Thursday, June 27, 2024



  1. Spirit definition: the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.. See examples of SPIRIT used in a sentence.

    Although the term Spirit is contained in the dictionary, the "principle of conscious life:" is only known by other terms...none of which provide us with an "example" of the term Spirit.  That is, the brain and intellect of Man [by use of words] cannot convey to us an "experience" of the term Spirit... because that which the term refers to is Invisible to our physical senses.  Therefore all we know of the Spirit is the word "Spirit".  Now, how does one begin to "worship" the term "Spirit" other than by physical means?

    ln other words, how does one worship that which is an Invisible  Energy that  one's brain and physical senses cannot perceive?  This then explains all the physical "symbols" in the various churches, does it not?  Man unintentionally  ends up worshiping physical symbols... none of which provide us with an actual experience of what these symbols supposedly "stand for"!

    How then does one awaken to God, whom the Mystics tell us is "Within" each of us?
    Well, I believe Man attempts to awaken to the Spirit "Within" ... but the entire exercise is taking place within the physical plane ONLY... [ because that is what Man is used to doing, and what the brain and physical dimension of Man knows how to do!   Thus, it's an exercise in imagination provided to us by the MIND [which is also invisible to the brain].  So, what Jesus taught his disciples had nothing to do with what they were "thinking".  What Jesus provided to his disciples was an awakening of the Soul"Within" each of his disciples... to a "TRUTH" that only their Souls could awaken to.  Another word for that "TRUTH" is Consciousness.

    And when a person's Soul acquires sufficient Consciousness, his or her Soul then begins to activate its faculty of "Intuition".  How is Consciousness raised?  It naturally rises when one's Soul "Completes a bit of stored Karma [from "Within" one's MIND],...thus exercising the Virtues of  Forgiveness and Acceptance]  The  word we use for this "process" of completing Karma...  is "Enlightenment".

    And, again, I recommend the reader check out the Library for a book entitled "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson.
    Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 After some fifty years engaged in daily meditation, and research of the Esoteric elements of the Whole Human Being [WHB], ... both outside of myself and "Within" myself... I have a most unusual discovery I wish to share with anyone reading this blog.

Let us begin with the term:  "DHUNYATMAK".

  1. dhunatmak or dhunyatmak Nam The inexpressible primal sound, which cannot be written or spoken or heard with the ...[quote does not explain this]... who believes in a living Murshid (Guru) and leads a holy life. The term is now being used to denote any holy man among the Muslims. Sukshm Sarup Subtle form; astral body. Sukshm Shahrir Same as Sukshm Sarup. Sultan-ul ...

    The above definition suggests what the term "dhunyatmak" means.  That is, the term refers to Spiritual Energy, which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy,' or "NSgy" for short.   When we are told by Mystics that God exists "Within" each of us... they are speaking of The Father of all Souls, which is God.  And one's own Soul is also composed of the same NSgy,  because all Souls are aspects of God.  Why are we not more aware of this fact?  Because no part of one's material organism can perceive NSgy.  What can perceive NSgy is one's faculty of Intuition   (which is a faculty of one's Soul)... if one's level of Consciousness is sufficiently elevated to enable one to experience one's faculty of  Intuition?  The term for such a person is "Enlightened".  And Enlightenment means that one's level of Consciousness has worked its way up an Invisible Ladder hidden "Within" oneself, which is traveled by many years of specialized Meditation, guided by a Perfect Living Master.  This is well-known among those people who have been "Initiated" into a Spiritual Path.  It is not known well in the West.
    So, the essential reason most people have no idea what the Soul is... is that it is invisible to oneself, unless one has made substantial progress in one's Meditation.  And this progress is a very personal process, primarily between one's Soul and God [working through a Perfect Living Master, not unlike what Jesus Christ was].
    The "peculiar situation"?  I am speaking of the fact that each of us has a Soul "trapped" in a physical body that has entirely forgotten who and what it is, and where it came from?  And this applies to every Soul, regardless of who one is, or whose one's parent's were!

    This little sketch illustrates what I am talking about... sort of...

    Man is #1: With a physical body and a physical brain... with a Lower MIND,  a Higher MIND, and a Soul, and #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to #1.  Again, it is one's faculty of Intuition [which is part of one's Soul] that, when it is Enlightened somewhat, it subtly awakens to aspects of the Spirituality hidden "Within" oneself.

    Quite a bit of unknown for each of us to eventually awaken to. And... difficult to awaken to because the "unknown" [Pure Spiritual Energy] is invisible to one's brain.
    Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, June 10, 2024



  1. Consciousness is the subjective feeling of being, but it is also a mystery that science is trying to unravel. Learn about the different theories of consciousness, how the brain creates it, and why it matters for our understanding of the world.

    The principal error in the above definition is that the brain not only does not "create" Consciousness, it cannot perceive the Energy of Consciousness.

    This definition from "New Scientist" makes the common error most Left-Hemisphere driven people make... which is to ignore that which the physical brain cannot perceive.

    The term "Consciousness" refers to the level of awareness possessed by an individual to the different levels and types of "energy" which combine to form the Whole Human Being, or WHB.

    My little sketch is a visual representation of the WHB:

    In this sketch please note that #1 is the physical body with it's brain.  And #1 is incapable of perceiving #2, #3, and #4 parts of the WHB. #1 is the physical energy of Man.  #2, 3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.

    So, in this little blog when I refer to the "level" of Consciousness of a person, I am referring to the amount of or level of Consciousness that person possesses.  And another way of saying this is to say that the level of Consciousness a person possesses is equivalent to the level of Consciousness [Spirituality] that person's Soul has awakened to.   And... the way in which one's Soul acquires bits of Consciousness [in this case Knowledge] is to complete bits of Karma.  But, what is Karma, right?

    Karma is a Hindi term and it means "action".  And the whole world operates according to and is ruled by the Law of Karma.  A definition of which goes like this:  "As you Sow, so shall you Reap".   And this law is the primary Law of Life. A symbol for Karma is this: 

    This is the Yin-Yang symbol.  It is also the symbol for male and female energies.  It also applies to good and evil.  And what it means is that the whole Creation revolves around the interplay of good and evil.  And... the Creation is all Illusion.  That is, in Reality,  there is  no duality, there is only One.   All else are derived from One.  So, that we view ourselves as different from one another means we are fully caught up in the Illusion that life on Earth is real.

    The more Conscious a person is, the more likely that person is aware that something is amiss with life on Earth... but he or she is unable to precisely explain what that "something" is?

    What's wrong is that we are visitors on Earth, it is not our Home.  And Man's greatest challenge is to discover who and what Man is, and what Man needs to do to return Home?

    Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 The Creation comprises a "Mystical Illusion" in that its objects appear real, however, what we see are compilations of molecules in forms that we "think of" as real... even though we "know" that they are subtly changing, even as we "think" of them as permanent objects, and we remember them like photographs... which our MIND stores "within" itself.

This Illusion is seemingly real to us as we "think" the forms we see are real and unchanging [as we subtly ignore the fact that they are disintegrating even as we relate to them on a continuing basis].

People are a bit disturbed when the forms are not what we "remember" them to be [from the photographs we have stored "within" one's MIND].  But we tend to ignore what we presently observe, and accept what we see as a "correction" of the photograph one had stored "within" one's MIND... assuming that one is just mistaken, again.

What is most disturbing, I suppose, is when one looks in the mirror and what one sees does not "fit" what one "thinks" one should see reflected back to him or her!  A couple days ago I looked at myself in the mirror... and I was startled to see how much I have aged in just the last week!  I am really looking like I'm 89 years old... at least two days ago I was shocked.  I need to not miss my use of that face cream !

That which is Real [Capital letter "R"] is permanent and does not change. Like one's Soul, God, Truth, and Reality.    What we observe on this physical plane is that everything is always changing, thus it is difficult to imagine this plane as being Real, or unchanging.  But most people do a great job of not "seeing" [or questioning the constant changing of this plane of existence].

And an example of this is how most people deal with the subject of Death... [or more often, not deal with]...and what happens after one dies?  How does one deal with the fact the Soul is immortal, and yet the body in which the Soul is exploring the physical Creation is subject to death?  There one is... and then "lights out"... as the saying goes.

More people should really explore the term "Reincarnation"... Because it is no Illusion, and it WILL TAKE PLACE, WHETHER ONE BELIEVES IN IT OR NOT!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, June 5, 2024



How many people do you suppose know what I am asking?  Or why I am asking this question?

 The reason I am asking this questilon is that Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth, and  every living thing on Earth has a Soul.   And this ranges from the smallest individual cell, to Man (which is the highest form we Souls can experience).  The Soul [which every living thing possesses] can incarnate into any of the forms that constitute the 8,400,000 forms on Earth. So, why do we human beings [especially in the West] not know this?  This process is called "Reincarnation":  And we Souls have been doing this since the Earth was capable of supporting life forms.

Were you aware of the term "Reincarnation" ?  If not, why not?   The reason, at least in the West, is that the primary religion of the West is Christianity... and  Christianity does not teach Reincarnation.  How Come?  Because all scripture is composed of language, and language is possible for human beings to speak, write, and to think about... because it is a natural feature of the brain of Man.  But no language can convey Truth.... that is, convey the Reality of Truth, because the Energy of Truth is a special kind of Energy that the brain and physical senses of Man cannot "think" about.  That is, Truth does exist, but it exists in a dimension that is not part of the Creation, of which the Earth is a part.  The Creation is composed of "material energy" that is an energy that is not Real in an absolute sense.  The Creation is an Illusion that our brains are convinced is real... because we can see it, touch it, and when we bump into it, we feel it.  So, Reality does exist, but our physical senses are part of the Creation, not a part of the Pure Spiritual Realm, which  Man, using the brain, cannot perceive.  This is why we have been unable to find the Soul, Reality, or God.

There are a great many things about "Life" that we do not "know".  The fact is, the only Souls that KNOW the Pure Spiritual Realm  are great Saints and Mystics that have themselves been assisted to retrace their entry into the Creation by God Himself.  This was part of the initial process of the Creation, and that took place a  very long time ago.  And this form of assisting Souls to  find their way back Home was established by God, and it has not changed since first established.

The Creation operates and is overseen by the Law of Karma. And at the death of every living thing the Soul [and the MIND attached to that Soul] automatically transfer to the Astral Region of Creation,  where it is evaluated relative to the Karma [which means actions] that it engaged in during that lifetime.  And it is this Karma which forms elements of a Soul's next lifetime, and determins what form of Life that Soul will Reincarnate into?

So, every Soul is born with a "Fate Karma" for it's lifetime.   Including the life of that Soul, and all the experiences that Soul will have to deal with.  And at the proper time, that Soul will die, and will eventually incarnate into its next life-form.  And every living thing has a Soul (with a MIND attached) that enables that Soul [which is never NOT Pure Spiritual Energy... which I refer to as "NSgy"] to engage in its various life-times in the Illusion we refer to as the "Creation".  Very few people realize that what we refer to as the Creation was Created by God, expressly for we Souls to explore, experience, and learn about life... all the while gathering "Wisdom".  We refer to this as "Consciousness".

NSgy stands for Neutral Spiritual Energy, or Pure Spiritual that of God.  The fact that one's Soul is not really a part of the Creation...  is the reason we are unable to find the Soul of Man. We are here, that is in the Creation.. because we "think" that we are part of the Creation.

Just a quick  blog for today.  Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, June 4, 2024



  1. An illusion is a false idea or belief, or something that is not really what it seems to be. Learn more about the meaning, usage and translations of illusion in different languages.
    And most definitions will read very much like the one above.  What's wrong with this definition is that the person who wrote this definition believes that the term  Illusion is "a false idea or belief".  That is, although Mystics tell us that God exists, are we to believe that the idea of God is a false idea because we cannot see God with our physical eyes?  And what about the Soul?

    Or... is it possible that there are energy dimensions in existence that are quite Real, but that these Energy dimensions exist beyond the ability of Man to perceive these energy dimensions because they exist as ENERGY DIMENSIONS THAT ARE ENTIRELY Invisible to the range of energy the physical resources of Man can perceive.  The physical energy of Man, including all the senses of  Man... are fully capable of perceiving the tangible physical energy of Creation.  That is, the material existence of Creation.
    However... the physical senses of Man are INCAPABLE of perceiving the ENERGIES OF THE MIND, or THE ENERGY OF THE SOUL ... because neither the MIND nor the SOUL is part of Creation.  You see, the Creation was created... and as such, it is not Real in an absolute sense.  The Creation is an Illusion, and is therefore not Real in an absolute sense... although we "think" it is real because it is tangible, just like we human beings.   Our bodies are part of the Creation, and the ONLY part of oneself that is Real, is one's Soul.  Even one's MIND is alien to one's Soul.  The Soul required the MIND to enable the Soul to relate to the physical body and the material Creation.  So, the MIND is composed of two Energy realms, neither of which is physical.  And over many ages, the MIND develops a habit of controlling the brain and what it thinks.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking".
    Let us use my sketch to illustrate what I am writing about:
    The lower MIND (#2) is composed of Astral Plane energy, and the Higher MIND (#3) is composed of Causal Plane energy [neither of which is physical]. The part of Man that is capable of relating to the MIND is what we call "Intuition" [which, I believe, is an aspect of one's Soul... related to one's Attention].
    So, when the field of Psychology decided to begin ignoring the MIND  of Man [as an active part of the field of Psychology]  the field ceased being a viable tool in the primary treatment of the MIND of Man and "mental illness".  This was at the urging of B.F. Skinner, and other intellectuals by  the way.  An example is this quote of Skinner by Richard I. Evans.

     Skinner, along with many in Psychology at the time  were attempting to impose Intellectualism on  the field of psychology including denial of emotions. This is mirrored in Skinner's disdain for the study of the MIND... which he spoke of as "the child of our past". Skinner, and those who depend entirely on the brain and thinking have pretty much destroyed Psychology. This is "Behaviorism" at its best.

    Quite unknown to those who are dominated by the Left-brain and thinking, their penchant for the brain and thinking is due to a non-conscious fear of the [mostly Invisible] emotional energy of the MIND.  And they are simply responding to the demands of the Fate Karma they came into this life to experience... which is centered in the emotions... which Intellectualism seeks to ignore.

    So, in essence it is the unusual individual whose elevated level of Consciousness enables him or her to rise above the "normal" fears and prejudices that we human beings find ourselves subject to, and intellectually unable to overcome.  The wise are humble, and view the pain and suffering of the world with great compassion... with a tendency to be quite forgiving.
    The Lower MIND is composed of the Energy of the Astral Region of Creation, and what we know of such energies is... we call them "emotions," and those  vibrations are beyond the capability the  physical senses of Man to control?   We cannot "think" our habits away, nor can we seem to intellectually control them. And... telescopes are useless in the search for these Invisible Energy Dimensions because... what does Man use to see through these telescopes?  Man uses his physical eyes, correct?  And my point is that the Energies of these "Invisible" realms most certainly do  exist, but one's intellect is unable to deal with them.  The Energy of these realms is entirely separate from our ability to control them.

    Is it at all possible that an Illusion is not a "false idea or belief"?   But is rather something that exists in a dimension of Existence that is beyond the ability  of our physical senses to perceive?  Is it possible that an "Illusion" could  appear real, but that the only source of Reality of what we perceive lies in an action in which we took part in the past?  Oddly, this is Reality.
    And what we are all now engaged in is a replay of events from previous lifetimes as monitored by the Law of Karma?   And it s one's MIND that causes one to treat life as though it is only now occurring?  In other words, Shakespeare was correct... we are all players on the stage of Life!  And Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory.
    Is it not fascinating that what we "think" of as an Illusion is a Reality we are unable to perceive by use of our physical senses?  Because our physical senses are not Real... in an absolute sense?  It is one's Soul that is immortal, not one's physical body.  And God is "Within" each of us... only we are unable to get inside ourselves to awaken to Him.  And that is a topic for another blog, isn't it?

    Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, June 3, 2024


 Strangely... we use outside events and experiences to awaken "memory" from "Within" ourselves... that we have experienced in some previous lifetime.  And of course I am speaking of "Reincarnation," or the fact that we Souls are immortal, and if we are born as a human being in this lifetime... that is a great opportunity for us to take our human birth and use it to begin making preparations for our journey back Home.

But again... I am writing primarily for people in America, and in America we tend to do what most people in the West do... and that is to give our MIND control over the Fate Karma we came into this lifetime to address.  And we do this routinely and automatically because this is how life is designed to operate.  But... the vast majority of people in the West have no clue as to how Life works, or why it works in the way it does?  And the reason for this is that the West is governed by Intellectualism. 

  1. 2 days agoIntellectualism is the quality of being intellectual or devotion to intellectual pursuits. It can also mean excessive emphasis on abstract or intellectual matters, or the doctrine that reason is the ultimate criterion of knowledge.

    The peculiar thing about depending upon one's brain and thinking for one's understanding of life is that the brain is confined to one-quarter of the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  What I mean is illustrated in the sketch below:

     In this sketch #1 is the physical body with its brain, and this represents one of four parts of the WHB.  As far as "Knowledge" is concerned, it is an absolute, and thus, it can only exist in #4, which is the Soul where we find Consciousness, Knowledge and Wisdom.

    Information is not Knowledge, it is information.  To possess Knowledge is to Know something absolutely.  In the West, people "think" they know things only to find what they thought they knew changes all the time.  The best example of this is the term "Truth".  We think something is true... only as long as we do not become aware of a higher Truth.

    So, the answer to the question posed in this blog is.... we obtain Knowledge from "Within" ourselves, and it is via our faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul, which is invisible to one's brain.

    God does exist, regardless how many people attempt to discredit the idea of God.  And if you believe in God, then your next step is to find out how to find God!  And to find God is a very long project, involving a great deal of effort and a tough battle with one's MIND.  But God is Real, and the task is to discover  Reality... which is hidden "Within" each of us. To find it is a task that requires an enlightened faculty of Intuition... which is something the West  tends to deny, ignore, and ridicule.  And if you get the sense that I am pessimistic about how likely it is that a person in the West will be encouraged to pursue an active Spiritual Path... well, you are correct.  It is not easy to worship the Creator of the physical Creation, or God, when one's MIND is constantly introducing one to the endless wonders of the Creation.

    The Spiritual Path is an either-or proposition.  One must rise above the demands of the MIND, and its  desires for the things of the world, and one must long for what seems like a shadow, or nothing tangible.

    The Source of a higher Reality awaits one's Soul "Within" oneself.  But how does one find that door leading to Reality... when one's own MIND is dedicated to distracting you?  The true mystery of Life... eludes one's brain and thinking, and even one's own MIND is part of what prevents one from "going Within"where the Path Home resides. The exact point in Man is called the "Eye-center," or "Tisra-til,". or the "Third Eye".  But this is not a physical point... it is immaterial, and yet it is the gateway to the Astral region... another dimension of existence entirely.  An excellent resource for research into the Spiritual Dimension of Man is "The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson.
    So, if you believe in God, be thankful for His encouragement...   Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, June 2, 2024

LET US TAKE A STEP BACKWARD... AND [and look "Within" MAN]

 From whence do we awaken to higher levels of Truth?

As one subtly rises in "conscious awareness" one's MIND attempts to block one's enhanced awareness of the difference between what one has habitually believed to be true and one's new understanding -- which does not rely on the limited perspective of one's brain and thinking.  In other words... Man is much more than what the brain can perceive.   Actually, the more important elements of Man are to be found "Within" Man!  Hidden from and invisible to one's brain and physical senses. The "key" term here is the phrase "physical senses".

If one is awakening to elements of other dimensions of existence [experiencing new bits of Truth], then one is becoming aware of subtle phenomena that are beyond the grasp of one's brain and physical senses.  We simply cannot "think" about those parts of ourselves that exist beyond what the brain and our physical senses can perceive!  

In India, great Mystics have explained this phenomena in this way:

Mystics over the ages have attempted to explain that there are two types of "knowing". One type is called "Varnatmak," and the other is called "Dhunyatmak".  Varnatmak is that which can be written or spoken.  Dhunyatmak cannot be spoken or written.

So, how does one become aware of that which falls into the category of Dhunyatmak? And what are the Mystics talking about?  The concept that the term Dhunyatmak refers to are multiple dimensions of existence that certainly exist... but they exist in energy realms that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.  So, how does one obtain these "invisible" realms?  Well, various Mystics tell us various ways to try and acquire these Dhunyatmak dimensions of existence.  And each Mystic tells us what he or she has come to KNOW from "Within" him or herself.  But few of these Mystics were fully successful in achieving the Goal of returning one's Soul back to God.

What remains of what these Mystics have shared with humanity comprises an extensive range of suggestions, methods, applications and concepts...  Most of which are "steps or methods that are partially helpful".  They include various types of Yoga, various forms of meditation... and other mostly physical attempts to achieve the goal of a Soul seeking to return Home to God.

The extensive range of data that is left to Mankind... should indicate to us that what all Mystics have sought to achieve is neither simple to achieve, nor easy to accomplish.  And what religions [all of which began as attempts to continue the work of some Saint or Mystic] inevitably morph into a subtle form of business designed to perpetuate what Man "thinks" is the best method of returning Home to God].  How does Man seek an answer amongst all the many suggestions available?

Fortunately for Mankind, God, due to His Absolute Wisdom,  placed the proper mechanism to accomplish this Return Home "Within" Man... but, the "Key" that unlocks this mechanism is in the Hands of a Perfect Living Master... who is born on Earth specifically to give "Initiation" to those Souls whose time has come to begin their journey Home.  Why is this such a secret?  Because Man is supposed to fully explore and experience the Creation to the point that the individual Soul is absolutely tired of playing in the Creation... and LONGS TO RETURN HOME TO THE FATHER.

In other words, although the life we experience seems to us to be spontaneous, and unpredictable... and that we can make quite a difference in our life... we are mistaken! The Truth is... every Soul of every living creature on Earth is completely subject to the Law of Karma [designed by God expressly to insure that the Creation is just and fair for every Soul in the Creation.  We "think" we are this or that... and in the play of life, we are. But in Reality, every Soul is experiencing a life that it has itself created by what it has done in its previous incarnations!  This is the Reality of Life... but this Reality is entirely invisible to the brain of Man, which is physical and thus, limited to what the brain can perceive.

So, if you are subtly awakening to elements of another dimension of existence that are not within the realm of the physical brain, or your physical senses... your Soul is likely receiving bits of Truth... that are likely intended to begin a return of your Soul to its Homeland.  And this transformation is taking place "Within" all Souls... to some extent.

For want of a better way to identify that which is not available to one's physical senses, I use the phrase "Conscious Awareness," which I believe is one's faculty of Intuition... which is, I believe, an aspect of one's Soul.

And I will continue this conversation in my next blog.  

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, June 1, 2024

  What is a Whole Human Being ?

The reason most people are unaware of the Whole Human Being, or WHB... is that three quarters of the Whole of Man is invisible to the brain of Man.  This is illustrated in the following sketch:  

In the above sketch, #1 represents the physical body with the physical brain. And #2 represents the Lower MIND, and #3 represents the Higher MIND [both of which are invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  This morning, I did another sketch that illustrates the four dimensions or vibrational realms that constitute the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  I hope this sketch helps clarify the Whole of Man... but it may fail to do this?  It is difficult to convey the invisible parts of Man.

The dark purple bar in the upper left-corner of the sketch represents a person's faculty of Intuition, if it is active "Within" a person.  What is Intuition?  It is a subtle form of Conscious Awareness that enables a person to be aware of subtle bits of Truth... that are known by one's Soul.  One's Soul exists "Within" oneself as the Spiritual Realm in Man.  And one's Soul is essentially invisible to oneself... except some people have an active faculty of Intuition, which enables them to subtly perceive or awaken to bits of Truth... although a person may KNOW that bit of Truth, he or she is unable to convey what he or she KNOWS to another person... and isn't this a strange thing?

Many years ago, while teaching at a University in the mid-west, I conducted a class for non-art students who wanted a "taste" of art on their records.  It occurred to me that I would like to try and teach the students what Creativity is, and where it comes from?  So, I put together a curriculum that revolved around reading sections of well-known books, which I purchased at the campus book store.

Now all of this took place in 1972, or 1973.  In any case, a few months before the class I was Initiated into a Spiritual Path, called Sant Mat, or Path of the Saints.  And my Initiation was a most significant event in my life.  It required my becoming a vegetarian, and my giving up alcohol, and it also required me to live a chaste life.  Bottom line is... I underwent a powerful transformation as a consequence of that "Initiation" event... both inside and outside of myself.  That is, I experienced a number of changes in my life, and most of the change took place "Within" myself.

One change that took place was my belief that I could glean from the books I purchased elements of Truth that were not actually articulated in the books themselves.  This would seem to any intelligent college professor a highly suspect thing to imagine oneself doing. 

But the fact is, this is precisely what I did.  I would read a passage in one of the books, and then I would explain subtle bits of Truth the author was attempting to convey in his or her writing, but failed to do so.  Does what I am writing read as an unlikely thing to have happened?  I'm sure it does... however, it is precisely what happened.

The most amazing thing is not that I did this... the amazing thing is that within a very short period of time, many of the students began reporting a very strange thing that was taking place.  One student would awaken to some bit of Truth from "Within" him or herself.... and would seek to tell a friend what he or she had awakened to.... only to find him or herself unable to verbalize the bit of Truth that he or she had awakened to.  However... when meeting the friend, the student would say:  "You know..." and the friend would immediately respond:  "I Know exactly what you mean!"

And indeed, both seemed to recognize [Intuitively] that each had awakened to the exact same bit of Truth.  And yet, neither of them could articulate or verbalize  that bit of Truth !  Oddly, we do not possess intellectual "labels" for bits of Truth... essentially because Truth only exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm of existence... which is invisible to the brain.

And this same incident began to take place among half of the students in that class.  And these students would meet before class, and they would exchange their surprise at awakening to bits of Truth that none of them could verbalize ... although they were themselves absolutely sure they had [Intuitively]  awakened to these bits of Truth "Within" themselves.  These students referred to what they were experiencing as "Knowings".  About half of the students in that class experienced this phenomenon, while the other half had no clue as to what was going on? 

A few years later, after returning to San Diego State University to obtain an MS in Counseling/Psychotherapy... and undergoing my own Gestalt Psychotherapy... I began to realize from "Within" myself what those students in that exploratory class had experienced.  This coincided with my better understanding of my faculty of Intuition as being an aspect of my own level of Consciousness.  That class convinced me that I did not want to teach art, I wanted to help people discover what's going on "Within" themselves, and this prompted me to obtain my MS, then my Ph.D. in Psychology.  And then to spend about 40 years as a Gestalt Psychotherapist.  And now retired, I am still trying to help people discover the Truth from "Within" themselves.

And this ends #2 in this series of blogs.

Peace, 1 Brother James

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...