Thursday, November 28, 2024

An attempt to elaborate upon [make clear]] a Mystical message...

 In  my copy of "Sar Bachan," an abstract of the teachings of Soamiji Maharaj, founder of the Radha Soami system of philosophy and Spiritual Science, I read this on page 72:

"If you are seeking Nam no matter how much you may try, you will never get it until the Sat Guru is pleased with you."

What does the above mean... exactly?   The book by Soamiji is an "abstract"... which means it was interpreted into English by a number of individuals.  Therefore the term "Nam," for example, has a meaning that is not known in English ... except for suggesting "Spiritual Energy".  And the phrase "Guru is pleased with you"., is quite misleading.  The word "pleased" actually refers to one's "Inner" Spiritual Growth in Elevated Consciousness... as being "pleasing" to the Guru.  But such growth is not something a person is Consciously aware of taking place.... since it is a subtle reduction in the amount of stored Karma held "within" one's MIND, and this takes place at levels one is unaware of deep within one's MIND realm.   One may become aware of a subtle difference in how one "feels" about certain things... but this "change" is very subtle and if noticed at all, it is over a long  period of time.

 What is "Nam"?  It is Hindi for the Spiritual Energy that is said to exist within Man, which is the Energy of God.  So Soamiji was speaking of a person  becoming Consciously Enlightened to the Spiritual Energy existing within him or herself.... But Soamiji was not referring to an intellectual, physical,  or cognitive activity at all.  If one is aware of internal growth in how one views the world with more compassion... what is providing this awareness is more likely one's faculty of Intuition... which is an aspect of one Consciousness, or Soul, and not part of one's MIND or brain at all.

What am I saying?  I am saying that many words in the Hindu language refer to the invisible dimensions of Man [both the MIND and the Spiritual realms],  for which  English words apply, but they do not [cannot] convey to us what such words actually stand for or refer to?  Words such as Truth, God, Soul, Reality, and Intuition.

The "Guru" or Perfect Living Master must not be looked upon as simply a human being.  Most Mystics do their best to help  us understand that when Jesus said that he and the Father are one, he was not misstating the relationship at all.  His Soul was in fact the same Energy as that of God.  And I refer to such Energy as "NSgy" or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And it is entirely invisible to Man, and certainly to one's brain.  It is not that a person's Soul rising Spiritually was "pleasing" to a Guru, it is that the Guru is pleased for a person whose Soul is awakening to itself.  Awakening to NSgy is the task all Souls face in the Creation.  And the discovery of one's Soul requires a Perfect Living Master.

Peace, 1 Brother James... and Happy Thanksgiving, by the way.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Webster's Dictionary:   1. Incapable of being seen; not visible. 2. Not accessible  to view; hidden. 3. Inconspicuous.

The most important element of this definition is missing.  Although unseen... what is invisible to us does EXIST!  And that is the most important part of being "invisible" to Man.  These "parts" are not inconsequential ... although they are invisible parts hidden "within Man" ?   That is the point I wish to make in this unusual blog.

In the square to the left is what Webster's is telling us about the invisible parts or realms "hidden within" Man.  The realms do exist, but our physical senses cannot perceive them.  God, Soul and Truth are unseen within us, in other words.  What we do have available to us is the little-known faculty of "Intuition"... a part of our "Consciousness".

So, what is it that is invisible to us?  Let us illustrate that as well.

All the realms, aspects and processes of Spirituality in us are invisible to us. And being invisible, we have forgotten who and what we REALITY are!

Also hidden within Man is what psychology used to study [but since the introduction of "behavioral psychology"]  the MIND has been largely forgotten by modern psychology... resulting in a massive rise in  mental illness in the nation... increasing daily. To attempt to deal with the MIND by intellectual means [thinking] is an irrational act of modern psychology.

So,what "intellectual" [who is part of those engaged in Intellectualism] is likely to notice that three-quarters of the whole of Man are invisible to Man?  Sadly, the number is few.

Boy, how the nation could really use a re-birth of proper Psychology!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Why it is that Saints and Mystics use terms and words that are defined by other words, terms, and descriptions of phenomena only they have experienced and "labeled" to try and describe what they have experienced? And these terms and words are most often in languages that are little known to the world beyond that portion of the world in which they operate?

Well, the reason is  that many of these individuals  have actually "gone "within  themselves" and have labeled various places, events, and other elements they have experienced that ONLY exist in Spiritual Realms that are entirely INVISIBLE to the physical dimension of existence [the material realm which we believe is the only reality there is].  Oddly enough... there are three separate realms or dimensions of yourself that  are most likely UNKNOWN TO YOU... that is, that you have not as yet Consciously awakened to?  And the reason they remain invisible to our physical senses is they are not physical.

This is my sketch of the Whole Human Being, or WHB. Note #1 circle on the left.  It represents your physical body, brain, and what most people "think" is the only part of Man that is real. This means that #2, 3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.  And what the Saints and Mystics are talking about are #2, 3 and 4.

Your MIND is composed of #2 and #3 dimensions.  And neither of these is physical. So it is rather easy for your MIND to "hide" itself from you and your brain.  Your MIND is very adept at preventing you from taking an interest in anything that is  Invisible to your physical senses.   So, what do you know about "going within yourself"?  It is rare for a person to have much interest in "going within" oneself. 

It's like wanting to jump off a cliff into a massive dark and invisible realm... Why do so?

May I remind you that everything you think about is what your MIND wants you to think about?  And a primary job of your MIND is to insure that you do not take an interest in those elements that are "Invisible" to Man.  And this is easy to do for your MIND because your brain "thinks" there is nothing it cannot do, experience, or know.  Where does your "Ego" come from?  Your MIND, of course.

Hope these little blogs are somewhat helpful in explaining our limitations to discovering the unknown.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, November 24, 2024



What Man cannot perceive [using one's physical senses, or thinking] are those elements of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.   And does this not make sense?  Sure it does, if one will accept that one's brain and physical senses exist as part of the "material" nature of the physical dimension of existence!

What is difficult for Man to accept is that the brain is unable to perceive three-quarters of the Whole Human Being (WHB).  In other words, the MIND feeds Delusional Thinking, or D-Think, to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain that subtly avoids mentioning the fact that we are unable to perceive any part of the MIND, or the Soul of Man.  Again, my sketch of the Whole of Man:

The first circle is #1, and it represents the physical dimension of Man.  This physical dimension includes one's physical body, one's brain, and one's feelings [which are caused by one's emotions]... which are themselves mostly invisible to us.

Therefore, the MIND subtly operates the brain by feeding subtle thoughts to the brain that the brain "thinks" are it's own thoughts. And it is the rare person who realizes that much of what one thinks is being fed to one's brain by one's MIND.  And because we think what we think is true, we find it most difficult to judge what seems true, and what is really the Truth.   And very few people realize that the Truth is actually INVISIBLE to one's brain because the Truth is an absolute Energy, like that of God, and we Souls,  and I refer to this Energy as "NSgy" or "Neutral Spiritual Energy," and NSgy does not change.

This is a picture of the physical brain: 

The brain is a physical muscle located in the skull, and it is a most complex organism.  But as complex as the brain is, it does not possess the ability to perceive the Energy of the Soul, or of God.

The Soul is an aspect of God, and the Soul is therefore composed of "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy, which is an Absolute Energy, and that which existed as "Existence" before God Created the  Creation...  which was CREATED... and the fact that the entire Creation was Created is a most remarkable Illusion.  And this is a very difficult concept for any person to grasp. It just is beyond the brain and thinking to grasp the fact that the seemingly endless Creation is not Real in an Absolute sense, and that it is subject to dissolution.

When a person looks at the night sky, it is very difficult to imagine that all of that was Created by intention!  Just like when one is flying over a portion of the Earth, it is beyond one's imagination to rationally think that all of what one observes was "Created".... and is subject to dissolution.  It is much easier to simply marvel at the size and scope of Creation, and not involve oneself in trying to imagine how anyone could have Created the Creation?  Much easier to just accept the Creation as a reality.   So, to whom does it occur to wonder what kind of power Created what we observe? 

Finally, with what one observes of the wonder of nature...  who can imagine God using one's brain and thinking?  Man's imagination is limited by experience... of what Man can observe... which is lacking three-quarters of one's own being.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, November 23, 2024


 That is... your MIND has convinced your brain that who you "think" you are is who you are!  Your MIND does this via a process I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".  And D-Think are subtle thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain... by your MIND [which  is invisible to your brain].

 Seriously, your MIND was attached to your Soul when your Soul first entered the Creation... (many eons ago).  And the reason your Soul needs a MIND is that your Soul is not part of the Creation... it is part of a REALITY [which is the Pure Spiritual Realm of Existence]... which is an Energy that is INVISIBLE to everything in Creation, except for your Soul...But... only when your Soul is not overwhelmed by your MIND... which has [over many, many years] convinced your physical brain (a physical part of your Whole for this lifetime),  that who and what you are is  what your brain thinks you are.

The whole of Man consists of multiple dimensions -- or energy realms (each of which represents a different portion of the Creation),  and the only dimension we are really aware of is the physical dimension, which we can see, touch, and think about.  But the physical dimension is part of the Illusion of Creation!  It is not REAL, in an absolute sense, although it is the only part of oneself that one can perceive by use of one's brain.   In other words... the following sketch illustrates what I am trying to explain.  

#1 is one's physical body, with one's brain.  #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And the only part of Man that is REAL is #4, one's Soul [or Consciousness].


Have I lost you with this last bit of information?

A great book regarding all of this is "The Path of the Masters," by Julian P. Johnson. Available in most libraries.

My point is... the most difficult task each Soul has in life is to find a way to rise above the MIND that is attached to oneself, and which remains with one's Soul for as long as one remains in the Creation.  And this means one's MIND remains with one's Soul for as long as one's Soul remains in the Creation. And this means lifetime, after lifetime.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, November 21, 2024

FROM THE BOOK ENTITLED "SAR BACHAN" By Soamiji Maharaj, the founder of the Radha Soami System of Philosohy and Spiritual Science....

 "...Someone might ask why the eople do not believe in the words of the Saints."  This is found on page 60 of Sar Bachan.

I believe the reason that people do not "believe" in the words of the Saints is... the Saints speak of phenomena that cannot be perceived by one's physical senses. The Saints use words and terms that are found in the language people use, however, these words and terms are ABSTRACT words and terms, and this means that there is nothing physically tangible in our physical Creation that these words and terms can reveal to our physical senses.

So, how does one discover what these terms can only stand for?  If one can neither see, nor experience what the words can  ONLY stand for?

The answer is simply one cannot use the words and terms of the  Saints to discover what they are talking about!  And this is a problem that virtually every human being must overcome.  The question is this:  How does one resolve this problem?

Remember my sketch of the Whole Human Being?  Well, it illustrates what I am saying:

#1 is the physical part of Man, and this part includes one's brain and one's physical senses.  But #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to one's brain and one's physical senses.  What does "invisible" mean?

Invisible means that much of  what the Saint or Mystic is talking about does exist, but it exists in vibrational realms which are beyond the grasp of one's physical senses. Words such as Truth, Soul, Spirit, and Reality all exist, but they exist beyond the grasp of one's brain and physical senses.  They exist in other dimensions of Existence, in other words.  It is the "purpose" of special meditation that Saints teach that slowly and  over a period of time... subtly enables one's Soul to rise above one's MIND and to begin to awaken to bits of Truth and  Reality that exist in realms our physical senses just cannot perceive.  This process is referred to as Enlightenment, and it takes place as one's Attention aspect of Consciousness begins to convert and reclaim one's own higher Consciousness that was held prisoner by one's MIND.

That is... one's Soul must make a decision to devote the majority of one's Attention to one's Spiritual growth, which is a withdrawal from the world of Illusion.

Finally, what is the term "Love" that Mystics speak of and how does one acquire it?  I believe that the Love that Mystics speak of is the Pure Spiritual Energy that exists "within" every Soul... which is an aspect of God.   But only one's Soul can  perceive this Pure Spiritual Energy.... which I refer to as "NSgy" or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And the process of reclaiming NSgy is a long and difficult process... primarily because we are entangled in the Illusion we believe is reality.

Peace. 1 Brother James

Sunday, November 10, 2024



First Question?   How does one presume to describe "unknown energy"?   Energy such as that of God, Truth, or Reality?

Second Question?  If all Mystics agree that God is LOVE... and God Created the Creation... what happened to Love?  Was it subtly eaten up in our trying to get the most out of life?

Next Question?  Is the inherent nature of Creation [based on choice or Yin and Yang] naturally destructive and negative?  Or, is the natural consequence of duality [yin and yang] that of conflict? and... who have we been arguing with all these years?

Finally:  What if a Soul should want to leave the Creation?  How does a Soul go about doing so?  by the way... How does a Soul find Love (an Absolute),  in a Creation of Yin and Yang where Love is virtually missing?

People just want to know things... and... how does a Perfect Soul become lost in the Creation? The answer to that question is... it's rather easy!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, November 9, 2024

WHAT IS LIFE ??? Try to imgine "nothing"...

 How are you doing?  Kind of tough to imagine nothing, isn't it?  How about we change "nothing" to Pure Spirituality?

Let's go back to my sketch of the Whole Human Being:

The only part we can see is #1, the physical part.  But how about

#2, #3, and #4?  One's MIND and one's Spirituality and Soul?  That's three parts we cannot physically see, nor think about, nor imagine!  And yet, both Freud and Perls were both attempting to pry open a way to explore the MIND because they Intuitively sensed there was something important hidden behind the term "MIND"!  But that 'something' evaded their intellectual discovery... primarily because they confined themselves to their brains and "thinking" (using the Left-Hemisphere of the brain]!

Your MIND is part of what keeps you from being aware of it... because the energy of the MIND is "emotion"!  And to discover your MIND, you must "fully embrace" your MIND [whose Energy we refer to as "emotion".  The term Intellectualism refers to  people who confine themselves to use of the Left-Hemisphere of the brain as their primary means of thinking.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking" [or "D-Think"] for short.  D-think are thoughts fed to you brain by your MIND. Rather than continue to be embarrassed by being confined to a symbolic representation of the MIND...( the term "MIND" itself), a number of intellectuals [including B.F. Skinner] came up with a neat way to avoid the MIND entirely.  They simply invented the oxymoron  "behavioral psychology"!   And suddenly, the brain is launched into a superior role over that of the MIND.

The term Paychology begins wih "Psyche" which the Greeks defined as "Self," "Soul," and "MIND":  The problem is... none of these terms are physical, material, nor capable of being dealt with by the physical brain or thinking!  So, what we have is a card trick whereby the "psyche" is removed from the term psychology and modern psychology is actually teaching that  "behavior is caused by the brain and thinking".  So, what happened to the MIND?  It is just ignored... as intellectualism has taken over the field of psychology.  Which is apparent in this quote of Skinner:

The person with the incorrect "notion" was Skinner, and his ignorance of his own MIND.  But those in the field of psychology who were also ignorant of the Esoteric MIND hidden "within" themselves raised Skinner to an intellectual hero... and in 1968,  the death of mental health in America began.

So, we wind up with the situation illustrated to the left.

I will speak more to this issue... if time permits?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 THE NEW LOGO...below follows a host of other domains...,, and a host of other internet domains... all of which in one way or another attempted to provide an entry-way to the largely unknown Esoteric [AND THUS "invisible"  Dimensions of Man].

The "eso" part of refers to the  "Esoteric" operations taking place "within" the Whole Human Being (WHB) ...which Webster's defines as 1. Intended for or understood by only a small group. This definition is OK, but it fails to draw attention to the importance of the "Esoteric" elements operating within all human beings.

The term "Consciousness" has many definitions, but for me, the term refers to the operations of one's Soul-level Energies invisibly operating "within" Man under a great many labels seeking to mask the fact that Man is not as yet comfortable with the Spiritual Energies controlling the life of each living thing... or what the East has been telling the West for thousands of years.

So much is  classified as simply abstract labels which Man uses as intellectual check-marks for what Man needs to "talk-about".... as long as all that is involved is is talking and thinking about.


The term Spirituality is just an abstract term, or word that one's brain uses to mask the fact that Man has not come to terms with the fact that a huge amount of the Whole of Man are elements that are invisible to Man.  And Consciousness, Spirituality, Soul, Intuition, Enlightenment, etc... are all abstract labels for invisible phenomena operating "within" Man.  The question is, therefore, what is Spiritual Energy, and where does it come from, and why?  Let us quickly use my old sketch:  This sketch illustrates a general suggestion of the realms/dimensions operating "within" Man.

Please note that #1 is the physical dimension of Man.  In reality it represents a very small part of Man... although almost all of Man's attention is focused on #1... simply because #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to the brain, which, in the West is most important.

Why is "Intuition" of no importance in the West?

I believe that one's faculty of Intuition [an aspect of one's Soul] is the most viable means we have of relating to the Esoteric dimensions or realms "within" Man.  But in my work over the last 30+ years I have found that one's faculty of Intuition [an aspect of one's Soul] is akin to the emotional energy of one's MIND, and thus... most people shun, ignore, and resist their access to Intuition so as to avoid their emotions.  This is due to a gross failure of psychology to deal with the "unknown" aspects of Man, and the influence of Intellectualism and the oxymoron "behavioral science".  But that's another discussion [certainly related to the unknown], but that will be for another time.

This blog will hopefully help those people with a natural curiosity of the unknown in life to find that this blog presents a few avenues of exploration for them... but it isn't an easy climb against the fear and avoidance of intellectualism which is dead-set against exposing the Reality of Spirituality... because it is invisible to the brain.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


 It was about 1983 when I initiated "Psych-Education," and what I labeled "ESOCHOLOGY".... which was for me a study of the Esoteric [intellectually invisible] dimensions of Man.   Today, some 41 years later, I am focusing on a new label, that of  And "eso" is from the Greek, and it means "within".  And for me, "eso" refers to those elements of Man that constitute the IMPORTANT elements of Man.  And those "elements"  are... one's Soul and one's MIND... each of which has its own realm [or series of realms] within which each operates... and those operations are mostly "invisible" to the physical realm of Man.  The Soul being the only part of Man that is Real in an absolute sense... because one's Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy, which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or NSgy as its symbol.

The simple reason Man has been unable to find the Soul is that the Soul exists as Pure Spiritual Energy... which is the same Energy as that of God.  The "whole" of Man consists of many different energy realms, only one of which is physical, and that physical realm is entirely part of the physical Creation.  We are fascinating creatures, in other words... but the physical realm will never meet the Spiritual realm.  And the sooner a person "learns" this, the better off one's life becomes.

So... welcome to my new blog... about the Whole Human Being... and the reason we are what we are!

Peace, 1 brother james

Monday, November 4, 2024

Let us examine the term "Invisible"... [relative to one's Soul].

 saved data for "invisibility" blog"

Some quotes regarding Man's vision.

Wondrous as it is, our sense of vision is clearly not without certain limitations. We can no more see radio waves emanating from our electronic devices than we can spot the wee bacteria right under our noses. But with advances in physics and biology, we can test the fundamental limits of natural vision. "Everything you can discern has a threshold, a lowest level above which you can and below which you can't," says Michael Landy, professor of psychology and neural science at New York University.

Invisible is not "discernible".

The following was found by searching the web...

As mentioned in the first section of Lesson 2, our eyes are sensitive to a very narrow band of frequencies within the enormous range of frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. This narrow band of frequencies is referred to as the visible light spectrum. Visible light - that which is detectable by the human eye - consists of wavelengths ranging from approximately 780 nanometer (7.80 x 10-7 m) down to 390 nanometer (3.90 x 10-7 m). Specific wavelengths within the spectrum correspond to a specific color based upon how humans typically perceive light of that wavelength. The long wavelength end of the spectrum corresponds to light that is perceived by humans to be red and the short wavelength end of the spectrum corresponds to light that is perceived to be violet. Other colors within the spectrum include orange, yellow, green and blue.

This simply states that our vision is limited.

My point?  My point is... very few people have taken the time to research the study of sight, vision, and how much of existence is beyond Man's capacity to visualize!  Both the MIND realms, and the Spiritual Realms are invisible to Man... even though they exist "within" Man.  But this fact is not advertised because INVISIBLE phenomena just is not that interesting to most people... especially in the West.... where "thinking" and "physical proof" is the rule.

Definition of "Invisible"...

invisible /ĭn-vĭz′ə-bəl/


  1. Impossible to see; not visible.
    "Air is invisible."
  2. Not accessible to view; hidden.
    "mountain peaks invisible in the fog."
  3. Not easily noticed or detected; inconspicuous.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

 Have I made my point... which is that "NSgy" is invisible to our physical senses?
More in the next blog... Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, November 2, 2024


 Let us attempt to define and explain what the Soul is...

Your Soul is an aspect of God.  That is, God is the Father of all Souls... But every Soul is also quite ignorant of itself, because all your Soul knew [before entering Creation] was Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.

And what [other than an aspect of God] is your Soul?

The Energy of your Soul is PURE Spiritual Energy, or NSgy... which means Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God and the Energy of Reality.   "Neutral"?  By "Neutral" I mean Absolutely NEUTRAL!

We are unfamiliar with "neutral" because there is nothing [other than we Souls] in the Creation that is Neutral.  Think about it for a moment. What do you know that is "neutral"?  [does not change,  except it dies and reappears as another form].  And only the MIND that is attached to every Soul remembers the past lives of that Soul.

And the Soul [when it entered the Creation] was Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy.  Therefore, a MIND was attached to your Soul so that your Soul would have a way to explore and experience the Creation... because your Soul is Pure NSgy... whereas your MIND was specifically designed to provide your Soul a means of "experiencing" the Creation... which is a giant Illusion

Remember... your Soul is Pure NSgy, and it is your MIND that operates as the (experiencer) for you Soul in the Creation.  And the reason for this is that your Soul is [in TRUTH] the perfection of God.

We might say that your Soul was without experience other than that of God... which is Neutral... which means Absolutely Perfect and single in that Perfection. So, we Souls are explorers of Creation.

What we can see and think about in the Creation was all Created... which means it is not Real [in an absolute sense], but serves as an Illusion that seems quite real [for the Souls within  the Creation].

So, what is real, and what is not real?  What is Real is invisible to us as human beings...and even the physical form you are in... is not you. One lives a limited engagement in one's body, and then that body dies, but one is born into another body [in the East, they say there are 8,400,000 different life forms into which we Souls may incarnate.

And what determines what life-form one gets is one's Karma.  That is, the life one is born into has to do with the Karma (actions and relations one's Soul did or had in one or more previous lifetimes]. This process is called Reincarnation.  And this holds for every Soul.

Hard to believe?  I know it is.  However, it is quite true.  A bit more to come relative to one's Soul.

Peace, 1 Bother James

Regarding the "SOUL"...

But First... what is "NSgy"?  Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God, the Father of all also the Energy of every Soul... and the Energy of Reality.

This is the proper place to begin what this blog hopes to articulate... the normally invisible elements of Man, which exist in vibrational realms whose existence is invisible to the physical human being, and yet these invisible elements are represented by the "substance" that we refer to as the "Creation".

What we can see and think about, relative to the Creation, are all sustained by NSgy, which is, once again, the Energy of God, and thus, the Energy of Reality... which is neither tangible nor physical, and is what we refer to as "Invisible".  That is, Energies that operate in dimensions which are beyond the reach of our physical bodies, and senses.

In other words... to awaken to the Spiritual dimensions of Reality, one must use one's Soul... or what we refer to as "Conscious Awareness"...or one's faculty of "Intuition"... which is sadly neglected in the West...  Because we cannot "think" our way to NSgy.

A sketch from my own Intuition is this one from a number of years ago:

This is a sketch of the Whole Human Being.  Composed of several different realms, each with it's own range of vibrations.  Note the brain (and thus thinking) are part of #1.  #1 is the Creation, which is physical and an "Illusion" we "think" is real.  So, isn't it strange that we "think" the Creation is real... and we question if God is Real...

Let's discuss the Soul in our next blog...

Peace, 1 Brother James


 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...