Monday, December 30, 2024


 ESOCHOLOGY... Combines Esoteric (normally "Invisible" to Man),  and logy, Greek for "study" or pursuit.  So, when we are talking about studying the Esoteric [normally invisible] dimensions "within" Man... the term "psychology" no longer means what the ancient Greeks intended it to mean!

That is,  I created the term "Esochology" using the term "Esoteric"... which refers to  the study of the "Invisible"  dimensions existing "within" Man... which requires one's use of one's faculty of "Intuition"... which is (I believe)  is an aspect of one's Soul... [and an aspect of Consciousness] which perhaps exists expressly to facilitate Man's study of the WHOLE HUMAN BEING, or "WHB".

A sketch of the WHB: 

What our physical senses can perceive of this sketch is #1, which represents the  physical dimension of Man.  This means that #2, #3, and #4, are all invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man. And yet, #4 is the only part of Man that is Real, and is immortal.

Now... isn't the above interesting?  Unfortunately, what I am suggesting has been intensely resisted by the field of "psychology" since the early 1930's.

The reason for this resistance is a largely unknown fear Man has of what is hidden "within" the MIND of Man... which is part of what makes Man a "Whole Human Being," or WHB.  Mystics and Saints, mostly in the East, speak of what I am alluding to in countless volumes of books and in the Bible, and many films have been made suggesting that Man is more than just a physical body.  But... those people who take an interest in what Mystics have to say are a special kind of person.  Perhaps half of the world's population has no interest in God, or the Soul, or what the "actual" Purpose of Life might be?  They are the "thinker" class of people.  The other half are people who naturally  lean toward wondering about God, the Soul, or what the Purpose of Life might be... and this group possess a higher level of Consciousness.

You see... Every living thing has a Soul.  And one's Soul can incarnate into any one of 8,400,000 different kinds of life-forms on Earth.  And al of us have been doing that for who knows how long a time?  Now, if you believe me, then you are a part of the "enlightened" body of people on Earth.

The other people on Earth don't really care what they have been, or why exactly they are on Earth? They are more interested in eating, sleeping, and having fun.

If you are part of the more Enlightened Group... then the term "Esochology" would be of interest to you.

Peace, 1 Brother James  [James W. Patterson, Ph.D.]

Friday, December 20, 2024


 Behavioral Psychology , or Behavioral Science began in the late 1930's, more or less.

A primary contributor was B.F. Skinner, a quote of whom is in the  box:

In this quote, Evans quotes Skinner as making the following comment:   "but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

Skinner is alluding to the concept that the MIND of Man stores trauma from early childhood. This is not a concept, it is a fact and is evidenced in Proper Gestalt Psychotherapy.


But "BSandBP" (my label for behavioral science) knows nothing about the MIND of Man, and thus ignores the MIND entirely.

The MIND of each person has repressed within it [and thus hidden from the brain and the physical senses of Man] a number of traumatic events of childhood.  And these are "used" by one's MIND when and if it needs to cause a person to engage in some bit of Fate Karma that is part of that person's Script for this lifetime? 

Both Freud and Perls were attempting to pursue a study of the MIND of Man.  But they were largely ignored by those in psychology who were largely given over to "Intellectualism," or confined to the idea that the brain [and thinking] is all that is needed in mental health.

So, today the APA, or American Psychological Association, does its best to squash, belittle, or work against those naturally Enlightened in Psychology who are aware of and make use of their faculty of Intuition as they seek to work with the MIND of clients or patients.

Will this change in America?  Sadly it does not look promising.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Power of your MIND.... is Massive, and


Your brain is used by your invisible MIND to pretty much control what you think, believe, and what you do and don't do... by subtle thoughts fed to it by your MIND.  I refer to such thoughts as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".

And prior to 1930's the field of Psychology was working on trying to learn more about the MIND, and how it works.  But with the urging of Skinner, and those associated with him... the field of Psychology joined ranks with those people in the world who are wedded to "Intellectualism," or the limiting Man's search for Truth to only those avenues where the physical brain can operate.

This of course eliminated the invisible MIND as something Skinner and other Intellectuals preferred to ignore.  Skinner, like many who believe as he did, was quite successful in eliminating the field of Psychology to only what the physical brain can perceive.  Below is a quote from Skinner.

Skinner was completely wrong, but he spoke for many others who, like himself, were unknowingly fearful of what was hidden within their own MIND realms.

The result is that today we have a rapidly growing problem in the field of mental health...because the field of psychology ceased searching for a way to help people whose MIND causes them pain and suffering.  This is sad, but the only way to deal with the problem would be for leaders to realize that the MIND cannot be dealt with by use of the brain alone!

Is this likely to occur?  Sadly... I doubt it.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Why we cannot find the Soul... by use of the brain and our physica senses.


This box suggests these elements are 

invisible to the brain!  Why?

The reason is they exist in dimensions [or energy realms] that the brain and physical senses cannot perceive.  Invisible to the brain, but not invisible to one's faculty of Intuition, which is a faculty of one's Soul.  Are you familiar with your Intuition?  Intuition can be improved and increased by Meditation.

If one is introduced to the proper kind of Meditation?

Life is quite like a game of hide and seek.

Peace, 1 Brother James


 What each person lacks is access to the realms (hidden within us) that contain the answers we do not realize we are missing.  Such as... what is the purpose of life?  How does one fulfill the purpose of life?

What is the Soul?  What is God?  How does one go about finding these most important answers to life?

We can search for many lifetimes and not find the answers to these questions.  Why is this?

Some years ago I did a little sketch.  And this sketch was an attempt to illustrate the Whole of Man... which consists of several layers, or four different realms, each with its own range of vibrations.

In this sketch, we have the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.  And #1 is the physical realm or dimension of Man... with which we are all familiar.  #1 contains the brain, which we use for thinking. The problem is... the brain is unable to perceive the other three realms or dimensions of Man.  And there is only one way for us to discover the other three realms.  That one way is "Meditation," or a process of searching "within" oneself.

In the sketch to the left I suggest the "eye center"... which is the "door" spoken of by religion that one must knock upon to gain entrance to what lies hidden "within" Man.  And the reference to the term "Knock" is a reference to a special form or practice of meditation.

In other words, every living thing on Earth has a Soul. In the East, it is said there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth into which we Souls can incarnate.  Man is the top life form.

I recommend a book for anyone interested in the subject of Man relative to Spirituality. That book is:

"The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson.


Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, December 16, 2024

So...What is WRONG With Psychology Today???

 In the late 1930's... the field of Psychology subtly diverted itself away from seeking to discover or understand the MIND of Man, and began focusing all of its attention on "Intellectualism".

A primary instigator of this was a person named B.F. Skinner, who is quoted by Richard I. Evans: 

Skinner was quite intelligent, but wrong! He knew very little about the MIND.

The MIND is an invisible body of energy that is attached to every Soul, both of which are Invisible to the physical senses of Man.  The Soul is an aspect of God, and immortal.  The Energy of the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy [just like that of God]... and the MIND enables the Soul to explore and experience the Creation... which was "Created".

Every action a MIND engages in is etched on that MIND. And this process is called "Karma".  Karma is the primary Law of Creation.  The law is this:   "As you sow, so shall you reap!" And this law is an absolute Law.  Not theoretical, but absolute!

This is a symbol for Karma: 

Karma has two aspects. One is referred to as Male, and the other is called Female.  The male is the action, and the return of that action to the person who did the action is the female part of Karma.  And, as I say, the Law of Karma is an absolute Law. And since we Souls are part of "Reincarnation," or the fact that the Soul is immortal and does not die... we either face the return of an action in the life in which it was done..., or in some other lifetime... since we have many lifetimes in which to do our Karma!

Now, apply what I just  wrote to the life you are living and guess what?  That's right, your  entire life is entirely scripted before you were born!  That the REALITY of the Law of Karma is invisible to us makes the discovery of  it almost impossible... if one is limited to use  of one's brain and physical senses? ... That is... has a limited level of "Consciousness"! What is Consciousness?

Consciousness: Webster's says this:  "b. Capable of complex response to environment."  Hardly tells us much, right?  That's because to rely upon one's intellect (or brain) to try and comprehend what  Consciousness is... is an impossible thing to do.  And the reason is simple to understand!  The brain is in the physical realm. Consciousness is not of this physical plane of existence.  That brings us to a term used in the East... and almost unknown in the West:  The term is "Intuition".  I believe that Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul.

To development Intuition requires spending a great deal of time in the study and practice of discovering the Spiritual Dimension hidden "within" one's Self!  The term for this is "Meditation".

Such people [like Skinner] are "naturally" confined to the brain and thinking as their primary means of relating to the Creation. The reason for this is that such people have a great interest in attempting to "learn"... "think about" those parts of oneself that are not physical.

The problem is...the "brain" will NEVER EXPERIENCE the Pure Spirituality "within Man".  There is only one way to discover the Spiritual Realm hidden "within" the invisible parts of oneself.  And that is to engage in the practice of "Meditation".  This is well-known in the East and virtually unknown in the West.

So... we return to my sketch:

Skinner and many others are confined to #1 of this sketch, the physical plane, and the realm of thinking.
#1 is the realm of Intellectualism.

 So, what is wrong with Psychology today?  It is locked into the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking... and this is largely due to an unknown fear of what will be revealed if one pokes around in search of one's MIND!  This fear is UNKNOWN TO THOSE WITHIN WHOM IT IS ACTIVE.

Until the "Psyche" of the ancient Greeks [Self, Soul and MIND] is once again the focus of Psychology... Psychology will remain a block to the health and welfare of Mankind... and a toy for intellectuals to play with... as mental health gets much worse!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, December 13, 2024



First, what is the MIND?  It is two parts of this little sketch:

The whole MIND is two parts, 2&3, neither of which is visible to the brain or one's physical senses... because the MIND is not physical.

Remember your brain ...  

is a specialized muscle located in your skull.  It is certainly not your MIND!

A MIND was attached to each Soul entering the Creation so that we Souls could explore and experience the Creation by use of the MIND that was Created expressly to enable we Souls to fully explore and to experience the whole of the Creation.  You see, your Soul cannot actually interact with the Creation directly because the Creation is an Illusion. That is, the Illusion was created by God expressly for Souls to explore and experience... by use of the MIND.

Your Soul is the only part of yourself that is Real in an absolute sense.  Your MIND is a stepped-down level of Spiritual Energy, not Spiritual, and also not physical. An invisible energy within you.

So, your MIND serves your Soul by enabling your Soul to imagine that it is who and what is physically interacting with the  Creation. This sense of being in charge of your experiences is what we call "Ego".  And Ego is a false sense of self... maintained by your MIND expressly to provide the Illusion that your body and brain are Real.

And we believe what the MIND tells us via its use of what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think" for short.  Your MIND feeds thoughts to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and you "think" these thoughts are, of course,  true.  Since they seemingly come from you.

To go into the MIND in a more detailed sense is a bit pre-mature at this point.  But we will be discussing the psychology of the MIND in substantial detail in the blogs ahead.

Peace, 1 Brother James


What's new is... dealing with a natural and all too common practice  of projecting responsibility for one's negative emotions upon people and events outside of oneself.   That is,  a new concept whereby one begins to develop  a new approach to dealing with one's own MIND... by choosing to rise above the natural tendency of one's MIND to feel bad, sad, angry, resentful, or other negative  terms reflecting one's "internal" negative disposition... in contrast to what one habitually does... which is to project one's own negative disposition upon others (or upon life in general...) thus attempting to make others responsible for one's own sense of anger, sadness, bitterness, or depression.

To project what is going on within oneself emotionally is a natural way for one's MIND to try and reduce the sense that what we are feeling is "going on entirely within ourselves"... as it "projects" responsibility for what we are feeling upon someone or some thing outside of ourselves.

This is psychologically dishonest, of course... but precious few people realize how this is dishonest.  And too, one's MIND has been doing  this for who knows how long?  It seems, in other words, a most natural thing to do.  The "problem is"... the whole experience is nothing but the Law of Karma doing its thing, and we participating in the "play" as though it was real...[as opposed to a "play" or a part of the Illusion that is the Creation]!

Believe it or not... your Soul is never not Perfect!  And this means your Soul is Perfectly unharmed, and not in anyway in danger.  It is also immortal.  And let us take this opportunity to separate one's Soul and one's physical body!  Your Soul is not physical.  It is Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, or what I refer to as "NSgy" (Neutral Spiritual Energy).  And what keeps our Souls stuck in the Illusion of life and in believing that the Illusion is real... is the MIND that exists within each living thing... since all living things have a Soul.  And at this point, you may have to just take my  word for all of this.

I hope this new blog will be of interest to people who are interested in developing a more secure sense of self!  Via an internal search using one's faculty of "Intuition"[an aspect of one's Soul.

Peace, 1 Brother James

...... you can of course email me if you have a question.  And I will be happy to try and answer your question... but I do not care to argue with anyone.

Monday, December 9, 2024


 The reason is simple to say... but difficult to comprehend!

Simple statement;   

Your brain
is a special muscle located in your skull.

However, your brain is part of your physical body [which is thought to be you in this lifetime],  but "you" are your Soul... which is a body of Spiritual Energy that is quite invisible to your brain and your physical senses... and your Soul is born into a body [one of 4,800,000 different life-forms it can incarnate into on this Earth].   So, this makes your Soul immortal [in other words, "you" do not die].  It is your physical body that dies, and every body you have incarnated into has also died... and yet, you are still here... on Earth, reading this.

To explain further, your Soul has attached to it a MIND [composed of an Energy that is not physical, but is a low-level form of Spiritual Energy designed to operate (invisibly) in the Physical Realm].  The energy of your MIND is an energy we refer to as "emotion". It is your MIND that enables you [your Soul] to experience everything in the Creation, including everything on this Earth.  In fact, you have been in the Creation [relating to your MIND so long that your MIND believes it belongs here].  This is the reason your MIND fights so hard to prevent you from discovering who and what you really are!

You are a Soul, an aspect of God, and I refer to your Energy as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy... which I believe is the Energy of God.

So, the answer to the question of this blog is... the reason your MIND is not your  brain is that your brain dies along with you body, while your MIND accompanies your Soul into each birth you experience. 

And, eventually we [one's Soul] gets tired of playing on Earth, and this is when you will begin to experience strange "thoughts" [actually it is your Intuition, as aspect of your Soul] that causes you to begin to question who you really are; is there a God; and why you are here on Earth?

Interesting... isn't it?  Like Christ said:  "The Truth shall set you free."  Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, December 8, 2024


 OR... What else but an alarming rise in children being operated upon for insecurity and confusion regarding their "thoughts" regarding their genitalia and sexuality... when modern psychology is based on a  complete denial and ignorance of the MIND of Man; the Law of Karma; the Purpose of Life; and  Reincarnation!  That is, three-quarters of that which forms the primary psychological concern of a young person is UNKNOWN TO AND INTENTIONALLY NOT STUDIED BY THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY TODAY!

In this sketch is shown the whole of Man. That is, the only thing modern psychology is concerned with is #1, the physical body and brain... and the thinking of the brain.

The "reason" the field of psychology ignores the MIND is that it is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  The energy of the MIND is emotion, and the only people who study emotion are Mystics, Saints, and Perfect Living Masters throughout the ages. The MIND was once studied by psychiatry... but that changed when the field of psychology adopted Skinner's intellectualism and placed the brain and thinking above all.

The physical brain is unable to perceive the energy of the MIND. So, the only way one "learns" about the MIND is by spending a very long time in meditation specifically designed to put one in touch with one's MIND and Spiritual energy realms simultaneously existing "within" oneself.  All human beings are Whole Human Beings.  "Whole" simply refers to all the parts of Oneself

And that leads us to a more enlightened view of the Whole Human Being or (WHB), which points to the sketch above.  That is, the Whole Human Being is composed of four simultaneously existing energy realms, only one of which is physical. And this means that three of the four realms are invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  We cannot "think" about these non-physical parts of ourselves, in other words.

So, what is a young person experiencing that is so frightening to that young person's brain and thinking?   His or her "Consciousness" is experiencing subtle awakenings to bits and pieces of his or her MIND realm... which is unfolding confusing urges... which can easily be confusing to what that young person's brain and thinking is hearing from other children, or from parents... and most importantly from any homosexuals in his or her environment who are always looking for such confused young people to "help" them decide to become a homosexual.

And with all of this conflict and confusion going on within a young person... who is there to explain what is going on within that young person's MIND?  This is where psychology is failing.

In other words, when the primary field that presently deals with the confusion of young people regarding their sexuality ignores, and even avoids dealing with or  considering the MIND of a young person... why should we not expect young people to be anxious or even frightened regarding what is going on "within" themselves?  Much easier for them to "think" what others [with their own conflicted beliefs] explain is going on to them. 

If one wants to see what I just described going on in the public square, simply go to where homosexuals gather at night and watch how many young people are being encouraged to share their concerns with older youth [with an agenda]!

What is lacking in this nation is for normal people to wake up to the danger of even more conflicted youth becoming part of the growing body of psychologically conflicted "trans-crowd".  Young children are quite vulnerable to the attention of older children who were themselves "taught" to be homosexual.

The  "need" for a  psychologically conflicted person to believe that what he or she "thinks"... is real,  demands that he or she insist that what he  or she now believes is correct, and "straight" people are the people who are nuts.

America, we have a problem! 

 Peace, 1 Brother James


 WHERE DOES INSANITY LEAD THE NATION?  Just because of ignorance and fear within the field of "psychology"... (explained in this extended letter).

OK... enough with the labels, accusations and obvious failures of human beings to be honest... due to ignorance and fear!

If someone was to gather some hard data regarding the rather rapid increase in the level of problems in mental health in America today... guess what he or she would find?  One would find absolute chaos and a state of despair [for some resembling panic...] perhaps likely to resemble that of the 1930's in America.  Some of you are much too young to remember the Great Depression, and the 1930's.  But it was very difficult for virtually everyone.

Personally, in 1935, I was riding in the rumble seat of a Ford model A from Columbia, South Carolina, to San Diego, California, with my mother and father...(crunch) along with a man and his wife [and  their possessions] in the front seat.  It seemed that everyone in the nation was searching for any kind of work they could find to survive.

It was essentially a nation in economic panic, searching for some kind of answer [and leadership]. That time it took the threat of a world war to address the social problems that paled in comparison to the threat of a War.  Today the nation is once again experiencing a problem of expanding social unrest...due to the failure of the field of Psychology... and  it's fear of acknowledging its lack of understanding of the MIND of Man... In my opinion, of course.

And this is where we begin this extended blog...

In many ways, the nation today is not dissimilar to what was going on during the Great Depression.   Today, the nation is divided by too much high-tech too few know how to deal with, and too little attention paid to the social [psychological needs of confused and frightened people] who are aggressively "acting out"  their anxiety by insisting that "MENTAL ILLNESS"  [hating one's own sex] is a perfectly natural thing to do?  That message is a sick one that is being sold and promoted by some really sick people.

Where is the field of Psychology today?  Busy trying to think of ways to avoid dealing with a MIND they refuse to acknowledge. Were you aware the field is even licensing homosexuals as therapists?  Talk about the blind leading the blind!

So, what we will attempt to do in this particular blog is to try and help reasonable people comprehend what Psychology refuses to admit... which is that Man is a great deal more than simply a brain and thinking.  What about the MIND, and the Soul of Man? Neither of which the brain can perceive!  Folks, we have a problem!  And until it is addressed... "IT" is only going to get worse!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, December 6, 2024


The more powerful is your MIND.  Primarily because it operates your brain, and  your brain "thinks" [that is,  a major portion of what your MIND thinks] are thoughts feed to it via  your MIND in the form of what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-think".

Your brain is a special muscle located in your skull, whereas your MIND is an entirely separate operational realm within you and is composed of two parts  (entirely invisible to your brain and physical senses). Your MIND operates your brain [by "operates" I mean it controls what you think] and it does so via what I refer to, as already mentioned... "Delusional Thinking"... which are very subtle thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  But your brain does not ordinarily differentiate this D-Think from its regular thinking... because your MIND is quite clever in how it operates and controls your thinking.  So D-Think is rarely noticed by people.

So, when you suddenly have some strange thought pop into your head, this is your MIND getting your attention... and it will be followed with thoughts directing you to engage in some action.  And to achieve this, your MIND will use any bit of historical data it has stored in its massive storehouse of ideas,  desires, beliefs, habits, dislikes, likes, and so forth.  Whatever it takes to effectively direct you to some external action... that will prepare you for meeting the next bit of Karma heading your way!

You were aware that we are all on this planet due to our Karma, right?  Karma is simply Yin and Yang, or female [incoming] and male[outgoing] activity.   That is, first you take some action ... which is stored in your MIND... and then at some future time that same bit of Karma will come back for you to experience for yourself.  And the MIND of every person on Earth or in some Astral region [where the Soul goes between births], is dancing to some bit of Karma the MIND is engaging us in!  But on the Astral plane of existence our Karma is much less because the Astral plane is primarily for either re-education of the Soul [if one's Soul needs the re-education], or the Soul is enjoying some rest and recreation... if it led a particularly good life?  In the meantime, one's Soul is being "fitted" into a slot for it's next lifetime.  Your Soul is immortal, but you perhaps already knew this?

In any case, your MIND is much more powerful than the brain [by the way,  each of us gets a new brain to go with one's new body in each lifetime one lives].

Does this merry-go-round ever end?  Yes, eventually... if one is fortunate?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Let us return to "Esochology" as an alternative to psychology...

 Many years ago I introduced the term "Esochology"... which combined the terms "Esoteric" and that of "Psychology".  I did this because in the late 1930's, the field of Psychology mistakenly allowed B.F. Skinner to influence the field of Psychology [which was already leaning toward abandoning the Esoteric areas of Psychology (because these parts  of Psychology could not be manipulated and controlled by the brain and thinking]!

The following sketch I did illustrates the "problem" the field of Psychology was trying to intellectually deal with... which was simply the fact that the brain is not the MIND!

Put simply, #1 circle stands for the brain and one's physical body, which are of course physical.  But #2 is the Lower MIND, which is located in the Astral Region of Creation. And #3 is the Higher MIND which resides in the Causal Region of Creation...and the only part of the MIND that is anywhere near being physical is the energy of the MIND (which is Emotional energy).  We know we have emotions, but intellectuals tend to ignore or deny them by use of of the brain.  This then simply ignores two-thirds of what causes Man to do what Man does!

This sketch illustrates the same  thing, just differently. In this sketch, the dark blue area is what the intellectual wants the field of psychology to be about!  The problem is... the dark blue area has very little to do with what makes Man do what he/she thinks and does!   Not included in either sketch is the Law of Karma and how it influences both one's thoughts [fed to the brain by the MIND], and one's behavior.

And what is missing in the second sketch is the role the Law of Karma plays in the personality and behavior of each person.

And add to the complexity of the "psychological problem" the fact that all of we human beings on Earth are continually being born and dying, and what is left as "unfinished" business [Karma] in one lifetime... is carried over into the next lifetime!  Although in the West we pretty much ignore this fact.

So... if one is to "deal with" the Psychology of a human being... one must necessarily deal with both the physical human being and the MIND of that individual!  And of course add to the difficulty of this by realizing the fact that all the Psychological issues of each person are ENTIRELY INVISIBLE TO THE BRAIN OF THAT PERSON!

Now, the above pretty much suggests the problem everyone has with the field of Psychology abandoning the invisible parts of Psychology... does it not?  The result is chaos, which means an increase in mental illness.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

If You Want to Understand Reality... Search "NSgy".

WHAT IS NSgy?  I believe Spirituality is the same as Existence.  That is, the Energy of Pure Existence is the same Energy as that of what we refer to as God.  Pure, Absolute, and entirely invisible to our physical eyes.  Remember... our entire body is Created.   That is, the physical body is merely a conveyance the Soul uses to operate in the Creation.  A carrot serves the same role for a Soul that is new to the Creation, which applies to all living things in the Creation.   As a Soul moves up the ladder of life forms in the Creation it is incarnated into higher life-forms.  In India, it is thought by some that the cow is the highest non-human form a Soul has prior to being born as a  human being.

In the West, we are short-changed somewhat by the influence Christianity has on how we think about life. Christ was no-doubt a Mystic, and a Perfect Living Master, and he "Initiated" a great many people in his relatively short lifetime.  That is the primary role of Perfect Living Masters, they Initiate [that is, awaken a spark of Spirituality in the Soul of a human being] who is "ready" to be Initiated.  And what does that mean, right?

At the beginning of this Iron Age, Perfect Living Masters began to incarnate into the Creation, because Man [over the previous three Ages of Man]  had lost his way in this Creation, and has forgotten why he is here!  Which is to explore and experience the Creation.  The problem is, the MIND of Man [which was required by the Soul [which is Pure Spirituality, and unable to actually participate in the Creation], but over time, the MIND has simply taken over the conduct of we Souls... via what is called the Law of Karma.  And we Souls are pretty much stuck here in the Creation.  So God began to send Perfect Living Masters into the Creation to gather together those Souls that were "ready" to begin their journey Home.

This is known in the East but is almost unknown in the West. A great book to read in this regard is by Julian Johnson, and it is entitled "The Path of the Masters," available in many libraries.

You can do your own research into what I have just written... if you are so inclined?

Perhaps the greatest paradox I am aware of is how little is known about the Energy of Spirituality and its relationship to we human beings.  But again, this is something a person has to research and discover for him or herself.  In the course of my life over the last fifty years or so I came to realize that the Energy of Spirituality is entirely invisible to Man.  I refer to this Energy as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or NSgy for short.  It is "invisible" always... it is never not invisible to Man.

I also came up with the following sketch:  Which shows the four dimensions of Man, only one of which is capable of being perceived by one's physical senses.

#1 is the physical dimension, and everyone is familiar with it. Next is the Lower MIND, which is the Astral Region of Man, and it is the Lower MIND, and is number #2.  #3 is the Higher MIND
and it is entirely invisible to Man, and it is the source of our emotions.  Finally we have #4, which is the Pure Spiritual Realm, and it is entirely invisible to our physical senses.

When I say "invisible" I mean incapable of being perceived by physical means. I believe this has to do with the term "Neutral"?  What do you know that is Neutral?  I mean always Neutral, and never not Neutral?  Spiritual Energy, or NSgy, cannot be other than "Neutral".  And Man's physical senses cannot perceive the vibrational realms of Spiritual Energy.

So, each human being has a Soul that is experiencing the life that person is exploring, but none of us can see the Soul of that person.  Nor can we see the invisible "historic"connections that exist between various people on Earth.  Nor can we see how the Law of Karma is operating each of us and how each of us "thinks" we are in charge of our lives ...when in fact, our lives are entirely scripted for us, and we are (as Shakespeare noted) all players on a giant stage.

NSgy exists, but it is entirely invisible to the physical senses of Man, so how can it be proven to exist? Well, it cannot be proven by physical means.  The closest a human being can come to recognizing NSgy is to make use of his or her faculty of "Intuition".  Which is a faculty of one's Soul, that I believe is directly involved in what we refer to as "Enlightenment"... or the level of a person's Consciousness, which is the result of how much Karma that person's Soul and MIND has worked through and converted Karmic experience into bits of Knowledge.  The more Knowledge a person possesses, the more Enlightened that person is... relative to the NSgy hidden "within" him or herself.

In other words, people who are "naturally" inclined toward being "Spiritually aware or searching" are people who [I believe] are Souls that have been successful in forcing his or her MIND to forgive others and to resist selfishness, and forego an insatiable desire for wealth.  It may also be quite likely that such people are acting this way due to an active participation by the Souls within themselves being encouraged by a Spiritual Master these people are following.

Peace, 1 Brother James


 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...