to keep Man in the Illusion just as long as a person has desires to experience and explore that which the Creation provides.

And what did I just say?  I just said that Man cannot find the Soul because the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy... whose  "Real" not part of the Creation.    That is, what I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy" or [NSgy],  is impossible for the brain of Man to perceive or to experience because Pure NSgy does not exist as part of the Creation, and yet NSgy supports the entire Creation.  And NSgy also exists "Within" Man as what we refer to as the Soul.  And your Soul is Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, except for that part given to one's MIND to create and orchestrate all the Karma one is "fated for" in this lifetime... and that which is "stored" as bits of Karma within one's MIND for the future.

By the way... it is this"Fate Karma" that requires  we Souls to provide our own NSgy to our MINDs to insure that we fully engage in the Karma we are slated to face every day. This is what binds we Souls to this Illusion we "think" is real!  And Mystics tell us that we create much more Karma in each lifetime than we can possibly convert back to NSgy.  So, over time... we are in a losing proposition.

I believe that all energies of the Creation are stepped-down from NSgy , which is the reason that the search for God and Spirituality is almost impossible for Man to discover by use of the brain and thinking.   NSgy can only be perceived and experienced by NSgy... which is the Energy of the Soul.  And a little-known faculty of "Intuition" is within one's Soul, and it is available to Man...but it is a form similar to that of "emotion," and it is not encouraged in the West.  And Intuition depends upon how much Knowledge [or Wisdom] a Soul has acquired by Completing Karma... over many, many lifetimes.

How does one's Soul Complete Karma?   By Accepting full responsibility for each of the many bits of Karma that one experiences every day.  And this  means one entirely Forgives all the people who are involved in each bit of Karma that one experiences.  And, how many people do you know who are doing this?

A Perfect Living Master is a Soul sent by God into the Creation to draw to him or herself those Souls who are "ready" to begin their withdrawal from the Creation.  But these Saints give off Love, Acceptance, and Patience... which is not what all Souls are looking for.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, September 15, 2024


 But, what do the Mystics mean by this?  And, in the header for this blog, what does "NSgy" stand for?

NSgy = Neutral Spiritual Energy....Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And the "key" is the term Neutral. What do you know that is "Neutral"?  Can you name Anything that is "Neutral"?  That is, it never changes! Like Absolute Truth for example.

In this header, NSgy stands for "Spiritual Energy".  And NSgy is my symbol for the Energy of God, and I believe it is also the Energy of we Souls... who, according to Mystics over the ages,  are the children of God.  And why do I choose the term "Neutral"?   Because Neutral is the only element in existence that is Real, and permanent, unchanging, and entirely invisible to everything other than itself. This means that if we are to ever find Truth [absolute Truth],  we will find it only from within the NSgy of our own Souls.

Some years ago, I Intuitively stumbled across the concept of Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  That is, I "Intuited" this concept.  I believe that Man has a Soul, and that the Soul is immortal, and that an aspect of one's Soul is what we refer to as a faculty of "Intuition".  And one's level of Intuition depends upon the level of Consciousness that one's Soul has acquired... by "Completing" Karma over many lifetimes.

And what I just wrote brings two things to the front that are hardly ever discussed openly in the West.  One is the term Karma, and the other is the term Reincarnation.  Karma was discussed in one of my recent blogs. And I am continually mentioning Reincarnation.  Both are facts of life, even if these are not much discussed in the West... due primarily to some faulty interpretation of passages in the Bible.  And the Bible is misunderstood because of the influence of "Intellectualism," or dependence upon the brain and thinking.

  1. Intellectualism is the ability to think about or discuss a subject in a detailed and intelligent way, without involving your emotions or feelings. Learn more about this word, its pronunciation, synonyms, and translations in different languages.  Underline is mine, to emphasize statement.
     When a person denies "emotional energy" he unknowingly cuts himself off from the "emotional energy" of the MIND. But this is not an intentional choice... it is merely the MIND maintaining its dominance over the "Delusional Thinking" of Man... and the primary means of which is the MIND feeding Delusional thoughts to the Left-Hemisphere of a person's brain so as to maintain dominance over what that person "thinks".  The "cure" for this is to open oneself to some of the subtle ways in which one's MIND keeps one stuck in "thinking".  But this requires some deep MIND-level [emotional] work with a competent Gestalt Psychotherapist.  Few opt for this.

    So, bottom line is this... How does one intellectually discover what the brain is unable to perceive?  I am speaking of one's Consciousness via one's faculty of Intuition and being open to one's Conscious Awareness.... or  one's faculty of "Intuition" which is blocked by one's MIND using deep-seated [which means bits of emotional "misperceptions" taken-on in early childhood]?

    The term "misperceptions" might be explained as deeply repressed bits of traumata of early childhood that the child's MIND takes-in  as "misperceptions" that are used to develop the child's personality appropriate to fulfill his or her Fate Karma.

    Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, September 14, 2024

 A Couple Questions...

1. What is Karma?

2. Can you avoid your Fate Karma for this lifetime?

ANSWERS...  But first... One symbol for Karma is this: Yin and Yang symbol.

And perhaps  another is this: 

1. Fate Karma is simply what you did to another in the past... coming back to you!
Mystics tell us that this lifetime is designed expressly to insure that you face all the Karma your Fate Karma has prepared for you for this lifetime.  No exceptions to this Law. And the only way  to put an end to this continuous cycle of Karma is to Accept full Responsibility for the Karma happening to you, and to Forgive all involved.  This subtly ends a line of Karma and converts it to Knowledge.

And all of this is taken care of by the Law of Karma, which is the principal Law of Creation. And in the West, hardly anyone knows about the Law of Karma... because a principal of Karma is based on the term Reincarnation, which  just means the Soul is immortal and does not die when the body it was inhabiting dies.  In other words, we Souls are continuously being born into new bodies [not always a human body]!  The alternative to Reincarnation is called Transmigration:  Being born into lower forms of life.  And this is a hard one for people in the West to accept.  But it is nonetheless true.

2.  No, you cannot avoid your Fate Karma for this lifetime. And the reason is... the Law of Karma is a fundamental hurdle every Soul must eventually overcome... although doing so is very difficult to do. And we will discuss that in the near future.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, September 13, 2024


 NSgy.... is my symbol for the Invisible Spiritual Energy "Within" Man.  There are actually three realms that are invisible to us.   One is the Soul [NSgy], and  two realms of the MIND, and all three realms are invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.

Some terms that apply to NSgy would be:  "Whole, complete, undivided, intact, clean, uncontaminated, and absolutely pure [and of course invisible to the brain and our physical senses]."  

The Soul is an aspect of God, which means it is "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or NSgy.  In this physical realm,  we are prone to mistakenly think that God is a part of what Man knows of existence (or what we think of as existence).  This notion leads us to think of God as simply a part of the existence of which we are aware. And in the West, we are not taught that God is other than what we know of as existence.  God is the resident of the ONLY Reality there is !  Pure NSgy.  The key is "Neutral". What do you know that is actually Neutral?  The term "Neutral" means "never changes"?

So, why not take a few minutes to try and think about a Soul that has forgotten entirely who and what it is, and how it came to be in the Creation?  Truth, Reality, and your Soul all share the same Energy realm... which is Pure NSgy... which can ONLY be known by itself from Within itself.  So, if you are not aware of who and what your Soul is, that only means your Soul is dominated by your MIND, which was attached to your Soul so that your Soul could explore and experience the Creation.  That took place eons ago.  It is not your Soul that is conflicted, it is your MIND... which  is invisible to your brain. And only discernible by your faculty of Intuition [as aspect of your Soul].

If you are familiar with the concept of a Perfect Living Master, you probably realize that a "Master" comes into the Creation specifically to draw certain Souls to him or herself, and to Initiate those Souls... which means  put them on a path that eventually leads them back Home.  What you may not know is that this path is a long and difficult path.  And it mostly  involves erasing the dominance of one's MIND over one's Soul, so that one's Soul can slowly begin to awaken to realms that are presently invisible to oneself.   And once again, this path is long and difficult... and requires absolute dedication.

So "NSgy" is my term for the Spiritual Reality from which all Souls came... and cannot remember without direct help from a Master who came into Creation specifically to help Souls who are "ready" to begin the long journey Home.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



A sketch of the four dimensions which make-up the Whole of Man.  Three of these realms or dimensions are invisible to the physical brain... because they are not PHYSICAL.

The Soul (to which is attached one's MIND) is the only part of Man that is Real in an absolute sense... because it is Pure Spiritual Energy.  The entire Creation is an Illusion... in that it is not Real, but seems real to our physical brain and to our "Delusional Thinking" which is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain by the MIND.  Therefore, #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to the brain... and yet they most certainly exist... as part of the Creation.,  which is, as I said, an Illusion that Mystically exists and in the Illusion, elements of the Illusion seem quite real..  In other words we live in an Illusion, we think is real.  And much of our thinking is "D-Think", or Delusional Thinking fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain... which is based on a "script" which is known in the East as our "Fate Karma" for this lifetime.  And every Soul is governed by the Law of Karma.

This is another sketch I did quite some time ago, it points out the same things.

The difficult part of existing in an illusion is that we have forgotten who and what we really are... and the brain is incapable of discovering who and what we are.  So, the Lord (God) must help we Souls in the discovery of Truth, or Reality.  This is the role of the Perfect Living Master, who assumes a recognizable identity [as a human being like ourselves]  just so we can identify with a Master... whose role is to locate those Souls who are ready to begin their journey back Home, and to Initiate them as part of their journey back Home... and to guide them in that journey.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Oxymoron "Behavioral Psychology"...

 The term Psychology comes from the Greek term Psyche, which is defined as "Self, Soul and MIND". And,  for me... I can't help wondering what part of  "Self, Soul, or MIND" the intellectual supposes he or she can discover by use of the brain and thinking?   My point is simply this:  The physical brain is great when it comes to thinking about that which the brain will never be able to discover nor experience. 

 A person who is content with merely thinking about something... like speculating as to the reason a person does what he or she does... without ever discovering what actually  "causes" the person to do what the person is doing... is for me not very satisfying.  But then, I am not an Intellectual who is confined to the practice of Intellectualism, or confined to the brain and thinking as one's only means of understanding.  For me, I have a need to KNOW what is going on in a person's MIND that causes a person to do what a person does?   Despite the fact that the MIND is invisible to the brain!

I am both fortunate and thankful to have discovered my faculty of Intuition, which allows me to use my Intuition to relate to [resonate with and thus discover] what is going on in another's MIND that causes that person to behave in ways that causes the person pain and emotional suffering.  And... at some level wish that he or she could cease doing what is causing that person so much pain.

My point therefore remains... how can any intelligent person "think" that a person whose behavior causes him or her pain and suffering would not cease such behavior if it were merely a matter of thinking?  What alcoholic would not cease drinking if it were simply a matter of not drinking alcohol? That is, if there were no such thing as "craving"?   Or a MIND that feeds Delusional Thinking to the Left-Hemisphere of his or her brain... which causes intense anxiety until he or she gets drunk?

What "causes" an alcoholic to drink?  He or she drinks because it works to reduce and eventually block that person's anxiety... which is caused by that person's MIND precisely to force that person to continue to engage in the consumption of alcohol.  And modern psychology "thinks" the alcoholic's "habit' can be cured simply by not drinking! 

Odd, is it not... that the great intellectual thinkers who practice "behavioral psychology" never consider the MIND as a "causal" behind what they "think" the brain controls?   Somewhat like asking a bird not to use its wings to fly... because a person does not  himself fly.

The term "Esoteric" is defined by Webster's as  "1. Intended for or understood by only a small group. 2. Confidential; private. [<Gk esoterikos] What is it modern psychology is missing?  It is missing the invisible three-quarters of what makes a human being a human being.

Modern psychology is missing #2, #3, and #4 of this sketch.  Behavioral Psychology seeks to treat Man relying on #1 alone.

Look at anyone engaged in some behavior that is harmful to himself or others, and ask yourself this question?  Is that person happy, content, or at peace with him or herself?    If not content, then WHAT IS CAUSING THAT PERSON TO DO WHAT HE OR SHE IS DOING?  

ANSWER:   He or she is acting out what is secretly going on "within" him or herself... and doing it so as to bring scorn and ill repute to him or herself.  In other words, it is that person's MIND that is causing that person to demonstrate what an awful person he or she is!  All of which is based on deeply repressed "Misperceptions" taken-on by his or her MIND in early childhood.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, September 6, 2024

 Let us begin this blog with a short attempt to briefly explain what is wrong with Modern Psychology...

Many years ago, B.F.Skinner, and his followers [who were all adherents to the principles of Intellectualism]...
  1. The meaning of INTELLECTUALISM is devotion to the exercise of intellect or to intellectual pursuits.  Problem is... the MIND is invisible to the brain.

    As  I was saying... Skinner and his followers were  dedicated to the brain and thinking as their way of knowing things.  The label "Behavioral psychology" [which is an oxymoron] was a contribution of Skinner and his followers. What's wrong with this pursuit is that the brain is not capable of perceiving any dimension of Man that is not physical, tangible and part of the physical dimension of Man.  This means, of course... a one-dimensional Man.  And this automatically eliminates the study of the mental and Spiritual dimensions of Man... neither of which can be perceived by the brain.  As a consequence of this, American education has steadfastly resisted educating any part of Man except the brain. And I suspect the reason for this is that the more intellectual a person is, the more that person will insist on use of the brain over use of insight, or Intuition... which is an aspect of one's Soul [I believe]. 
    Remember... my sketch:
    The brain is part of circle #1, and it is confined to that dimension of Man.  To study the MIND, one must make use of one's faculty of Intuition, which can perceive the subtle energy of emotion, which is the energy of the MIND.  The Energy of the Soul is Spiritual Energy. And to deal with #2, #3, or #4, one must use Intuition.

    I believe it was around 1980, that I coined the term "Esochology" as the name for a particular type of study of the deeply repressed dimensions of the MIND.  And the "method" was a form of Gestalt Psychotherapy...somewhat akin to the process used by Freud, and  further refined by Perls.
    And let us pause to consider what Skinner said in his quote.
    Webster's:  animism:  Attribution of an innate soul to natural objects.  It is not unusual for intellectuals to fear what they do not understand.
    Skinner said what he said because he was entirely ignorant of the MIND and how it operates "within" Man.  The fact is... what Skinner scorned, is precisely the reason my present blog introduces the new term  "misperception," as a key element in the workings of the MIND... as it secretly operates to insure that Man performs his part in the Play of Life properly.  Life is much more complex than what the brain can begin to imagine!

    Looks like we need a part 3.... to finally focus on the MIND and how it operates?
    Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 And the term misperception  IS MORE THAN JUST A WORD.  It is  the principle action taken by the MIND of a child to insure that as an individual, he or she conforms to, and aligns  with,  the Fate Karma that individual came into this life to address.  And this, of course,  is based on a view of the Whole Human Being [or WHB], that is  based on how the Mystic views Man... as opposed to the general Christian notion that a human being only lives once... and then resides in a state of death for thousands of years.

The fact is... the Soul is immortal, and what we in the West call death, is actually a Soul leaving the body within which it was operating, and subtly shifting into the  Astral body [which we all possess], and in the
Astral Realm is where the various Hells and Heavens exist. So, what we call death should perhaps be called a "transition" from the physical dimension into the Astral Realm, where we are all judged as to  how well we did in the life just completed?  That is, judged as to our growth as Souls?

To properly study, comprehend, and make use of the  term misperception, [which specifically refers to the basic operation of the MIND (and one must also be clear that the MIND does not mean the physical brain),  and this distinction is important to maintain].   The brain is physical, and  it is located in the skull, whereas the MIND is composed of two invisible energy realms [operating "within" Man] , and these realms  are invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  All of this is, again, somewhat alien to the mainstream of Christianity.  But what I am speaking of is what Mystics have taught Man for tens of thousands of years.   If the  reader is familiar with Eastern Mysticism at all, then what I have just written is not that  strange.   

But the field of Psychology has virtually left the Whole of Man in preference to focusing entirely on the brain and thinking.  This "fits" Intellectualism quite nicely, but views Man as a one-dimensional thing.  My sketch illustrates the various energy planes or realms which make-up the Whole Human Being. 
#1 is the physical realm.  #2, and #3 represent the MIND, and #4 represents the Soul and spiritual Energy "Within" Man.  We should not of course confine ourselves to just one dimension, but with the MIND encouraging us to do so, most people confine themselves to the brain and thinking.  Alas, we cannot "think" our way out of the physical realm by thinking alone.  We need to use our "Intuition"... but, again, what's that?

This blog will be the first blog regarding the term "misperception".  The next blog will focus more on the MIND, and how it uses "misperceptions"?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How MUCH Mysticism Can The Brain Perceive?

QUESTION?   Can a human being "think" his or her way to an understanding of Mysticism?

ANSWER:  No, it is not possible.. because the word "Mysticism" is an [abstract term]* that was created by Man to "stand for," or "point to," or abstractly represent the phenomena of Mysticism... since that which is actually an element of what the term Mysticism applies... exists "within" realms of energies whose vibrational existence  are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man!

In other words... the brain can only perceive that which is physical, material, or is the label for something that is not physical.  Such as God, Reality, Truth, and of course, Mysticism.

So, how much Mysticism can the brain help one obtain?  [see below]   How much is zero?  

People in the West are not taught very much about Spirituality, or the fact that it is the origin of, and the sustaining power of all of existence. Or that when Mystics tell us that "God is "Within" us... they are not speaking metaphorically, they are speaking the Truth... which is also something we in the West tend to ignore... primarily because the brain cannot perceive the Truth.  And too, a primary job of the  MIND is to insure that the Soul remains trapped in the Illusion of Creation... but that is another topic to discuss.

So, how does Man discover the mysteries of Mysticism?  By use of one's faculty of Intuition is the answer. And, I believe one's faculty of Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul... which is associated with Consciousness, which is acquired by "Completing Karma"... which is another interesting topic, but it requires an elevated level of Consciousness, which requires an elevated level of Intuition... which is not much discussed, nor taught in the West.

So, when we are told as children to "think about it".... this advice may not be the best advice we could receive?  The phrase "contemplate it" would be a better phrase to give children.  Or, perhaps it would be wise to encourage the natural ability of children to exercise imagination to simply extend this ability to imagine him or herself as being a child of God [on vacation in a world in which God is invisible] and that to find God, the child must imagine itself to be more than just a body with a brain.

And to tell children that Reality and Truth both exist, but they exist in invisible dimensions of Reality, that they much search for "Within" themselves...  But to do this, we adults will have to overcome our fear of the "Unknown".

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, September 2, 2024

REAL... OR NOT REAL? Or, do we know what Reality is?

This morning, I was reading one of my favorite books ([The Path of the Masters], by Julian Johnson),  and I ran into this statement by Dr. Johnson, from Chapter 11, part 2.  

"The name of anything or anyone is the sound symbol which stands for the reality itself.  The name conveys to thought everything which belongs to the reality for which it stands.  ___ Please note Dr. Johnson uses the lower case "n" and "r"  in his use of the terms name, and reality.

And he writes: "conveys to thought" ... which is an interesting way of putting the process of the brain receiving Delusional Thinking from the MIND as "everything which belongs to the reality for which it stands. "  That is...few people stop to question where their thoughts come from?  Which is a real question. When we have thoughts regarding something... where do those thoughts come from?  They come from what we normally refer to as "memory".  And most people "think' that their thoughts and memories are stored in their brains.  And some thoughts are stored in one's brain, however.. most of one's thoughts [especially those we cannot remember],... or do not believe we even know... are not stored in our brains, but these are stored in one's MIND... ans what is the MIND, right?

I did this little sketch some time ago to try and illustrate to people the fact that the MIND is not the brain.  The brain is a special muscle located in the skull.  And it is physical!  Whereas the MIND is not physical, like the physical senses.

The Physical brain

The MIND is an invisible body composed of two different energy bodies: The Lower MIND [No 2] is composed of the Astral Realm, and the Higher MIND [No 3] is composed of the Causal Realm.  And yet, the primary element that oversees the brain and its thinking is one's MIND, which the brain will never see.  Again, three-quarters of the Whole of oneself are invisible to the brain.


WHAT WE CAN THINK ABOUT IS PART OF THE ILLUSION OF LIFE, AND IT IS ALWAYS CHANGING.  It is the nature of the physical dimension of the Creation to change.  So, if it changes, it is not Real in an absolute sense.

How then do we Know what Reality is?  There is a subtle element in Man that we in the West  refer to as "Intuition".  I believe Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul, and how much Intuition one possesses  has to do with one's relative level of Consciousness... which, I believe,  is slowly acquired by a Soul by "completing Karma" [over many lifetime].  And yes, this means Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory.

Peace, 1Brother James

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...