Thursday, August 29, 2024


Have you ever asked yourself where your thoughts come from?

 Well, the answer will surprise you!

Contrary to what we "think" and have been told, most of our thoughts are generated by our MINDs, and only then does the MIND feed those thoughts to the brain... in the form of D-Think" or "Delusional Thinking" [Delusional because they are not really based on present events], but are actually based on events that occurred in the past... sometimes many lifetimes ago!  And now I have  probably really confused you?  Remember the term "Reincarnation"?

In my writing I will often be thinking of phenomena that happens to a person that [may have taken place  in another lifetime] but that person is reacting to the current event in the same manner in which he or she reacted to an event in another lifetime.  And the reason for this is that one's MIND is the exact same MIND that the person had in the past, and his or her MIND is driven by the Law of Karma... that is, a primary role of one's MIND is to insure that one's thoughts and actions are associated with the Fate Karma for this lifetime.... because  that is what is responsible for almost everything that happens in this lifetime!  But... at birth... the brain is not aware of the past. at all!  It is only aware of this lifetime.

What I am talking about is the Reality of the Law of Karma, and how it insinuates itself into virtually everything we think and do in this lifetime!   Again, contrary to what we "think".... virtually everything that happens in this lifetime... is a repeat of elements that took place in  other lifetimes.  But the process of Karma is so smooth and precise that our senses rarely pick up any evidence that we are in a cycle of re-living the same events taking place, lifetime after lifetime!  In other words the past is simply being recreated in each lifetime... lifetime after lifetime.  And who do you know who is a student of the Law of Karma, and aware of what is actually  taking place? Such people are quite rare in the West.

And if one is not aware of this taking place... how does one refuse to participate in the duplication and participation of the same bit of Karma  tasking place over and over again?  The Mystics tell us that in every lifetime we create more Karma than we can "pay off, or complete"! And that is the reason we are stuck here on this Earth plane, in the process of Reincarnation., with a pile of Karma.

Question:  Is this whole thing  regarding the Law of Karma and Reincarnation the means by which we Souls  eventually come to possess full Knowledge, or Wisdom?   And at the same time become tired of the "game of life"... so that "Within" us, our Souls cry out for help?  And the Perfect Living Master is sent by God to Initiate such Souls... and help them return Home?

The only people who are speaking out on this are Perfect Living Masters [who are few in number], or Mystics who are only listened to in the East?  Students of Masters are busy trying their best to practice Acceptance and Resisting the temptation to get angry, upset, or condemn the things... and  the people who cause them pain and suffering.  The ONLY WAY to end a bit of Karma is to ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO ONESELF... AND  TO FORGIVE THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE...since it is oneself that originated the bit of Karma... in the first place... who knows when?  And to those Souls who are  living a vegetarian diet, and daily doing their meditation, and  reading books on the mysteries of Spirituality... keep the faith, and pray.  God hears all of us and helps those who are steadfast in their desire to return Home.

One last bit of advice to myself.... and others.  The road Home is a very long road, and difficult to walk. And it is quite common for a  person who is Initiated to "think" at some point in his or her process of going Home that because he or she lives some distance from the Master... he or she can ease back on the struggle of meditation. I did so, and I was wrong.  Initiation means you are your own captain of your vessel of travel, and nothing less than 100% effort will do!  I have corrected myself, and hope you can do the same.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Regarding "Death"...

QUESTION?   Does the Soul die... at the time of death?  

Or, does it simply move into and give life to another life-form?  And, if you do not know the answer, then you need to discover the answer... or perhaps you simply do not care?


Most people believe that death is a very important thing to consider. And people spend large sums of money in trying to avoid death.  Well, my question is this:  Does your Soul die when your body dies?  And if not, what happens to your Soul?  And one additional question should be:  Is the Life we are living Real... or is it an Illusion we think is real?    An "Illusion"?  Why would I even ask such a thing?

I ask about Life being an Illusion because Great Mystics have been saying for generations that "in the beginning"  God Created "CREATION".  And, although Man has discovered a great many things, Man has not found a way to discover the Soul of Man.  And, a great many Mystics have said that the Creation is not the Home of the Soul.  And if they are correct, then where is the Home of the Soul?

....... But let us return to the topic of death, and why I believe death is important.

Every life a Soul lives on Earth requires that Soul to "spend" it's Pure Spiritual Energy on everything it makes use of.  I refer to that Pure Spiritual Energy as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for  short. Let us view what I am talking about with this sketch: 

In this sketch, #1 is the Soul, which is Pure NSgy.  #2 represents the Material plane of Creation.  And when any action is taken by one's Soul  in the Creation ... that action requires that Soul to "spend" it's own NSgy [indicated by the yellow] to create and sustain that action.  And this action creates Karma, which diminishes the level of NSgy [Spiritual Energy] of that Soul by that particular action.  And this event is stored in the MIND of that individual.   And each such action becomes an "Attachment" of that Soul to the Illusion of Creation.  Thus, each of  us has a substantial amount of Karmic "Attachments" that we have acquired over many, many lifetimes on Earth.  I might also mention that each such Karmic Attachment reduces one's level of Consciousness... which is a natural reduction of one's NSgy.

And the Reality of God is that God exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm, and nothing of the Creation is part of the Pure Spiritual Realm... which means that only the Pure Spiritual Energy of one's Soul can enter or relate to the PURE SPIRITUAL ENERGY OF GOD.  Reality, Truth, and Pure Spirituality ONLY exist in the realm of Pure Spirituality.  One's Soul must be clear of all Karmic Attachment before it can return Home, in other words.  So, suddenly what is keeping we Souls stuck in the Illusion of Life is our own Karmic Attachments to the Creation... most of which are unknown to us!

This means that every bit of Karmic Attachment "Within" oneself must be removed before one's Soul can return Home to God. And the above is not part of our Western education, so why would we know all of this?  Well, most people do not know this, and this means that a lot of people are carrying on their lives as though the only reality there is is what we can see and think about .

I will try and speak to "death" more fully in my next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James



Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 I celebrated having lived 89 years this last May.  And now I am in year 90, and my birthday is in May, the fifth month of the year.  And the date today is August 27, and that means I have lived about four months of year ninety.  

And that means that in May of 2025... [if I am still alive],  I will have lived a full ninety years in this body... which is really experiencing what old age is all about.

So, my point is this:   When you have your birthday, the very next day, you are already living in the numbered year you will be celebrating a year from now.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Bit off my usual Topic...

 If Macintosh [mini - of 2014 vintage is not being supported by Firefox]...  as of September 2024...what does someone who likes Firefox do?   


Thanks, Docjp...

Friday, August 23, 2024

Lret's reiterate the fact that what you see in the mirror is not you!

 In fact... there is "no way"  to "see" the Whole of yourself using your physical eyes!

And the reason is quite simple.  Three-quarters of yourself is not part of this physical Creation.

Again the sketch: 

In this sketch, the only part of oneself visible to one's physical eyes is #1, your physical body. And this is just one-quarter of the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  Both  parts of the MIND, and one's Spiritual Realm, which includes your Soul... are Invisible to one's physical eyes.

And that simply means that what you can see in the mirror is the physical puppet that we mistake to be who we are.  We are a Soul, and it uses this physical body to explore the Creation, and it has been doing this for many thousands of years.  And for the West, this is rarely discussed, and not part of our education.

For anyone interested in the pursuit of the Truth, I recommend this book:  The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and it is in most libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



What causes the Liberal to crave more and more laws and regulations ?

Answer:   The answer is an intense [non-conscious] fear of "taking responsibility"... and this fear is hidden "Within" the MIND of the "Liberal-type personality".   Of course this fear is based on a "misperception" (explained shortly),  and it is deeply repressed "Within" the MIND of the liberal-type personality... which means it is unavailable to the brain or physical senses of the liberal.

Deeply repressed means it is hidden from the brain and physical senses of the liberal... and this fear causes the liberal to crave rules, laws, and regulations be imposed on people.  This craving is an excellent example of the term "projection".  That is, the liberal's non-conscious fear is converted by his or her MIND into a "need" which is then "projected" upon society as a whole.   let us emphasize that this fear is "psychological,' which means the liberal has no intellectual awareness  that he or she has this fear.  And thus, there is no way to intellectually convey to a liberal that he or she has this fear.

And the liberal "thinks" that he or she is doing society a favor by insisting that more and more rules and regulations regarding the behavior of people be imposed on society as a whole. 

What causes the liberal's MIND to develop this "misperception" (or belief by his or her MIND)?

The answer is... the MIND of this person is guided in its action by the Fate Karma this person brought into this lifetime.  The phrase "Fate Karma" means the script a person is born with for this lifetime.  And this "script" is a complete schedule for this lifetime for a person... based on what that Soul did in its previous lifetimes on Earth.  And of course this means that the term "Reincarnation" is a fact and not a theory.  Reincarnation means...  one's Soul is immortal, and does not die, while one's physical body... into which one's Soul is born... does die.  This birth and death schedule is true for all life forms in the Creation.

But back to the liberal and the fear of taking responsibility.  A person who has a non-conscious fear of taking responsibility has trouble "being responsible, and thus wants lots of restrictions placed on him or herself... and unfortunately... others as well.  Why would a person fear taking responsibility?  It is a bit difficult to explain what occurs in the MIND to cause this phenomenon, but let me try to do so [in less that a dozen pages].

At the core of every person is a non-conscious Self-View that one's MIND creates as who and what one is for  this lifetime.  It is based on a great many things, but of importance to us is the fact that this Self-View is generally negative, and only one's MIND knows what it is.  In the case of the liberal, the MIND takes-on certain beliefs from the Self-View of one's Mother and Father, and this sets-up a "belief" of who and what one is for this lifetime. This is one's psychological core, or Self-View.  In the case of the liberal-type person, the Self-View includes a fear of exposing the level of negativity held Within his or her MIND.  The impact of this is a fear of asserting oneself emotionally.  The energy of the MIND is emotional energy.  Therefore, if one tries to resist some negative desire of the brain... one must use one's emotional energy to resist the desire...  but guess where a desire of the brain comes from?  It comes from the MIND via what I refer to as Delusional Thinking, or D-Think.  Or thoughts fed to the brain by the MIND.  And we now run into the difference between emotion and Conscience.

And  we complicate the situation just a bit further.  Emotion is the MIND.  Conscience is of the Soul.

D-Think is fed to the brain by the MIND. .. which is the way the MIND insures that one's thinking is always aligned with one's Fate Karma for this lifetime.   And  in most people, their reaction is to simply comply with the D-Think fed to the brain. This is how people normally operate.

The exception would be the person whose level of Consciousness is elevated sufficiently to enable that person to access his or her faculty of Conscience [an ability to judge right from wrong].  And the person whose Soul has acquired a substantial amount of Consciousness  has also acquired a higher level of Conscience.  And we refer to such people as "enlightened".

How does one acquire Consciousness?  It is acquired by Completing Karma.  Which is another story for another day.

Is the liberal-type person a bit short on Consciousness?  Just a bit, and this shortage manifests itself in various ways... depending upon a person's Fate Karma for this lifetime?

Like I said, this topic is both confusing and difficult to discuss... because it stems from so many areas of Man that are not much known, especially in the West.

Peace,  1 Brother James


Monday, August 19, 2024

What is REALITY?

 REALITY like Truth is an absolute, and it does not change.  Relative reality can take place on the physical plane of existence... and it exists for a moment in time, but then it changes to what was before the momentary glimpse of an unusual bit of  Reality took place.  I believe to actually view Reality one must be in the Pure Spiritual Realm, where everything is Real, and unchanging... and to us this would seem extraordinary.  Because on this physical plane everything is constantly changing.

So, what is a moment in which one sees something that is phenomenal?  Well, it is certain extraordinary. And therefore, it is not a common or natural event for the realm in which one views the occurrence.

This then might be called a strange event in that it is not normal, nor common.  So, to witness an event that is unusual, or extraordinary... by definition... is not describing the Spiritual Realm because in the Pure Spiritual Realm, nothing ever changes.  The Spiritual Realm is the Realm in which everything is Real, and to us that would be extraordinary.

But perhaps the only realm in which Reality can be observed is the realm of Pure Spirituality, in which Truth, Reality, and nothing ever changes... and this would be viewed by we human beings as unusual? So, where does one have to go to experience Reality?  One must travel to the Pure Spiritual Realm, which is the actual Home of the Soul. and  of God.

Peace, 1 Brother James

The Spirituality "Within" You...

 Thought of the day...

Spiritual Energy cannot operate on the physical plane of existence except from "Within" something that is part of the physical plane.  Which is the reason Mystics (such as Christ) are born into a physical body in order to attempt to convey the Reality of Spirituality to Man.  And how many Mystics over the centuries have been crucified, pulled apart by elephants, burned at the stake, all because they spoke of God?

In other words, your Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy, but it can only support your MIND (which in turn must operate through your brain and physical senses]... like an actor playing a role.

This means your Soul is pretty much an observer of your life... which means it must support what your MIND determines you do -- based on your Fate Karma which is part of the plan of your life  in this lifetime, which is based on your past lifetimes.

We do not remember our past lifetimes of course.  But one's MIND does, and it is fully engaged in making sure that you adhere to your Fate Karma for this lifetime.   Each day of which is fully scripted.

How does it feel being an actor playing a part... which is determined by what you have done in the past? And of course you cannot remember your past lifetimes.  Nor can you alter what happens in this lifetime.

There is so much about life that we simply do not know!  And yet, how many people even care? Amazing isn't it?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Part Two of The Psychological "Need" to Feel Bad...

 I ended part one [which I just revised, by the way], by saying that the MIND of every child, in early childhood,  takes-on various negative beliefs regarding who and what that child is... at its Core.  And as a consequence of this, most people are unaware that at their Core.... and deeply "repressed," are  a host of negative "beliefs" regarding who and what they are.  And as a consequence of this, when a person does something of merit, or is praised excessively, the MIND of that person finds a way to "Punish" that person... because his or her MIND believes that the person is undeserving of such praise.

Psychologically, what this means is that the person's MIND reacts to praise of the person as a "threat" to the person because that person's MIND [at a fully non-conscious level] fears that who his or her MIND "believes" the person to be might be exposed by so much praise.  In other words, to "balance" the praise from others, that person's MIND will feed Delusional-Thinking to that person's brain that "forces" the person to engage in self-sabotaging behavior.... as a "punishment" for such praise.   The MIND seeks to continually remain the same... so to speak.

Every MIND develops certain negative behaviors that it uses to "punish" a person for doing things that cause that person to receive praise, or to feel good.  This is the real-reason for negative habits people say they would like to quit... but seem unable to do so.  The only way to address such negative habits is via special psychotherapy by an Enlightened Gestalt Psychotherapist... that enables a person to move into his or her MIND realm, and discover the deeply repressed "misperception" taken-on by that person's MIND early in that person's life... if,  the Fate Karma that person was required to experience in this lifetime is "done"?  If the need for that particular behavior is done, in other words? 

All of us dance to the tune of our Fate Karma for this lifetime.  And we will continue to do so as long as a "need" for such behavior remains "Within" us.  But, if the "need" for a particular behavioral habit no longer exists, then a competent Gestalt Psychotherapist can facilitate a person in the discovery of a deeply repressed "Misperception" held "Within" that person's MIND... and evidence of the removal of such a deeply repressed "Misperception" will be substantial deep-grief, and sobbing by the person who has just been set free of that particular "Misperception".

The hard part is finding an enlightened and competent Gestalt Psychotherapist who is Enlightened sufficiently to operate at this level of Consciousness.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Psychological Reason We "Need" to Feel Bad...

 NOTE:  This blog will involve some fairly Esoteric lessons regarding the MIND of Man, and how it works.  So, it is a bit lengthy... but I hope it is also interesting!

Let us begin with my sketch of the Whole Human Being [WHB].

In this sketch, #1, the Physical dimension, is the only part of the sketch that we can experience by use of the brain and thinking. The other numbers represent dimensions or the WHB that the brain is unable to perceive, and therefore cannot really think about.  This means that 3/4ths of the Whole of Man is invisible to the brain.

Most people are not aware they have a MIND that was attached to each Soul as it entered the Creation, when all Souls entered the Creation when the Creation was capable of sustaining life.  This is a concept that is basic knowledge in many areas of the "East".  In the West, what I just shared with the reader is not part of Western education.

The next point to be emphasized is that the brain is not the MIND.  The brain is a physical muscle located in the Skull, while the MIND is composed of two parts, each of which is invisible to the brain.  The brain, being physical, is capable of perceiving things that are physical, tangible or part of the physical Creation.  The brain does this via the various physical senses we possess.  But the brain cannot "experience" those parts of Man that are not physical, such as the MIND, or one's Soul.

What the brain can do is to "think" about the words, or "abstract terms" we have created to "stand for" or represent elements of existence that are not physical... words or terms such as MIND, Truth, Reality, Spirituality, or God.  Since the brain cannot experience the Energy of the Soul, Spirituality, Truth, or Reality (which are aspects of Spirituality), the brain "thinks" it knows things it cannot actually experience... because it can see the word or term for something, and the MIND feeds the brain what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," which are thoughts that are fed to the brain by the MIND which cause the brain to "think" it knows these thoughts.

So, although millions of people "think" about God... and believe in God because they can "think" about the term God.  Alas, the brain will never perceive God, nor the Energy of Spirituality because thinking is confined to the material plane of existence. And the reason for this is that God, Truth and Spirituality  ONLY exists  in the Pure Spiritual Realm... which, as I just said, ONLY exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm.  Each realm has its own range of vibrations, and the vibrations of that realm are confined to that realm.

There is, I believe, one exception to this, and that is the term "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul, and it seems to be most prevalent in people who are Enlightened Souls.  And there is an important difference between one's experience of Intuition, and one's experience of one's emotion [which is the energy of one's MIND].  Imagination is (I believe) a subtle operation of one's MIND, which is emotional energy and is a subtle part of what I refer to as Delusional Thinking, or D-Think... based on non-conscious desires of one's MIND.

In other words, when the MIND wants us to "think" certain things, it feeds D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain, and one's brain assumes that it is has somehow come up with a new thought or a new idea.  And one's Ego [one's mostly non-conscious view of oneself], readily accepts these thoughts and basks in a form of self-praise... which subtly leads us to the subject of this particular blog:  

When a child is born, its brain and thinking is barely functional.  However, the MIND of that child is fully aware, and fully operational.  But, that MIND is limited in what it can do  because the brain of the child is brand new, and thus, incapable of carrying out  all the D-think of the MIND of the child.  This is the time when the MIND of that child reaches out to the MIND of one [or both parents if both are present] to begin to structure the personality of that child will adopt for that lifetime.

The MIND of the child, in other words, will be forming the personality and character of that child... based largely on what his or her MIND finds hidden "Within" the MIND of each parent [that "fits" the Fate Karma that Soul came into this lifetime to engage.   And elements of what the child's MIND finds in the MIND of each parent are "used" by the child's MIND to form a non-conscious view of its Self....!  This self-view is often negative, and it is this negative Self-view hidden "Within" the MIND of the child that causes each of us to self-sabotage ourselves when we "enjoy" ourselves too much!  Smoking, over-eating, drinking alcohol, and acting out so as to draw scorn from those around us are most often how we "punish" ourselves for experiencing ourselves positively.

In the field of Psychology, both Freud and Perls were in pursuit of what I am sharing with the reader.  However, both of them were resisted by many in the field whose levels of Consciousness were not capable of a high-level of Intuition [or access to their own Spiritual Realms].  And anyone, in any field, whose primary "way of being" is "Intellectualism," is prevented by his or her attachment to Intellectualism and his or her MIND  from holding any interest in the Realm of Spirituality.  That is, in seeking Truth via Spirituality.

Let us end  part one of this blog with this definition:

Intellectualize:  1. To make rational.  2. To avoid emotional insight into (an emotional problem) by performing an intellectual analysis.

Note how this definition simply ignores the MIND entirely.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Regarding the term "Invisible"...

The term "invisible" means not capable of being perceived by ones brain or one's physical senses.... it does not mean that whatever is said to be invisible does not exist!

Remember the sketch...

Circle #1 represents your physical body and your brain. The Lower MIND, the Higher MIND are represented by [#2 and #3], and the Spirituality "Within" you (#4, your Soul) are all invisible to your brain and physical senses. Invisible because they exist at different frequencies than the frequency of your physical body, brain and the physical Creation.

Existing at different frequencies than what your brain can perceive simply causes us to create certain "labels for things" that exist  at frequencies our brain simply cannot perceive.  Try to realize and accept the concept  that just because we have a name for something does not mean we "know" what that name "stands for"! Examples of what I mean are Truth, Reality, Spirituality, and God, just to list four of many.

So, your MIND is invisible to your brain and physical senses.  What then... is it that your brain cannot perceive?  The answer is, lots of things, even though we have names and labels for these things.  The problem we in the West have is that we are subtly "taught" to believe that there is nothing of importance that we cannot know by thinking.  What causes this?  I suspect it is a form of arrogance created by one's MIND to support the continued dominance of oneself by one's MIND.  It is also a subtle form of fear of the "unknown"... which most people possess, but they are not aware of possessing it.

Simple people ...lacking advanced education... have more access to the virtue of Acceptance of many things in existence that are invisible to our physical senses.  For instance, the American Indians often said that various physical elements possessed "spirits".  They both worshiped these things and they also feared these things.  Fear is inherent in Man, and it is a means by which the MIND controls human beings, and insures that each person adheres to the Fate Karma that person came into this lifetime to address and experience.  And I am, of course, speaking here of the term Reincarnation, which simply refers to the fact that every Soul is immortal, and when the body a Soul inhabits dies, that Soul awakens in the Astral realm, in  its Astral body, and is "judged" as to what Karma that Soul either created or completed, and what was completed becomes "Consciousness for that Soul".   And the Karma that Soul created in it's just completed lifetime  becomes a Karmic obligation that must be returned to that Soul in some future lifetime.  And this happens to every Soul in every lifetime.  We Soul have a great deal of Karma that we must eliminate before we can go Home.

Mystics tell us that there are 8,400,000 different life-forms into which we Souls may incarnate.  And all of this takes place under the rule of the Law of Karma, which was designed and ordered by God.

The purpose of Life [I believe] is for we Souls [whose Energy is NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy ] ... which is the  Energy of Spirituality, or Truth, or Reality... or God... to slowly acquire experience and to grow in Wisdom and in Knowledge... over many, many lifetimes.  And that's what we are doing.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

This is an addition to my last blog regarding Spirituality.

 Yesterday afternoon I ran across this passage in a pamphlet  published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas. The pamphlet is entitled:  Sant Mat and the Bible, written by Narain Dass, B.A., C.E.  And it is relevant to what I was attempting to explain yesterday.

On page 60, it states: "In these days of independent enquiry the harassed seeker after Truth gets naturally confused and bewildered when he studies the scriptures of the several current religions and finds in each of them the invitation- "Follow Me."  Christ said --"Leave all and follow me."  In Matthew 11:28-39 we read- "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me."

He then quotes a few other passages to make his point, and then says:  "The question naturally arises, whom is one to follow midst this crowd of invitations -- a very sensible question indeed."  He then says: "In fact, curious as it may appear, they all spoke the truth."

And Narain Dass was correct in his observations and pronouncement.  But what was missing (at least for me) was how does one turn-on the invisible faucet of Spirituality?  Well, he does speak to this later in his writing.  On page 61, he says this:  "In Sant Mat we do not follow any entities dead and gone.... There is ever a Living Master somewhere and "when the Chela is ready, the Guru appears." [The term "Chela" means student, and the term "Guru" refers to an Enlightened Individual Within whom the "Word," "Spirit," or "Spiritual Truth" is active and obtainable by those who are intended to receive it in this lifetime.  But HOW is this accomplished is the question?

And that leads me to the question of the faucet of Spirituality, as suggested in the heading for this blog.

In my blog yesterday, I spoke to the invisibility of Spirituality... and today I wish to try and explain this phenomenon.

Note in this sketch that #1 is the physical dimension of Man. Then "Within" each physical person is a MIND [consisting of two parts, neither of which the brain can perceive], and a Soul, which is the body of Spirituality "Within" every living thing in Creation.  And the only element of Man that can perceive Spirituality [which is invisible] is a part of the Soul [I believe we refer to it as "Intuition"].

Many Saints, and God-realized Souls [Mystics], throughout history were sent into the Earth plane specifically to "Initiate" [or to awaken the Spirituality of certain Souls on Earth].  Jesus referred to such Souls as his "marked sheep".  And once a person is "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master, that Soul will someday make its way back Home to God.  And the reason we know so little about this in the West is that Jesus did not personally write about his [Mystical] purpose on Earth] .  And those who did write about Christ were not themselves fully versed in the full workings of Spirituality.  And...the workings of Spirituality take place on realms that are invisible to the brain of Man.  Thus Christianity is more based on how Man's brain  [intellect] interpreted the Mystical allusions of Christ... than based on the invisible workings of Spirituality... which take place "Within" the  "invisible" Spirituality of Man.

Spirituality is "measured" by a person's level of Consciousness.  And when a person has been "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master, the "Spiritual Body" of that Master [Holy Spirit, Word, Comforter, Holy Ghost], takes its place "Within" the  Soul of that Initiated individual.  And  from that point on, that person's Soul is engaged in a largely invisible battle with his or her MIND, and that person's challenge is to "learn" how to reduce his or her load of Karma, held "Within" his or her MIND, by slowly increasing his or her ability to take responsibility for all the negative Karma that person faces in life.  The slow and gradual conversion of negative Karma into the virtues of Acceptance, Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness... are the results of that person's largely invisible transformation... as he or she slowly rises in Consciousness.   This is the Way Back Home for every Soul.  Now how does one "think about doing that which is invisible to oneself... except when one is in the midst of each Karmic event?

Reincarnation is not a theory, it is a fact.  Each of us has had numerous lifetimes, but only rarely does a person remember any of these lifetimes...but one's MIND holds all of what one has done, and the task of eliminating all this... is a most difficult, but also rewarding task.  Growing one's Consciousness is a most fascinating path for each Soul... if one can awaken to the Truth?

The road back Home for a Soul is far from easy, and far from simple.  God is Pure Love, and every Soul, in Truth, must rid itself of all the attachments to the Illusion of Life held "Within" his or her MIND.  I hope this is helpful for people.  Patience, by the way is a Virtue.  And God is quite aware of each of His Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Reason for "Secrecy" in the practice of Spirituality

 "Secrecy" in the practice of Spirituality is actually BUILT-INTO the "SYSTEM" itself, so to speak!

What do I mean?   I mean the very structure of Man... precludes the normal human being from properly practicing a search for Spirituality... because Spirituality is INVISIBLE to the vast majority of human beings on Earth.  And, have you by an chance run across this statement before?

I suspect you have not considered this aspect of Spirituality before?   Come to think about it, I don't believe I have seen the term "invisible" used in reference to Spirituality, other than in my own writing.

The reason Man has not found the Soul of Man is that the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy.  And how much do you "know" about that which is Invisible?  That is, things like the Soul, Spiritual Energy, Truth, and God?  Not much, right?  And the reason for this  is that all of these names "stand for" phenomena that is Invisible to our physical senses.  In other words, you can know all the abstract names for everything that is invisible to Man... and knowing all these names will not provide you the actual "experience" of what these names "stand for"?  You might read the last sentence a couple times?

Christ is quoted in the Bible as referring to the "Word," "Spirit," "Holy Spirit," and other terms.  But none of these terms can convey to the normal human being what these terms actually mean?  How come?  Simply because there is only one Reality, which is Spiritual Energy, which we call God.

The PRIMARY reason for this is that these many terms are all "abstract terms" created to "stand for" phenomena whose "existence" resides in realms which are not part of what the physical senses of Man can perceive. The term "invisible" refers to that which the physical senses of Man cannot perceive.

You see... there is Reality, which I refer to as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy,  or God,  and each Soul is an aspect of NSgy, or God.  And there are other energy realms that consist of "stepped-down" vibrational energy realms that we refer to as the MIND, and the Astral Region, and these stepped-down energy realms exist "Within" Man... and outside of Man.  But the only realm our physical senses can perceive is the physical realm, in which our physical bodies live.  And we "think" and have been taught that all of what we can perceive is all the reality we need to be concerned about.

Well, people who confine themselves to what the brain can perceive are part of what is known as "Intellectualism," which simply refers to people who rely almost entirely on the brain and thinking.

And such people tend to ignore the faculty of "Intuition," which is a part of one's Soul... and since it is not part of the brain, people tend to just ignore the faculty of Intuition.  Sadly, one's Intuition is a most valuable faculty if one is seeking Truth, one's Soul, Reality, or God.

I assume you realize that the Creation that was Created by God is a CREATION!  That is, it was formed by God with an entirely separate existence [or realms], that exist separate from the Reality of God, and the Pure Spiritual Realm... which is "never NOT" Pure Spiritual Energy.  Your Soul is not part of the physical Creation.  Your Soul is PURE SPIRITUAL ENERGY, and you have a MIND that enables your Soul to "imagine" itself as part of the Creation... with the help of your MIND... which pretty much controls your brain and thinking.

And this is part one of this blog.  I hope you find it of interest.

1 Brother James

Sunday, August 11, 2024

What does "Intelectually" mean?

 What Intellectually means is...  by use of the brain and thinking.  That is, you cannot think about three-quarters of the Whole of Yourself because three-quarters of yourself constitutes your MIND [which represents two invisible elements of the whole, and your Soul, which is the ONLY PART of yourself that is Real [in an absolute sense]!

Again, my sketch of the Whole of Man.  Only #1 is physical, and this includes your brain... which is the way in which most people relate to life, and to the Creation.  That is, they "think" about that which they can see, smell, touch, and bump into.

This is a picture of your brain, sort of...

And the empty square with the question mark in it... is your your MIND...sort of: Psychology mostly ignores your MIND, since the time of B.F. Skinner.
Well, your MIND is invisible to your brain and your physical senses... because it consists of energy of the Astral Region of Creation, and the energy of the Causal Region of Creation, and both of these regions of Existence are invisible to Man.  Except for one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul.

I became aware of the faculty of Intuition a number of years ago, and I have marveled at it ever since. It is quite clearly an important means by which we human beings can awaken to the Spirituality of the Soul which is entirely invisible to us otherwise.

How much do you make use of your faculty of Intuition?  I have concluded that one's level of Intuition depends upon how much of one's store of Karma one has worked through... since this is the means by which we human beings can reduce our load of Karma, accumulated over many, many lifetimes.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, August 9, 2024

All Children Need Some Help with "self-image issues"

 A child's brain is usually slower to "develop" than the body of the child.

And the Child's MIND is "already fully developed"!  Does this surprise you?

The FACT is... the term "Reincarnation" is a Fact.  We Souls are immortal, it is our bodies that get old and die.  And when a child is born, the Soul of that child most likely was a human being in its last lifetime.  There are exceptions to this, but mostly a human being was a human being in his or her last lifetime. And, the MIND of every child has been coupled with the Soul of every child ever since that Soul has been in the Creation... in which case that Soul has been slowly rising on the ladder of life for millions of years.

Every living thing has a Soul... period.  When you see an ant, that ant will eventually be a human being. 

Each Soul is slowly evolving from one species to a higher species as it grows and is educated in the ways of this world.  Most people in the West are not awakened to these facts of life.  But what I have written thus far is true for each of us.  And the only way out of this cycle of birth and death is to be drawn to a Perfect Living Master [in some lifetime], and to work one's way up from "Within" oneself via a special kind of meditation.  And this is all explained to oneself when the time comes for one to be "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master.  Until then, chances are that you will not be aware of what I have just written.

Each living thing is also under the rule of the Law of Karma, which is the Primary Law for all living things in the Creation.  The essence of the Law of Karma is this:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And this is an absolute Law that applies to every Soul in Creation.  So, every thing you do to others will be done to you in some lifetime... and if you do not fully accept your Karma in that lifetime.... well then, that bit of KARMA will come around in some other lifetime.... for you to experience it again!  And  again, and again, until you wise up.... and you take responsibility for your Karma, and you absolutely forgive everyone involved in every bit of Karma you must face.  Otherwise that bit of Karma just keeps repeating itself, lifetime after lifetime.

Back to the child.   Each child comes into life with a full load of Karma to face. And a parent must find some way to help a child "accept" his or her Fate Karma... which helps that child reduce its load of Karma.  Having to deal with one's Karma is not "Punishment".  It is absolute Justice.  It is the way in which all of us learn the lessons of the physical plane of Creation.

And isn't this interesting?  And most people in the West fail to realize this is going on... while most people remain ignorant of this reality.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Once again we draw from Light on Saint John, by Master Charan Singh, this following sentence:

"If you do not have even this much faith in me, then how can you expect to go back to the father?" This is from the Bible, (14:9).  This raises this question, at least for me... How is it that one person can observe an event that he attributes to God, while the person next to him observes the same event and makes no connection of that event with God?

I believe we need to re-define the term "Faith".  My definition of "Faith" would be this:

Faith:   "Possession of an elevated level of Consciousness whereas one's faculty of "Intuition" has been expanded [through special meditation] to "perceive" the invisible hand of God operating in "worldly events".  This means that one's faculty of Intuition (an aspect of one's Soul) has been raised so that the person's level of Consciousness can now perceive aspects from "Within" him or herself that are otherwise Invisible to people lacking that special meditation.

People capable of this level of Intuition are often referred to as "Enlightened Individuals".  An Enlightened individual is simply someone who has dedicated him or herself to many hours of a special form of meditation... that is provided to Man via a "special Initiation" by a Perfect Living Master. These Masters rarely speak of themselves as Masters, but more often refer to themselves as brothers or sisters of mankind.  The fact is, a Perfect Living Master is sent into the physical plane by God, expressly to find and to Initiate certain Souls [for Christ it was his "marked sheep"].

So,  I believe "Faith" is the natural consequence of an internal search for and subtle acquisition of Truth... and Truth only exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm, which in Man means the Soul.  One's Soul is the only part of Man that is Real, in an Absolute sense.  And we are told by Mystics over the ages that the only way to obtain Truth is via a special form of Meditation.  I believe this because I have found it to be true... having been engaged in daily meditation for about 50 years now.

So, want to develop more Faith?  Then consider praying for guidance in finding a Perfect Living Master for yourself.  I have found that no honest desire for Truth goes unfulfilled.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Is it possible that a great many people are unaware of what is good, and what is bad?  That is, unaware of what is a male or a female?  Or put another way, have the fields of mental health and psychology not done their part to properly serve mankind in the field of sexuality?

In the 1980's I  knew a licensed psychologist who was a homosexual.   This  should not have been allowed, but the field of psychology at that time was entering a space where the likes of Freud, who was seeking to understand the MIND of Man, were  being replaced with a new kind of person in [mental health] who was intensely [but unknowingly fearful] of the MIND] , and as a consequence of this... many of these people were enthusiastic about the area of "Intellectualism" -- introduced to psychology and mental health by people like  B.F. Skinner... as "behavioral psychology" This is a quote of Skinner:

In this quote by Evans, Skinner is quoted... and Skinner's quote was significant... but the significance was missed by many people in the fields of mental health and psychology.  They missed this quote of Skinner because many of these people suffered from a "blind spot" that should have disqualified these people from serving in either the field of mental health or in the field of psychology.   

A great many people who are part of "Intellectualism," which is defined as people who are confined to the brain and thinking as their primary means of understanding, should not be in either the field of mental health or psychology at all!

How come?  Because they lack a sufficient level of Consciousness to be helpful to Man.

Take another look at the quote of Skinner, by Richard Evans.  When Evans quotes Skinner as saying  "the child of our past," Skinner was referring to the MIND of Man.  Skinner knew next to nothing about the MIND of Man.  So, he ridiculed those in these fields who possessed a level of Consciousness that  enabled them to "tune into" mental phenomena that  Skinner simply did not possess.  He could not comprehend (by use of his intellect alone) what more Conscious individuals [with access to higher levels of "Intuition"] just naturally possess.

Today, the field of psychology has many Homosexuals licensed to engage in therapy with people who desperately need PROPER HELP.  In other words, therapists who are aware of what causes someone to become a Homosexual!   Not some Homosexual who has no idea what causes his or her illness??? 
And whose own illness causes him or her to seek to normalize his or her illness!  That is the reason there are so many cases of mental illness regarding sexuality today.  Who will provide the proper help to an army of sexually confused and conflicted young people?

The field of mental health today is a dark sea swallowing America's youth by the thousands.

Sadly reported by... 1 Brother James


 I was reading my copy of a book entitled "Light on Saint John," written by a Perfect Living Master,  Maharaj Charan Singh, this morning and I was reminded... once again, of the "reason" Man has such a difficult time connecting with the old saying:  "God is Within You".

On page 203 of his book, Master Charan Singh wrote this [in speaking of the disciple of Christ whose name was Philip]    Philip says:  We believe you and we know that if we have seen you, we have seen the Father, but why do you not show us the Father?  Jesus replies:

Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me,  Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? (14:9)

Then Master Charan Singh says:  Earlier Christ has said that God came down to the level of a human being when he came to this world in the form of a Master-  "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not" (1:10)  You have seen me, says Jesus, and I have been with you for a long time.  What greater proof do you want that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?  If you do not have even this much faith in me, then how can you expect to go back to the Father?

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?  the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself; but the Father that dwelleth in me, he  doeth the works. (14:10)

Then Master Charan Singh writes:  There is no difference between me and my Father.  You are spiritually blind and deaf, you cannot see and hear him in the Spirit.  Therefore, out of his mercy and grace he has come down to your level in the physical form to instruct you and put you on the path leading back to him.  It is he that you see in the physical form and it is he who is teaching you.  I do nothing.  It is the Father who is doing everything.

In the above paragraph, Master Charan Singh says "you cannot see and hear him in the Spirit."  What is it, exactly... that Master Charan Singh is saying, when he speaks of the "Spirit"?


And here is where all human beings fail to communicate what is going on "Within" an Enlightened individual?  God is indeed "Within" Man, but in what form is God?  It is not the physical form.

The fact is... the Whole of Man consists of four separate energy realms, and the only realm that Man can see with his physical senses is the physical realm of Man.  Therefore three of the energy realms that make-up the Whole of oneself are invisible to one's physical senses... which means that the Spiritual Energy Realm which is the Soul [an aspect of God] is invisible to the normal human being. 

To perceive that which exists as Spiritual Energy... a person must AWAKEN THE SOUL-ENERGY  from WITHIN oneself.    And this means one must experience two things:

1.  One must be "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master.  This means having one's Spiritual Consciousness Awakened [which is like having one's Higher Consciousness Turned-On]!  Only God can do this!

2.  One must spend a substantial amount of time in "meditation" [which is another term for trying to draw one's Attention away from the Illusion of this world, and to focus entirely one's Attention upon the Energy of one's Soul - hidden "Within" oneself.  And in the West, this second requirement is not something that is taught, nor is it even discussed.   How does one not think?   This is the issue that being Initiated by a Perfect Living Master [actually God having assumed the form of the Master] uniquely performs... and the Initiated individual must learn how to LOVE God.... which  is Pure SPIRIT!

I will attempt to clarify and extend what I have written above shortly.

Peace, 1 Brother James

This is my sketch of the Whole Human Being.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What Are You Experiencing ?

 Are you thinking that you are at peace?  Or are you actually at Peace?

That is, are you thinking that (at the moment, you are at peace?), or are you actually at Peace?  Are you thinking you are at peace... or are you just aware of being at peace?  Just being aware of being at peace might be described as experiencing NSgy? [Neutral Spiritual Energy].

NSgy is neither good nor bad, it is awareness of being... with no desire, thought, expectation nor sadness.

What I just wrote are words describing a state of being aware... of what?  One's Consciousness?  Or Conscious Awareness?  But a conscious awareness you are having "thinking" on the physical side of of the separation between the Illusion and Reality via your brain?

The illustration above shows the separation between a Spiritual Level Reality, and the Illusion that was Created when the CREATION was Created by God ... who knows how many generations ago?  The Illusion seems real to one's Soul [seat of one's Consciousness] because one's Soul has been taken over by one's MIND.  Thus the Illusion is not Real in an absolute sense.  But it is what we "think" is real, and thus, it must be recognized for what the Illusion is:  an illusion we believe is real and the only way to "know" the illusory nature of the what we "think" is real, is to gain (over time) an "inner" sense of a Higher Reality... while there is nothing of the physical plane to "prove" the existence of an "inner hidden" Spiritual Reality.

I am experiencing a kind of Acceptance of my physical condition [Cancer, Arthritis, old age, etc], and an absence of concern, pain, or any other thoughts [at the moment] other than looking out the window at the sky.  This is what I am referring to as being at "peace".

Is it possible, therefore... that, after so many years spent in attempting to engage in early morning meditation... that I have actually [unknown to myself otherwise] placed an "inner foot of my Soul" (so to speak)  across the dividing line between the Illusion and Reality... and what I am actually experiencing is a Real bit of Peace?  As a present from my Spiritual Master?

I believe what I am attempting to say... is that I am experiencing a bit of the Reality of being at Peace, which is an absence of the duality of the Illusion?  At a low-level perhaps, but none-the-less, the Peace I am experiencing is absent any need to rationalize, justify, or excuse... [regardless what this little blog might seem to be], and it is a level of Peace of which I am unfamiliar and  for which I am most grateful.  So, thank you Master!

There are... to be fully honest... other subtle elements I have been experiencing over the last year or so that fall into the category of "gifts" from a Spiritual Source.  And I recognize these as being signs of the Spiritual Progress of My Soul.   Just in case my acknowledging these are of some help to the reader?

Peace to everyone...regardless of whether or not you "think" you deserve it.  1 Brother James

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...