WHAT IS NSgy? I believe Spirituality is the same as Existence. That is, the Energy of Pure Existence is the same Energy as that of what we refer to as God. Pure, Absolute, and entirely invisible to our physical eyes. Remember... our entire body is Created. That is, the physical body is merely a conveyance the Soul uses to operate in the Creation. A carrot serves the same role for a Soul that is new to the Creation, which applies to all living things in the Creation. As a Soul moves up the ladder of life forms in the Creation it is incarnated into higher life-forms. In India, it is thought by some that the cow is the highest non-human form a Soul has prior to being born as a human being.
In the West, we are short-changed somewhat by the influence Christianity has on how we think about life. Christ was no-doubt a Mystic, and a Perfect Living Master, and he "Initiated" a great many people in his relatively short lifetime. That is the primary role of Perfect Living Masters, they Initiate [that is, awaken a spark of Spirituality in the Soul of a human being] who is "ready" to be Initiated. And what does that mean, right?
At the beginning of this Iron Age, Perfect Living Masters began to incarnate into the Creation, because Man [over the previous three Ages of Man] had lost his way in this Creation, and has forgotten why he is here! Which is to explore and experience the Creation. The problem is, the MIND of Man [which was required by the Soul [which is Pure Spirituality, and unable to actually participate in the Creation], but over time, the MIND has simply taken over the conduct of we Souls... via what is called the Law of Karma. And we Souls are pretty much stuck here in the Creation. So God began to send Perfect Living Masters into the Creation to gather together those Souls that were "ready" to begin their journey Home.
This is known in the East but is almost unknown in the West. A great book to read in this regard is by Julian Johnson, and it is entitled "The Path of the Masters," available in many libraries.
You can do your own research into what I have just written... if you are so inclined?
Perhaps the greatest paradox I am aware of is how little is known about the Energy of Spirituality and its relationship to we human beings. But again, this is something a person has to research and discover for him or herself. In the course of my life over the last fifty years or so I came to realize that the Energy of Spirituality is entirely invisible to Man. I refer to this Energy as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or NSgy for short. It is "invisible" always... it is never not invisible to Man.
I also came up with the following sketch: Which shows the four dimensions of Man, only one of which is capable of being perceived by one's physical senses.
#1 is the physical dimension, and everyone is familiar with it. Next is the Lower MIND, which is the Astral Region of Man, and it is the Lower MIND, and is number #2. #3 is the Higher MIND
and it is entirely invisible to Man, and it is the source of our emotions. Finally we have #4, which is the Pure Spiritual Realm, and it is entirely invisible to our physical senses.
When I say "invisible" I mean incapable of being perceived by physical means. I believe this has to do with the term "Neutral"? What do you know that is Neutral? I mean always Neutral, and never not Neutral? Spiritual Energy, or NSgy, cannot be other than "Neutral". And Man's physical senses cannot perceive the vibrational realms of Spiritual Energy.
So, each human being has a Soul that is experiencing the life that person is exploring, but none of us can see the Soul of that person. Nor can we see the invisible "historic"connections that exist between various people on Earth. Nor can we see how the Law of Karma is operating each of us and how each of us "thinks" we are in charge of our lives ...when in fact, our lives are entirely scripted for us, and we are (as Shakespeare noted) all players on a giant stage.

NSgy exists, but it is entirely invisible to the physical senses of Man, so how can it be proven to exist? Well, it cannot be proven by physical means. The closest a human being can come to recognizing NSgy is to make use of his or her faculty of "Intuition". Which is a faculty of one's Soul, that I believe is directly involved in what we refer to as "Enlightenment"... or the level of a person's Consciousness, which is the result of how much Karma that person's Soul and MIND has worked through and converted Karmic experience into bits of Knowledge. The more Knowledge a person possesses, the more Enlightened that person is... relative to the NSgy hidden "within" him or herself.
In other words, people who are "naturally" inclined toward being "Spiritually aware or searching" are people who [I believe] are Souls that have been successful in forcing his or her MIND to forgive others and to resist selfishness, and forego an insatiable desire for wealth. It may also be quite likely that such people are acting this way due to an active participation by the Souls within themselves being encouraged by a Spiritual Master these people are following.
Peace, 1 Brother James